
Pristiq antidepressant

Common Questions and Answers about Pristiq antidepressant


Avatar f tn t really doing much for me so my doctor got to to cut down and go on to pristiq, while I was cutting down the paxil my partner and I decided to TTC, I ask the doctor if I should still start pristiq but she told me not to as Pristiq is harmful during pregnancy. However it may be more harmful for you to stop taking it, especially if it will mess with your head whether your taking it for anxiety or depression.
Avatar n tn Effexor is a very effective antidepressant. Many find SNRI's such as Effexor to be more effective than SSRI's such as Citalopram. Another alternative that I have found even more effective is Pristiq. It is made by the same company that makes Effexor and is almost identical in every way. I found relief with Effexor for several years, but now that I am taking Pristiq I have found it to be even more effective than Effexor.
Avatar n tn Ahh Pristiq, The new SSNRI. Actualy just a slight tweek on Effexor XR. Interesting fact about Pristiq..... Wyeth's newest Antidepressant medication Pristiq, is actually kind of a sister drug of Effexor XR. In fact in terms of the active ingrediants molecular structure they are about 98% the same. You know why the Drug Company Wyeth would produce a drug so much like Effexor XR?
Avatar f tn Have you ever been on an anti anxiety med before? I'm kind of surprised your Dr would have you on Pristiq alone for anxiety if you don't have depression. It's true that antidepressant meds can help with anxiety but Pristiq is usually prescribed along with an antidepressant if it's not helping much. Can you get in to see your Dr to talk about getting off the Pristiq and getting on an anti anxiety med?
407790 tn?1397761026 I've been on just about every antidepressant on the market for the past 20 years and miraculously none of them made me gain weight...until Pristiq. I gained 10 pounds on it—not a ton of weight but I'm short so it really shows. I'm now in the process of going off it. My question is this: Have people been able to lose weight after discontinuing an antidepressant that made them gain? I'm worried this drug has permanently messed with my metabolism.
Avatar f tn Congratulations on the birth of your baby. Pristiq is not the only antidepressant out there. You have many to choose from if you do need them. If it were me, I would talk to my Dr first before I quit taking them. He might suggest a tapering program. Pristiq is one of the meds I have never taken so I really don't know that much about it. I do know that I've had to wean off of other antidepressants to keep from going through withdrawal.
Avatar m tn I came off Lexapro 20mg (was not working anymore) and my doctor put me on Pristiq 50mg and xanax. The pristiq is working good but after a couple of months now I am not so sure. I take the Xanax at night because it helps me sleep. I am a 45 year old male and suffer from GAD and mild deppresion. Should I try something stronger or seek therapy or what? Has anyone else experienced this or on Pristiq? I feel like I am sputtering out here. Any help very much appreciated.
759115 tn?1256997490 I ended up on 100Mgs a day with Pristiq and took it for a good 5 months, it worked ok, but not well enough to cover my symptoms. I then got off Pristiq. (I must tell you that the withdrawl from Pristiq is very strong. MUCH worse than even with Cymbalta or Effexor. My best results were with Effexor XR (a couple years before the Cymbalta and pristiq problem) Effexor XR just worked much better.
1450085 tn?1298941702 hey everyone, today my psychiatrist switched me from 50mg of Pristiq to 37.5mg of Effexor XR, he said the 50mg of Pristiq was too much, anyone ever done this switch or have experiences on the 37.5mg of Effexor?
Avatar f tn t appear accurate to me -- Pristiq is not usually prescribed as an adjunct to another antidepressant. It is the newer version of Effexor, is very strong, is a very stimulating antidepressant so isn't usually used if anxiety is the primary problem unless all other meds have failed to work, and can be very difficult to stop taking.
Avatar f tn Wellbutrin is an energizing antidepressant that can increase anxiety and actually cause panic attacks in some people. Pristiq is approved for depression, but may also help with panic disorder and anxiety.
Avatar f tn The advantages are that one of those medications would probably help with your anxiety much sooner than the Pristiq, and as the Pristiq started to work you could taper off those medicines. In general, studies that look at the use of a benzodiazepine as a short term adjunct to an antidepressant find that the results are good. However I can't answer the specific question about the benefits and risks of such an approach for you particularly.
Avatar n tn I was prescribed Pristiq but i found out it was going to cost be around 140.00 for the prescription. I wanted to know if it was worth paying this much for?
Avatar f tn My doctor put me on pristiq and I am afraid to take it. I took Zoloft while pregnant and stopped about a month after my daughter was born. I felt good then. Then my gp put me on Lexapro and that zonked me out. Back to Zoloft again. I feel just like the depression commercials describe. I hate it. I just would like to know if anyone has been taking it and how you feel on it.
Avatar m tn s what uppers do to people who suffer anxiety. Pristiq is also a very stimulating antidepressant, as it targets adrenaline, so you've got two drugs stimulating you. It worked for awhile and it may again, but right now as you've internalized the added stress as you've just been covering it up with medication and never solved the underlying problem, sometimes the medication just won't be able to keep up.
Avatar f tn i take clonazepam which is the only thing that works, but every couple of years i hit a wall and need to up the antidepressant. been on zoloft, paxil, celexa,effexor, lyrica, cipralex(lexapro), maoi's, etc..wondering if pristiq works, or maybe cymbalta? only snri i was on was effexor, which didn't do much but also had a brutal psych. any info would be helpful. thank you.
Avatar n tn Since July we have tried 2 of those, Pristiq and Zoloft. Pristiq was doing ok until I started having increased anxiety and some of my fingers were jumping. I came off and started on Zoloft. Zoloft caused me to wake up early each morning with horrible anxiety and my stomach in knots and I literally felt like I was shaking on the inside. It was a horrible few weeks. My doc decided to put me back on Celexa.
Avatar n tn Hi there! I started taking an antidepressant (Pristiq) after I quit pain pills. I was extremely depressed. I truly believe that it was the pain pills that directly contributed to my depression. I'm still taking the Pristiq, and it has helped tremendously. All the best to you!
Avatar f tn Pristiq is an antidepressant that brought my sex drive back. Your sex drive doesn't have anything to do with your ability to get pregnant.
Avatar f tn Being on Pristiq and Zyprexa has kept my depression in check, but I have low energy and no motivation to do anything. Any ideas as to how to get my energy and motivation back?
606378 tn?1297304964 Does anyone know anything about pristiq? I was looking to see if anyone has had any experience with this medication or if anyone knows anything about it.