
Pentasa and hair loss

Common Questions and Answers about Pentasa and hair loss


Avatar f tn I have been on Lialda for almost a year and recently noticed hair loss. Since I am also bruising very easily, it could be more related to an underlying anemia, not necessarily the Lialda itself.
Avatar f tn I had some side effects from it such as nausea and hair loss to a certain extent. The nausea was fixed by taking it at night which seemed to really help. Being on it did not eliminate me from other meds as I am currently back on prednisone 40mg for a month due to a flareup. Pentasa and Asacol never worked for me either. I guess in short every medication works for different people in different ways. I dont know if this helps...but I hope you get it sorted ou! All the best!
Avatar m tn I flew to the UK (nightmare 12 hour flight) + few hour transfer. Was prescibed 1g pentasa suppositories, stopped all other meds and tapered the oral steroids and all symptoms stopped within 10 days. I've just started a flare when in the UK for xmas (had doxy... antibiotics which I think triggered it) and doc prescribed asacol foam enemas- FX they will work. I will buy a few boxes to take back to Japan and avoid another flare.
Avatar f tn I have suffered from Crohns for 10+ years but only diagnosed last october. My doctor put me on pentasa that I am still on and I've tried numerous times to explain to him it doesn't work. I have daily pain and diarrhea 15+ times a day yet he still won't change my meds. The only test I have had done is a small bowel series which diagnosed it. No other tests to this day. He acts like he doesn't believe me when I say I have extreme pain every day.
Avatar m tn Your answer brought me back to logic for the first time and I checked the symptoms of Pentasa and Ulcerative Colitis and as you said most of the symptoms are related to them. I would like to forward my warmest appreciation for your input and to be honest, the last two months made me suffer but helped me appreciate how much I love my family, life, and God hence no more sexual sins would be committed in this life. God bless you Doctor and regards to Dr. Cumming as well.
Avatar f tn My doctor increased my 6-mp which as caused my hair to fall out. I am now back on steroids and about to start a 12 week course of Methotrexate injections..... I feel like I have lost the last 3 years of my life and do not know what to do next. Stress does not help my Crohns at all which is something I need to work on. The pain and bleeding seem to get worse everytime and no I feel that nothing is working.
Avatar f tn i believe that pentasa is more for management of colitis once it's under control from steroids like once the steroids bring down your flare up u will continue to take pentasa to maintain your colitis control so you could be on it for quite sometime i have never taken pentasa myself thought they have me on salofalk which i believe is for the same thing, just to keep uc under control. not sure if that helped at all but anyways good luck wishing you the best.
Avatar f tn He wants to put me on 6 M-P but I am concerned about a weakened immune system. weight loss/gain, hair loss, and any other side effect. Do you or anyone you know take this medicine and what has it done for them? Any advice or personal stories would help!
Avatar n tn My daughter also takes pentasa and WAS taking prevacid. The prevacid didn't seem to help her and our GI switched her to prilosec. My daughter has had no complaints with the prilosec. Both prevacid and prilosec have the same actions so they do the same things. The only interaction that I know of with prevacid and penicillin is with a type of penicillin called Ampicillin and it may inhibit the absorption of the prevacid.
456090 tn?1259694837 Hi, I've been on Pentasa 4 in AM, 4 in PM and 6MP. The Entocort worked for awhile. The 6MP seems to be working better.
Avatar m tn He was under treatment and was given Pentasa granules , T PAN (40mg), Tab wysolone and Pentasa Anema. As there was no improvement. Doctor adviced to have Exemptia (Adalimumab) injection. 4 injections (40mg 8ml) was given. Next day he was having stomach pain, tight and rigid stomach, and fast breathing. He was immediately admitted in the nearby hospital and doctor found he was suffering from megacolon (toxic colon).
Avatar f tn hi guys im 6 weeks pregnant and have uc / im currently on azathoprine/ pentasa granules/ doc says these meds are safe in pregancy? has anyone else been in my situation?
Avatar n tn Went off Pentasa for a few days in Dec and had severe RLQ pain and right hand pain. Got better after a week back on Pentasa. Had another colonoscopy-essentially negative in late Jan. I continue to have burning pain in my rectum and RLQ and right hand, general fatigue. Stress makes it worse. Do I have crohn's, lupus, what????
Avatar n tn I am on Cimzia and Pentasa 4grams a day, for the Crohns itself, Dicyclomine for most bowl and rectal spasms (works in calming down the need to go), and Tramodol 100mg (8 max a day) though I sometimes use more. Strange thing, the Tramodol acts like a diuretic and with the Dicyclomine, tends to control the pain and symptoms to the point where I am functional again. Although, if it wasn't for the Pentasa and Cimzia , I would be in the hospital or going crazy from the pain and discomfort.
Avatar f tn My doctor, after diagnosing many things including IBS, decided to send me for a CT scan of my abdomen and some blood work. I am now waiting to hear what they did or did not find. My symptoms include, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, mucus/white tissue in stool, mucus in stool, some blood in stool, loss of appetite, passing out, sweating (especially if i get up and do stuff), fatigue, joint pain (especially in my knees & hips), head ache, increased frequency of stool.
Avatar f tn Only in the past 20 days, hair fall has gone up. Does hair straightening dry out the hair causing lack of moisture and thus hair fall?? I truly hope that this is temporary as you mentioned!!
Avatar m tn father with ulcerative colitis hence immune system already week, and due to stress no proper hygiene and water so saliva minimal and not that healthy, + hi viral load, +small mouth ulcer since 10 days + son is only 1.9year with growing teeth: in this case, would there be any slight chance of transmission??
Avatar f tn I just finished Sovaldi and olysio and no hair loss at all, in fact hair looked great I do have hypothyroid which is familial, mother , daughters have it, Check your thyroid levels That can effect hair loss, dryness etc( even my eye brows and under arms thinned from hypothyroidism ) You may need to be on thyroid medication such as synthyroid if it is off
Avatar f tn My hair has ALWAYS been so thick and moisturized and healthy and now its dry and frizzy and falling out! Its awful im so embarrassed it literally never stops falling out.
Avatar n tn If your thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, your hair may fall out. This hair loss usually can be helped by treatment thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Correcting the hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss. Many women notice hair loss about 3 months after they've had a baby. This loss is also related to hormones.
Avatar f tn Does Lithium cause Hair Loss? I just recently started it and I was wondering if it could be the reason my hair is breaking off so bad...I'm 22 I'd rather keep my hair...