
Premarin side effects prempro

Common Questions and Answers about Premarin side effects prempro


Avatar f tn My question - are there any other alternative drugs or treatments, other than estrogen, to help with the side effects of stopping the Prempro. Thank you for taking my question and for any help.
1112541 tn?1286311213 Hi Charliegirl! There are definitely natural / herbal products that really do work for many of us. I started using an herbal product called Wisdom Menopause Formula last winter when I couldn't handle the side effects that Premarin was causing me, and it has worked wonders - way better than I expected. I know at least six other women who are taking it, and I haven't heard anything but praise.
Avatar f tn I was just given a prescription for Vagifem and I have my Uterus. I'm using it because I feel like my skin is tearing during sex. It's very painful. I'm not sure if it's going to work or not. The drug has so many side effects that I'm somewhat worred about taking it. It's one thing that I could harm myself, but what about my spouse?
Avatar f tn The Premarin helped quite a bit with the hot flashes, but my moods and anxiety levels seemed to get even worse. Plus it was causing physical side effects that were really scaring me, so I quit after only a few months. After quitting the hormones I started using and herbal supplement called Wisdom Menopause Formula, and for me it has been wonderful.
Avatar n tn t need the progesterone and can take estrogen only (Premarin vs. Prempro or even the very economical generic estradiol tablets). I'm also 63 and have been on estradiol since having a hysterectomy at age 49. I worry about not being able to get a prescription as I get older.
Avatar f tn Will premarin and hrt help with the anxiety that comes along with menopause? I cannot seem to get a straight answer from researching it on the net. I'm desperate for help.
Avatar n tn For Total T4 - premarin will falsely increase the reading (due to estrogen increasing thyroid-binding-globulin). normal Total T4 is about 5 - 12 (depends on lab) TSH normal (to me) is 0.3-3.0 but this also depends on lab -- TSH is not affected by premarin.
Avatar f tn t state your age but since you have been on Prempro you must be post-menopausal and different drugs are usually recommended for post-menopausal women. All these drugs have side effects BUT not all side effects are experienced by everyone. I congratulate you for following thru with this .. it is important.
Avatar f tn I suffered through 4 years of horrible menopause symptoms because I was scared of the side effects until I finally broke down and got on bioidenticals. My new doctor prescribed Prempro which is the synthetic version which can cause breast cancer, heart disease and a whole lot of other ugly things. I was hoping the doctor would adjust my bioidentical dosage, but instead wanted to switch me to synthetics. I am worried about OC with my family history.
Avatar f tn Hi, I posted on Community, but really meant to ask my question here. I recently had a mammogram which showed findings of a cyst. I needed additional views, so I returned three days later for a second mammogram of the left breast only, and it showed a nodule. I had an ultrasound the same day which showed an 8 mm benign cyst and several other subcentimeter benign cysts, some with low internal echoes (what are internal echoes?
Avatar f tn also recommended hormonal tablet and cream which is Premarin 0.625 and premarin cream for 6 months.Now I want to know whetherr there are any side effects to it and if any, what are they and what can i do? Please let me know, as I am a bit tensed.
Avatar f tn If severe enough, dr will rx Effexor to treat flashes. I have been reading such negative information about the side effects of Effexor, and even worse, the are withdrawal symptoms if you have to get off of it. Is there anyone reading this that actually had to take effexor along with Raloxifene? If so, could you tell me please if you had a good, or bad experience? Thank you for any input.
Avatar n tn daily dose of prometrium to my HRT therapy to avoid recurrence of endometriosis growth. My problem is that I am having unpleasant side effects from the prometrium, including exhaustion, minor headache, and lightheadedness. I don't like how it makes me feel. What other alternatives would you suggest to the 100 mg. prometrium? Can I take a lower dose or cream that would possibly lessen these side effects?
Avatar f tn Thanks for responding. I have been on HRT, that's why I am seeking something alternative. HRT made me crazy..even on the lowest dosage. I foun d one bioidentical online that actually contained MSG as an ingredient and I am horribly sensitive to that, gives me migraines, which is also one of the lovely s/e of menopause. I will look up a reproducitve endocrinologist..thanks, didn't know where to turn!
