
Pristiq and paxil

Common Questions and Answers about Pristiq and paxil


Avatar n tn I am a 51 year old female and need to stop pristiq and go back on paxil .
Avatar m tn Equivalencies are generalizations, and you are an individual. Besides, Pristiq is a different class of drug than Lexapro. Lexapro is an ssri while Pristiq is an snri. And if it were me, which it isn't, I'd start at a low dosage and work my way up on any medication so I could see how bad the side effects were and the lowest dosage at which it works is.
Avatar f tn Pristiq is approved for depression, but may also help with panic disorder and anxiety.
Avatar f tn Both Pristiq and wellbutrin are stimulating antidepressants, and aren't usually first choices if anxiety is the main problem. If depression is the main problem, that's a whole different story. I'd try a different ssri, because if it's the serotonin reuptake inhibition itself that's causing the problem, Pristiq does that as well, but it also acts on norepinephrine, a stimulating neurotransmitter.
Avatar f tn m 31 weeks and 2 days and have been taking them all the way through my pregnancy if I stop it could harm baby so have to keep taking them book up Monday and go down and have a chat and work out what will work best for you and baby love hope this helps :-) privet message me if you want to chat love congrats love xx
Avatar m tn It really depends on how your body handles the different meds and theres no way of knowing until you do the trial and error thing. Try and stay away from Xanax, Paxil, etc...those are hardcore meds and can lead to bad withdrawls. Lexapro and Pristiq arent that addicting. Talk to a psychiatrist...they are a therapist who is allowed to perscribe meds. They will be the most knowledgeable (more so than a regular doctor) and will be able to guide you better. Good luck!
Avatar f tn I am taking 50mg pristiq for generalized anxiety disorder brought on by my graves disease. I have notice i am becoming more combative with friends and family. I am bothered by the slightlest things and I am getting aggressive? is this due to the medication?
Avatar f tn It's hard to say WHY you had panic attacks. It could have been part of a discontinuation symptom from d/c'ing the Paxil (like a w/d), because while you were started on a new med (Zoloft) while coming off the Paxil, they aren't identical in their mechanism of action, and you could still experience some w/d. Paxil is notoriously hard to come off of. What was the dose you were at when you stopped taking it and what was the dose of Zoloft?
983155 tn?1248700406 My cold turkey withdrawal lasted 12 months off Zoloft. You should get back on Paxil and slowly wean off. Anybody coming here telling me it wasn't withdrawal and was reemerging depression can try cold turkeying after 6 yrs use and see how they feel about their perfect pills.
455167 tn?1259257871 m taking 50mg pristiq and 75 mg effexor daily for 7 days, and then 50mg pristiq and 37.5mg effexor for the next 7 days. My therapist has suggested this dosing to make the transition gradual. I was just curious as to anyone elses experience with such a change, good or bad.
Avatar m tn This was in the hope that maybe I could reduce or get off Wellbutrin (memory problems) if the Pristiq did not cause sexual side effects. I have been on Pristiq for a month and a half now. The transition was seamless. Within two weeks, I was no longer clenching my jaw and stopped using the mouth guard. I am also seeing a lessening of the sexual side effects. I did not have any of the sweating or dry mouth, but that may be because I have been on an SNRI for awhile and my body was used to it.
Avatar n tn this is what pristiq was doing to me until i took a zanex 30 min ago....i know the feeling! i was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and severe depression but the dr. wasnt 100% sure if i was or was not bi polar she prescribed me 50 mg pristiq and 25 mg lamictal. she told me if i was in fact bi polar that the pristiq would make me go totally manic. just 3 days in and i am totally manic. totally completely it is scary. unless i am doing something at all times i am losing it.
Avatar f tn i take clonazepam which is the only thing that works, but every couple of years i hit a wall and need to up the antidepressant. been on zoloft, paxil, celexa,effexor, lyrica, cipralex(lexapro), maoi's, etc..wondering if pristiq works, or maybe cymbalta? only snri i was on was effexor, which didn't do much but also had a brutal psych. any info would be helpful. thank you.
407790 tn?1397761026 Be careful how you come off Pristiq -- packs a wallop of a withdrawal, so go it nice and slow and safe so you'll avoid that. After I came off Paxil, I did lose almost all the weight I gained on it, so the answer is probably yes, the weight will come off as mysteriously as it came on.
Avatar f tn I am just curious to hear about any personal experiences you may have had with Pristiq and/or Effexor. My doctor has been favoring Pristiq but with no real valid reasons why and when I researched the two, based on clinical findings, I'm not sure that Pristiq is really better than Effexor. Thoughts?
