
Percocet side effects dreams

Common Questions and Answers about Percocet side effects dreams


Avatar n tn hi if you Google this exactly it gives you all the common and rare side effects of percocet.
1037077 tn?1253480282 I would not consider dreams to be a side effect of the medication, but instead an opening to learn more about why you are taking medications in the first place.
600857 tn?1230057770 OK, here's the "strange one" of the group. I have taken Vicodin for 4 years. It only makes me "grumpy" at the end of a day when I have over done my limitations and I am hurting and absolutely nothing works to ease my pain. My family knows when it's one of those evenings and they are kind enough to leave me alone and let me be a "B" all by myself. I don't even want to be around anyone. But those days are not often.
Avatar n tn As lagoya mentioned, you may or may not experience side effects. If so, they range from annoying side effects to serious side effects. If it's helpful, when I took flecainide, I had weird dreams, shakiness, tremors and gastointestinal problems. It wasn't horrible, but it was bothersome enough that the doctor switched me to rhythmol. Great suggestion from lagoya on checing out the medication under "Health Topics" above.
Avatar n tn i don't know about the dreams, but mood swings and lack of concentration are most definitely side effects.
Avatar f tn While the Inderal has helped lower the BP and heart rate, I am having significant side effects from it and just wondered if others had experienced the same thing. I am quite fatigued but the most disturbing thing is I'm having very vivid and scary dreams. Has this happened to anyone else?
422425 tn?1307992990 I'm glad Tramadol is working for you. Does it help you sleep better? Just a thought - if you are sleeping harder and maybe on your back you could be having those dreams because you are really experiencing a feeling like you are drowning while you are sleeping - if that makes sense? Maybe try using pillows so you don't end up on your back while you sleep?
1442059 tn?1340240952 I am on week one treating type A and feeling really bad side effects. I feel almost ready to do something drastic. I called the psychologist at the clinic and she said that the side effects are worse in the first week. Is this true? Or am I looking at 48wks of feeling so sick I can hardly walk and feeling like my head is going to explode never mind the crazy emotional stuff talk about the blues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don;t know if I can even tolerate this.
525745 tn?1212452109 I have taken those also. They really do nothing for me including help with pain. You shouldn't have any lasting side effects from them. Only take one at a time. They affect different people different ways. Give them a few days before you decide to handle the pain.
653169 tn?1303446369 ve been told the start up side effects on Neurontin are about the same as Lyrica and it took me a little less than a week for that sleepy dopey feeling to subside, and after that I felt ABSOLUTELY normal- like I hadn't taken anything whatsoever. You are on a very SMALL dose, so you'll adjust to it quickly. I'll tell you a funny story- my first week on Lyrica- I accidentally backed out of my garage when the garage door was only half way open.
Avatar f tn My Doctor just switch my medication from 150 mg of Effexor XR to 400 mg of Seroquel XR. I dropped my dosage of Effexor gradually but I still experienced terrible withdrawl. Now I am experiencing bad side effects, " I'm guessing ths", from the Seroquel. I have gained weight in my stomach area very rapidly, I have pain and stiffness in my legs, 24 hour dry mouth and sinuses and I feel like I could cry at the drop of a hat.
Avatar m tn Many of the antidepressants can cause stomach issues. I can't really recommend anything because I'm not a Dr but I think you should talk to your Dr about this and ask what you can safely take with the Effexor.
2129735 tn?1336423434 I was wondering if this was from side effects from the meds or just a pos op side effecr. Has anyone had these side effects from any of those meds. Thank you for any insight you have!
Avatar n tn I have been prescribed Acebutolol for PVC's and I am literally exhausted since beginning this medication but I didn't see that as one of the side effects. Also, my vision is blurred. Is this normal?
176495 tn?1301280412 My wife takes 5mg percocet (as prescribed) for chronic pain daily...she has noticed a marked decrease in her vision since doing so and I'd like to know if any users have had similar reactions..she only has vision in one eye anyway and doesn't need to jeopordize that. Of course her doctor told her "no" and also haze her taking Ibuprofin...she was talking to the pharmacist earlier today who told her DON'T DO THAT...
4753943 tn?1359934569 Mine was way too fast and I have really suffered. I did the percocet withdrawal first as well but the Effexor made the percocet withdrawals look like a piece of cake.
1182733 tn?1264121299 I have been coming off of Percocet for the last week and a half, i have done so by using @ 40-60mgs of methadone daily....For the last 3 days i have had some really strange, vivid dreams that people are chasing me with guns and knifes and shooting me and stabbing me repeatedly as im screaming for help.....All the people that are doing the shooting and stabbing i know. These dreams are so real though.....Will they go away soon, and is this part of the withdrawl or is it a methadone side effect?
Avatar f tn Gabapentin is a drug that has many adverse side effects. I would question the sanity of any physician that prescribed gabapentin to help with percocet withdrawals. But that's just me. Go to the PDR (physician's desk reference) and look up the established side effects of gabapentin.
Avatar f tn The Dr put me on Bystolic, but it was samples and there is no information on side effects. I have started having stomach problems and acid reflux lately. Can the Bystolic be causing this? What would be other good choices?