
Plavix in atrial fibrillation

Common Questions and Answers about Plavix in atrial fibrillation


Avatar m tn Did the doctor mention Atrial Fibrillation? If not, I'm not sure why the Plavix was prescribed. The aspirin is the fist level/state of protection against clots. If the patient has a number of risk factors, you have at least two: age and irregular heartbeat, an anticoagulant is often prescribed. I think Plavix may be easier to manage that is an anticoagulant (Coumadin).
Avatar m tn However, pooled data from randomized trials show that coumadin reduces the risk of stroke from 4.5 percent to 1.4 percent per year in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation and no history of stroke or transient ischemic attack.
Avatar n tn There is currently no data whatsoever, showing benefit of plavix in stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation. The two current standards of care are aspirin and coumadin...with the later being undoubtably more effective in patients that can tolerae it. Alot of people have peripheral neuropathy and do perfectly well without falls. I usually prefer coumadin unless there is a definite risk. Any regimen that would attempt to use plavix, should at least include aspirin sine it is proven.
6644456 tn?1383330685 In February of this year my right coronary was stented and other arterial blockages were pinpointed at the time. In the past number of months I’ve been experiencing occasional bouts of Atrial Fibrillation triggered by belching. Currently I am taking Plavix and Asprin and now my Doctor wants to start me on Warfarin as well. This suggestion makes me very uncomfortable. I feel that a pacemaker would be a healthier alternative.
Avatar n tn Each medication has its own specific indications. For example, a patient who has atrial fibrillation and also a recently placed coronary stent, would have good reasons to be on both warfarin and plavix.
1013028 tn?1250923267 Warfarin or Coumadin is prescribed to prevent strokes arising from atrial fibrillation and DVTs forming in the legs usually. Blood clots that form in veins (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism) are mainly made up of clotting proteins and platelets do not play a significant role in venous clots. Coumadin or warfarin is an effective blood thinner that prevens the production of clotting factors in the liver.
Avatar m tn I was switched from Atelenol to Metoprolol and now I have atrial fibrillation all the time. What is going on? Should I ask to be put back to Atelenol?
Avatar f tn For patients on anticoagulants, the INR typically should be between 2.0 and 3.0 for patients with atrial fibrillation, or between 3.0 and 4.0 for patients with mechanical heart valves. However, the ideal INR must be individualized for each patient. An INR can be too high; a number greater than 4.0 may indicate that blood is clotting too slowly, creating a risk of uncontrolled bleeding. An INR less than 2.0 may not provide adequate protection from clotting.
Avatar f tn ) and a combination of 2 baby aspirin in the morning and 2 baby aspirin in the evening. This drug is basically equivalent to Plavix - but much cheaper to buy. Of course, you really need to discuss all medications with your physician and determine the risks and benefits to you.
Avatar m tn Patients of atrial fibrillation are usually prescribed warfarin for inhibition of thrombus formation in atrium. But blood monitoring is required after every couple of weeks. Try topical counterirritants along with hot compressions for pain. if no relief is seen, do consult doctor.
Avatar m tn When the atria of the heart beat improperly (fibrillation) , blood doesn’t flow properly through your heart. This can cause blood to pool in your heart’s chambers, possibly resulting in blood clots. These blood clots are not necessary deadly, but they can be. They can travel through the body and cause problems. For example, a blood clot that blocks blood flow to your brain can cause a stroke, damage to brain cells, or permanent damage to your brain.
Avatar n tn Abnormal electrical impulses cause the atria to beat very fast and in a disorder manner. Proxysmal atrial fibrillation indicates that the arrhythmia (fast and/or irregular heartbeats) occurs at varying intervals rather than consistently or constantly. An irregular, fast heart rate often does not give enough time for the ventricles to fill and that would be worst case scenario. Treatment would be medication to slow the heartbeat.
Avatar n tn Is it possible your daughter has premature atrial contractions and not atrial fibrillation? I am not a doctor but I have not heard of afib described that way and atrial contractions are not a danger where afib could be due to possible blood clots. Does your daughter have an unusually high heart rate keeping in mind children's heart rates tend to be more elevated than adults. An average heart rate for a baby in their first year can be anywhere between 100-160 from what I have read.
