Pictures of scarlet fever rash on face

Common Questions and Answers about Pictures of scarlet fever rash on face


Avatar n tn MY son has had a fever off and on. Today i noticed a rash on his face as well as some spots on his tummy. Now he is constipated.
Avatar n tn Sorry, hit enter too fast. Anyway I don't think it can be either scarlet fever or Fifth disease because of the rash and fever. I can see Fifth disease to still be possible, because it may act differently in adults than kids. But I don't think it could be scarlet fever at all. I mean it usually comes it a facial rash yes, but also a high fever, strawberry tongue, and then a full on rash. Also you feel pretty freaking miserable if you got it.
Avatar n tn Does anybody know if scarlet fever scars or causes loss of pigmentation? recently getting over, but skin has not healed while some parts look white and some are still red?? And would sunbathing help to dry out or just make scarring worse?
Avatar m tn The term Scarlatina may be used interchangeably with Scarlet Fever, though it is commonly used to indicate the less acute form of Scarlet Fever that is often seen since the beginning of the twentieth century.
Avatar m tn (only strep infection). Or even Scarlet fever with no rash? Also, when I had Strep I had the tendency to self-induce vomit by using my ring and middle fingers, could that generalized the strep infection towards my fingers which still lasts until now?
Avatar m tn They have not faded and there is a bright red slightly raised on on the right side on my lower rib that is slightly raised very bright red and does not go away when pressed. I'm 22 years old, male and feel I'm in great shape. Though I did lose a lot of weight randomly then gained it back also very quickly within 6-8 months....
Avatar n tn Hi, How old is your child? There are differentials for a rash in children who present with fever. At this point, given your child's age and the presentation of the rash, scarlet fever and hand,foot and mouth disease are differentials. As for scarlet fever, the rash usually develops a day or two after the onset of fever. Prior to his your child complains of pain in swallowing,weakness or easy fatigability, decrease in appetite and for some nausea and vomiting.
Avatar f tn The rash and fever (intermittent ) may linger for 2-3 weeks. Night time is usually worse, because cortisol levels in the body are the lowest at that time. I don't think the used washer has to do with it. Just press on the rash (scarlet fever) with a flat object like a butter knife. It should temporary turn white. To prevent re-infection, contamination and spreading of SF follow some simple rules: Wash your hands and face frequently. Change bed sheets daily. Launder clothing you wear/use.
Avatar n tn Viral exanthems may be due to Ebstein Barr virus, enteroviruses, and measles. The rash of scarlet fever may be itchy and appear primarily in the chest and trunk.Drug allergies may present as rash.Another rash of unknown cause is pityriasis rosea which may involve the extremities and innner arms and thighs. I suggest you seek consult with your internist or dermatologist. I have just given a run down of possible differentials that you may discuss with your physician.
Avatar f tn I've got a rash. Started on my arms, now all over my body. Getting worse not better. Went to the docs she said scarlet fever but I don't have any other symptoms other than the rash. She put me on anti biotics but nothing is getting better after 2 days of taking them, and I've had the rash for 6 days now. My groin lymph nodes are swollen. I have a blocked ear and doc also said my throat is inflamed. Rash is just lots of little bumps. Some in clusters. Sometimes pink.
Avatar n tn Scarlet fever is nothing more than a form of strep throat that causes a high fever and a rash. Is is not related to STD's in any form. Once you have had it, the chances of reoccuring is suppose to be slim however my son had it 3 times. They finally removed his tonsills and adenoids and he has not had it since. Also my son was fatigued and had achiness for a while following antibotics but this does go away.
Avatar f tn As far as I know it is bacterial... the bacterial illness, scarlet fever, causes a distinctive pink-red rash, which occurs when the bacteria release toxins. Scarlet fever is extremely contagious - people can catch it by breathing in the bacteria in airborne droplets that come from an infected individual's sneezes or coughs. Infection may also occur as a result of touching the skin of an infected person, or touching surfaces or objects that the infected person has touched.
