
Pink discharge early pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Pink discharge early pregnancy


Avatar n tn Did any of you have different color discharge early in your pregnancy? My period is due Friday and I had light pink discharge when I wiped yesterday and brownish pinkish today and also a lot of discharge all week. Could anyone tell they were pregnant from discharge?
2126542 tn?1335294767 I was told that if it darker than a carnation pink crayola crayon, and if there was a lot of it, like soaking through pads or like a regular period, then you should be worried. But a few spots of red blood is normal.
Avatar f tn I'm also 7wks. I have had light pink bleeding as well as brown discharge. I. Was told it's because I have a "friable cervix" google it. I felt so much better after reading up.
Avatar f tn Hi... I am 6 weeks and having pink discharge but only when I wipe with mild back pain.the pain however feels like muscle pain. Is this normal? So I need to go to the ER it call me doctor? I am worried.
Avatar f tn Get a pink dye test, Answer Early Result and First Response Early Result are a sensitivity of 25 miu and will detect pregnancy early in some cases. I got a bfp on 11 dpo, 3 days before I missed my period and it was with afternoon urine.
Avatar n tn ive had unprotected sex 3 days ago my period has come a week early but this period is very different to what it normally is its come a week early ive had light brown discharge and then what looked like a pink/redish colour i had 3 other children before but never had this issue before with this period i feel sick and im tired even know im not actually doing much due in the day ive taken a pregnancy test but its come back negative is there a chance i could be pregnant or am i just overthinking it
555593 tn?1215483707 Soon after the first couple of times i started getting a pale pink discharge. I´m due my period in about 4 days and have been having this discharge almost 2 weeks now. I´m 23 years old and we plan to start trying for a baby in the winter. I took a pregnancy test last week and it was negative and am now paranoid about cancer and such.
Avatar f tn Last period was 25th December, unprotected sex 3rd jan(day10), slight pink discharge 5th(12 days), again unprotected intercourse 13th Jan(day20). Cramps worse than normal weekend of 15th, for all of 10minute period perhaps? I again had slight pink tint to tissue when wiped mon-weds this week(sorry tmi), the discharge only shows first thing in morning. Went away thurs and fri bug now today(day28) have slightly more discharge but very very slight pink tint?
Avatar f tn Hi, can someone please give me some feedback on experiences youve had with spotting/bleeding early in pregnancy! I am 5 weeks 2 days and as of this morning ive had on and off light pink discharge that gets a little darker once in a while when I wipe. Nothing heavy to stain my underwear or a pad. I did have sex with my husband yesterday morning and ive read that is a trigger for vaginal bleeding but im still soooo worried.
Avatar f tn This is my first pregnancy and I'm 6w 2 days pregnant. I even noticed when I went to the bathroom and wiped there was a light pink discharge. Is this normal, I'm scared and don't know if this is an early sign of miscarriage.
1679244 tn?1375241559 Minor spotting in early early pregnancy is completely normal.. specially brown blood as that's old blood!!!! I really hope you get your BFP..
Avatar f tn My boobs have grown and this morning i had light pink discharge on my toilet paper...... am i pregnant or is it just birth control?!?! Please help im lowkey frraking out! And should i be getting my period at my normal time or when i take the placebo pills??
1548742 tn?1293897213 This morning though I went to the bathroom and found a mucussy discharge that was light pink. I should be starting my period soon but I'm also trying to conceive. I thought it might be inplantation bleeding but, everything says it's a brown red color. I don't know if I should take a pregnancy test or if I should wait it out. I would like to know asap to make sure my baby is healthy if I am and I take good prenatal care of it. Please give me some advice.
468864 tn?1245250517 No. You are likely pregnant...or maybe you for some reason missed your period.....if you still don't get it and pregnancy tests are negative get your thyroid checked, it being out of whack can cause you to miss your period.
Avatar n tn I thought the same thing I thought I was getting my period because I had a little light pink blood when I used the bathroom. But it was Just because I was in the early stage of my pregnancy.
1554498 tn?1327900374 Please don't get tired of my questions I'm really concerned. My brief hx: I have had 4 chemical pregs since August 2010. I found out I'm pregnant again 10dpo, doctor confirmed my beta 64. Today I'm 12dpo & for the last 2 days I've been experiencing a very light pink discharge ever other time I pee. I have no preg symptoms except for frequent urination, elevated temp, cramps occasionally & breast kind of burn at night, (thats a weird one too). Any help is appreciated.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had pink discharge early in their pregnancy? Im 10 weeks n just went to the bathroom n had pink discharge, im rh negative so u wonder if that has anything to do with it? Any suggestions, should i go to the ER? I called my doctor but he isnt in today.
Avatar f tn Discharge and cramping can be normal in early pregnancy and most likely caused by baby implanting and making itself comfortable in there. If the cramps become painful and your start having heavier bleeding then it points to miscarriage. If you're concerned then see your doctor, otherwise it all sounds normal to me.
4165464 tn?1384457741 Ended up in er yesterday due to bleeding. Baby is fine. Try to just roll with it til you see your doctor. Not sure how early you are, but if it eases your fears you can go to er. They will do a pelvic exam, blood tests, and ultrasound.
Avatar n tn is there a diffrence between period discharge and possible early pregnancy discharge
Avatar f tn I had been having cramping, feeling sick, burping a lot and am more tired then usual, sudden blurry vision and mild headaches as well. Exactly 10 days after having sex, June 22, I had some pink/brown discharge, no cramps anymore but still tired. Again again on June 24 I saw very little pink discharge, but no sign or feeling of my period. I took a pregnancy test a few days ago and on the 24th and both were negative.
Avatar f tn I am 19 years old, on birth control, and have a sexual relationship with my boyfriend. 5 days before my period i experienced a pinkish discharge that has continued through out, it is not 2 days after when i period should have started and i am still experiencing this scanty pink discharge. My stomach is cramping a little, but i don't know if it is because of the nerves i am having. When i looked up "pink discharge before period" it said that could be an early sig of pregnancy.
Avatar f tn What I thought was just my period coming a week early on lasted 2 days then a day later I had extreme cramps and light pink discharge, my period is not suppose to come till next week, some people are saying it might be an early sign of pregnancy, what could this be?
Avatar f tn Yes, early in my pregnancy i had a few days of light spotting.