Avatar f tn I meant paxil yes, sorry...I am back and forth between paxil and pristiq...back on pristiq now... Thank you so much to you both!!!!
7650348 tn?1393006631 I had tried two in the past before that (Paxil and lexapro) i was a teen and it made me have what i know now is anxiety. I have a problem with change. I moved in 2002, in 2003 I had my first Panic attack, going to the ER. My old Dr put me on (paxil and lexapro) without telling me anything but they are made for panic disorder. Again it made me feel horrible like it did when I was teen this time with anxiety and panic.
Avatar f tn helped more and has had less side effects than anyother I have been on. I have also tried zoloft, prozax, paxil, and wellbutrin xr. Anyways, I was just wondering what expeirences anyone else has had on abilify? I know it effects everyone different but.....
Avatar f tn She gave me some samples of Pristiq and told me to immediately start taking half of one a day and to quit the bupropion all together. Its been a month now, i've gained almost 10 pounds back which I'm extremely happy about! But those sexual side effects are back once again....Mentioned it to my doc, and now she wants me to still continue on half a Pristiq a day, but add on half of my bupropion XLs to it as well.... I am afraid I will begin to lost weight on it.
Avatar m tn I am taking Pristiq and not sure if it helps or not. I was taking Eflexor 225 mg daily and this pristiq is only 50 mg. The withdrawal from Eflexor was terrible. Had nightmares and felt like I was fading away while trying to fall asleep. What does low magnesium have to do with depression? Never heard of that before. Can you get this over the counter?
Avatar m tn I, personally, like Effexor. After being on Effexor XR for about 7-8 years, my psychiatrist switched me to Pristiq (which is Effexor Lite) last year because it was cheaper for me to get than the Effexor was. I can tell you this, it is the best medication for me. I'd been on Prozac, Paxil, Celexa, Zoloft, and some old-school MAOI's. But nothing, nothing, worked as well as the Effexor for my anxiety disorder.
Avatar f tn This is all besides the fact that Effexor and Paxil (and snris in general) are some of the most difficult meds out there to take and to stop taking once you've been on them awhile. When you don't trust your doc, get a different one -- unfortunately, my experience is that most are not well informed about these meds, though psychiatrists are more informed than general docs in general.
Avatar f tn Lexapro had adverse effects on me and made me absolutely miserable, yet on the flip side lexapro has helped sooo many people. Lexapro is not a very addicting drug, and i would recommend it because of that. I take Pristiq. Thats another option. Theres also welbutrin and those are the ones I have experience with, and they are all pretty mellow drugs. But really, every one is very different.
Avatar f tn take a deep breath on the count of 7 and release on the count of 11. This will make you body calm and bring down your andreline level. This will tell you brain that threat is over. Imagine your flight and fight response got activated when you saw tiger and then you ran away and after running 4 miles you realized tiger is no more so what you do? .. simple you take a deep breath and drink some water and then go home... try this method.... Hope this will make you stable during the panic attacks...
776095 tn?1243146888 So for ive tried abilify i think thats how you spell it lol sorry and geodon and am currently on paxil....I havent been on the paxil long enough to see results yet...I just wish they could do something more for these things its horriable to think im dying everytime i have a pain and being afraid to go out into public bc i might have an episode or even to be alone bc im afriaid that i might pass out again and die and noone will find me...
Avatar m tn m going on 11 years of GAD that have been relatively taken care of until the past few months. I have taken paxil and paxil cr over the years and it has worked great, even when I cut cold turkey and went through nasty withdrawals. I could always count on it working when I went back on. Fastforward to today.... I am starting week #5 of paxil cr (week 1 = paxil cr 12.5, week 2 = paxil cr 25, week 3- current = paxil 37.5) Everywhere I read its just "keep waiting it out.
Avatar f tn I am a 52 year old female. Post menopause and on hormones. Just hot my thyroid levels at a good level. I switched from pristiq to cymbalta back in November. I am tired ALL the time. More than when my thyroid was out of whack. Could the cymbalta be causing this and if so, what if I took it at night?
Avatar f tn t have to if they interfere with your sleep. Years ago I took Paxil and it made me sleep and I remember all my pain going away. Noone seemed to care back then as I hadn't been diagnozed with FMS yet. Doctors just said maybe I needed the sleep hence I was sleeping so much. The specialist I rececently told me not to nap at all (that will be hard) and not to consume any food or beverage with caifiene after twelve noon.