Avatar f tn And some different kind of rash on his back of knees, thighs, upper legs, and back of the arms near the joints and back of wrists. I took him to another doctor, he changed the antibiotic ans prescribed 'Cefprozil' for 10 days, he told stop old antibiotic and take this one. We started taking that his rash did not go. His fever and pink eye was gone in 2 days. Then doctor prescribed 'fucidin' creme for rash and we applied it and rash is also gone.
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Avatar n tn The rash of scarlet fever is usually associated with headache and a fever .The rash has a rough feel to it and may be reddish over the arms and legs.However ,in your case the rash does not appear like this based on the images. A superimposed viral infection is your physician's primary differential. Continue to obeserve the rash and note for any scaling of the skin or development of enlarged lymph nodes especially over the neck. Take lots of fluids and eat well.
Avatar f tn if your child have red spots on her tongue it could be scarlet fever i just looked it up and the rash under her arms and pubic area are also signs of scarlet fever and how she has had strep
Avatar n tn If your daughter is a child then the possibility of rocky mountain spotted fever, Kawasaki disease and scarlet fever are there. Rash in all these involves the palms and soles and is a red, shiny rash. Investigations and blood tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your dermatologist.
Avatar f tn I have had a painless, Red, "pin *****" rash that began on my abdominals and has spread thoroughout that area and onto my groin, under arms, back of knees, and under my breasts. As I understand rashes tend to go to the warm moist areas of the body. The rash tends to flare up after my showers. Initially we thought it was due to a change in dteregent, soap, or something else that may have irritated my skin but after a few days we began to think otherwise.
1798872 tn?1346164585 No, but check both scarlet fever and rheumatic fever on wiki. The immune response initiated by scarlet fever can lead to rheumatic fever. Said immune response destroyed my mother's heart valves because cartilage and the bacteria's cell wall are somewhat similar.
Avatar f tn My family history includes multiple family members - 4 people - who had Rheumatic Fever, I had Scarlet Fever at 29 displaying low-grade fever, and my children had Pandas l reaction to a Strep infection 7 years ago. and 2 relatives - my father and niece- also had Bacterial Meningitis. Multiple family members have allergies and had different types of cancer, a number quite young including myself- receptor negative breast cancer with radiation, mastectomy, and chemo - at 35, then again at 41.
Avatar f tn My 4yr old son has been sick for the last week with a fever, cough, congestion, joint pain, ringing in his ears, and now a rash on his face and sore on his arm. I noticed last week that his cheeks were flushed but I figured it was from the fever but now that the fever is gone, the rash on his face noticable. The rash looks like little bumps but all together in a bright red circle with some of the little red bumps are on his nose and lips. The rash is also dry and flaky.
Avatar n tn I have been having a rash on top of my eye lids and really bad rash under my arms, neck chest and hands it ITCHES really bad... What can I do... Do I go to the hospital?
Avatar f tn Hey there, I'm a 20 year old female concerned about catching something after having a man (of unknown status) ejaculate in my mouth twice. Five days after, I woke up with a swollen/sore throat and red, sunburn-like rash covering my groin, buttocks, breasts & surrounding area, but it didn't itch and I no fever. I had slept with a tampon in, and was concerned about TSS, but had no other symptoms.
Avatar f tn Well, has she had a strep test? The rash could be scarlet fever from the strep infection. I had a strep infection without a sore throat, but with scarlet fever, and every joint in my body was involved. I could barely walk. I had no idea strep could cause these symptoms. You can also have a negative rapid strep test. What you really need is a culture and a blood draw to make sure. I got the run around for quite a while.
Avatar n tn My child has been sick over the last couple of days with a fever of 100 to 101.7. Cough. Strep negative. Not really runny nose. Was on Augmentin but still has fever so changed antibiotics. I noticed yesterday that my child had red blotchy areas on his cheeks when we came in from getting out of the car. He also had areas that looked like a fresh moskito bite on his knuckles of his hands and he was scratching them. Then an area on his ankle too. After about an hour this all went away.