Avatar f tn Hi and thanks again. It sounds like you've been thru a lot with the chemo and then side effects. Yes, impossible to sleep and does interfere with daily things. I drink coffee to stay awake during day which probably doesn't help my insomnia. Have a good day.
Avatar n tn I am not aware of any side-effects of this supplement. Certainly, if you think that there is a temporal relationship between your starting the hoodia and poor blood pressure control you should you could probably assume that the two are somehow related.
Avatar n tn m very skeptical about taking it. I looked it up online and the side-effects are very frightening. The last time this happened, I was prescribed vitamin K to stop the bleeding. Can someone please clarify exactly what premarin is and how it is going to stop this bleeding?
Avatar f tn As in, if it was not time for your period or you are bleeding more than usual, call your doctor back. Depression and anxiety are also side effects for some women who take it. Unless you have unmanageable hot flashes, I'm not sure it is necessary to put yourself through this! And I do always worry about Breast Cancer links and supplemental hormones including and especially estrogen. There are some otc products that might help you better for hot flashes. This is all just my opinion.
Avatar n tn I went with the natural HRT patch derived from a plant instead of the pill Premarin or Prempro derived from horse mare urine. It works great for me and I am in the lowest dose .5.
237053 tn?1258828426 I heartily requested I be able to go on Prempro to my GYN. He had me do the standard hormone therapy first, then allowed the Prempro. I was on it for over ten years and I felt it was very positive for my MS not to have periods! Then came the big Prempro crash and controversy. I stayed on it anyway for several more years without insidence then the pedulum swung back and some people have resumed its use again.
Avatar n tn I never seemed to do well on it years ago and I did better with premarin though I had lots of headaches. I had my hysterectomy uterus and ovaries removed in 2012. I took just premarin until 2015 and then stopped. I quit the estradoil and earlier this week I went back to my old Gyn and told him about the symptoms I am having. Insomnia is the worst, anxiety, depression. He put me back on premarin .625. I have been taking this for three days now.
Avatar f tn The Women's Health Initiative showed that combined HRT as Prempro (conjugated estrogen plus progestin formulation medroxyprogesterone acetate) increased the risk of breast cancer. Estrogen taken without a progestin (Premarin) did not increase risk of breast cancer. But you are correct that a progestin or progesterone needs to be taken with estrogen to protect the uterine lining from proliferation and risk of hyperplasia or cancer.
Avatar f tn For this reason alone, many unwanted side effects can show up in women on Premarin. When a bioidentical hormones, such as Estradiol ...this is the main type of estrogen that we all made when we were in our 20's...(Vivelle or Climara patch are both bioidentical estradiol) is used, even though these hormones are made from soy or yams in a lab, the end result is something that the body sees as 'normal' to what you used to make in spades...
754647 tn?1233784665 i did it for 3 months, along w/ Metformin, and the side effects were rough. i read up on it a lot, though, and never heard of it causing abnormal bleeding. has your doc done any tests? i just found out i have uterine fibroids and i'm reading about that a lot now. fibroids can cause a lot of bleeding, even anemia. luckily that hasn't been a problem for me, b/c mine aren't large. has your doc done an ultrasound to see if you have any fibroids or polyps that would cause this bleeding?
Avatar f tn ok so the doctor put me on clomid from the 3rd day of my period. I took tablets but I've been having side effects from after ovulation. I have breast tenderness. extreme tiredness, food cravings. I want to know how long does the side effects last. I'm on day 24 of my cycle. Took a pregnancy test yesterday but it came up negative..
1194973 tn?1385503904 s in menopause. She says it helps a LOT with the typical side effects of menopause; mood swings, hot flashes, etc....why did they put ou on Premarin?
Avatar f tn Recently the doctor changed my Prempro dosage from .45/1.5 mg per day to double that amount. Do you think the change in Prempro could change my thyroid levels? Should I request new thyroid blood tests or wait for my annual testing which comes up in 6 months?