535882 tn?1396576685 High blood pressure and thyroid disease are both risk factors for developing atrial fibrillation. The fact that you had post-operative atrial fibrillation confirms that your left atrium is capable of maintaining atrial fibrillation. Furthermore, your left atrium is enlarged which is also a risk factor for developing atrial fibrillation. All this put together with the ongoing symptoms would make me concerned about episodic or as we call it paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
Avatar n tn s only one situation where pacemakers play an important role in patients with atrial fibrillation, and that is in patients who have both atrial fibrillation and they have slow heart rhythms. That's a condition that's referred to as tachy-brady syndrome. There are some patients that will go into atrial fibrillation for a period of time. The atrial fibrillation will stop and then their underlying heart rate is extremely slow.
Avatar f tn For some insight, Atrial Fibrillation induces an abnormal heart rhythm (irregular, slow, fast, skipped beats) and can affect almost anyone. Although it is linked to several cardiac conditions, Artial Fibrillation can also occur in otherwise normal hearts. The risk of Atrial Fibrillation increases significantly with age.
Avatar n tn There are many thousands of causes for this symptoms, one of which (by no means tha most common) is atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is a disorganized chaotic activity in the atrial tissues, and is significant because if untreated can lead to strokes. Only an EKG during an event, or more likely an event recorder can tell if atrial fibrillation is causing one's palpitations.
Avatar n tn He never had atrial fibrillation yet (except post-op bypass, almost everyone in that setting get atrial fibrillation for a couple of days). He is not very worried about atrial fibrillation. PACs may set off short runs of atrial fibrillation in rare cases but for the arrhythmia to be sustained, changes must have been made to the left atrium. You will not wake up one day being in permanent atrial fibrillation, you get warnings. Yes, atrial fibrillation is noticeable and different from PACs.
Avatar n tn Hi, I have never used these vitamins/antioxidants/supplements in my patients of atrial fibrillation and there’s no evidence to support their use in atrial fibrillation and hence I don’t think they’ll be able to help you and my sincere suggestion is to follow your doctors’ advice and not to ingest these vitamins for there’s no scientific back up to support they can play any role in preventing the episodes of Atrial fibrillation. I sincerely hope that helps. Please do keep me posted. Kind regards.
Avatar n tn My daughter, age 49, has been diagnosed with Paroxysmal AF after heart tests and wearing an event monitor, for symptoms of palpatations and minor chest tightness that would come and go at any time of day. She has been under particular stress in the past six months while back in college, but is active and involved in life! Her cardiologist prescribed coumadin therapy. As an RN, I am aware of the distressing dangers and constant monitoring of patients on this drug.
Avatar m tn And you have a fast heart rate when you are in atrial fibrillation and a slow heart rate when you are not in atrial fibrillation. This is called tachy-brady syndrome. You had an AV node ablation procedure that destroyed the AV node in your heart. You have a problem with the natural pacemaker of the heart (AV or SA node). You take a medicine for atrial fibrillation that slows your heart rate too much.
Avatar m tn You may have runs of AF, you may have a lot of PACs (premature atrial beats) which is very common in the setting of having atrial fibrillation. You may also have PVCs or other arrhythmias. An alternative (which possibly is better) is to ask for a 24 hour monitoring and note in the log if you get irregular heart beats. You may also try to detect your pulse when the blood pressure monitor is marking irregular heart rhythm. Atrial fibrillation is fairly easy to recognize.
Avatar f tn Mayo Clinic provides the following information and is one of a few medical centers in the United States that performs the maze procedure, a highly complex surgical treatment option for atrial fibrillation. Mayo Clinic heart surgeons are highly skilled and have years of experience with this technique. The maze procedure can cure atrial fibrillation by creating barriers to the electrical pathways, in the form of scar tissue, in the atria (the heart's upper chambers).
Avatar m tn In my case, despite a strong healthy heart according to nuclear stress tests and echo cardiograms, I began having episodes of atrial fibrillation nine months ago at the age of 66. At the time I was taking Advil for some minor joint pain and the A-Fib started. A cardiologist put me on a beta blocker, which seemed to be helping for several months, but then after having a couple of athletic injuries, I went back to sporadic use of NSAID's, and the A-Fib episodes returned.