
Pantoprazole directions

Common Questions and Answers about Pantoprazole directions


Avatar n tn This is a question for your physician. It can probably be handled with a telephone call.
Avatar n tn I am being weaned from pantoprazole with ranitidine. It seems that now that we have reached the pantoprazole every third day stage, I am getting weekly bouts of diarrhea, especially if I drink more than one cup of coffee. Is this a side effect? The diarrhea wakes me at night.
1140169 tn?1370185076 The gastro report says they biopsied a polyp in my stomach which was benign, and they found my stomach acid is too high in my osophogis (sp). I am to continue taking 2 pantoprazole per day and repeat the gastroscopy in a year. I just thought I'd post my results because I had posted that I had these proceedures done.
Avatar f tn Doctors prescribed to many antibiotics which led to my acid reflux. Got on pantoprazole for the reflux, it’s been working great but in the last week I’ve had this pins and needles sensation in my legs feel nauseous and I can’t seem to shake that somethings wrong with me. I’m in constant fear. I don’t know if the pantoprazole is giving me the tingling feeling because I’m not on anything else?
1210142 tn?1266077031 I have read a lot about the interaction between Plavix and PPI’s but he thinks only Omeprazole have more effect on Plavix, not Pantoprazole. Please, let me know what your opinion is and have you heard about any interaction between those two? I don’t need an additional heart attack.
Avatar f tn I just had a pneumonia almost 2 months ago and i had ulcer last November but already been cured by pantoprazole domperidone. Now i feel like my ulcer reoccured again coz im having heartburn,stomach pain and bloating and nauseous. My question is can i take pantoprazole again even though i just had pneumonia and still having shortness of breath and chest pain? Pls help coz i dont know what really is the cause of my difficulty in breathing is it from having pneumonia or my ulcer.
Avatar f tn I should also mention that I had a clear colonoscopy which is great. However, the pain never really seemed to be lower- it's between my navel and rib cage often radiating to my back. The diarrhea is sticky and either black or grey and it burns. I tested negative for occult blood. Rarely with the dry heaving fits do I vomit, but when I do it is dark purple or greyish.
Avatar n tn Welcome to the gastroenterology community! Tecta (which from my research, I believe is Pantoprazole) is a PPI and Zantac is a H2 blocker, so the answer most likely is that, yes you can take both of these together, but I would still recommend checking this out with your doctor.
Avatar f tn Welcome to the gastroenterology community! From your profile I see that you are a teenager and I assume you live in the US. I would guess that this is anxiety, which I see that you also have from your profile. Pantoprazole (Protonix) is only by perscription and treats GERD which I don't think you have and Domperidone is not FDA approved in the US so I would not recommend either of these suggestion.
Avatar f tn Exactly seven days later I had a perforated duodenal ulcer and emergency surgery. Afterwards I was put on pantoprazole 40mg, once a day. I was on this for three months then my prescription was over. During my time off of pantoprazole I noticed sharp abdominal pains, nausea, bloating, and a general unwell feeling. I saw a GI who didn’t offer much insight but scheduled a colonoscopy/endoscopy and put me back on pantoprazole 40mg.
Avatar m tn Then I started having stomach pains and I was put on the antacid pantoprazole and a stool softener for constipation. After about a month and a half I was feeling so good I stopped taking the pantoprazole after consulting with my doctor. A week later I was having bad GERD and went back on it. I still don't know what initially caused the bloating, why it ramped up to GERD so quickly off the medication, and how damaged my LES is now.
Avatar f tn I am aware of Protonix generic Pantoprazole. I have now been advised by a Pharmacist that Prevacid will help me. Will it?? Is this a Beta Blocker only or more? Are there ANY Proton pump Inhibitors out there other than Protonix and generic?. Is there a hospital injection of medicine that can be given? I will anxiously await any and all replys. I am living on Pepcid now with little relief. My Pharmacy puts Protonix at $737. for 180 40mg.tabs of Protonix and $570 for Pantoprazole.
Avatar f tn Had endoscopy week ago. Still have nausea. Taking Pantoprazole for week. All tests/biopsy negative. Thanks.
Avatar m tn How long will I have to take pantoprazole 40mg/day for my acid reflux? Will I ever be cured from acid reflux hence no more medicine OR this is a life time thing which means continued use of daily medicine?
746512 tn?1388807580 What is the best way to take GERD meds and vitamins with them? I'm on three daily doses of pantoprazole 40mg which I take morning/breakfast, supper and bedtime. I'm also taking calcium, vit D and a multivitamin because I'm having a lot of trouble eating because of complications from jaw surgery (and since I can't take any pain meds). The calcium is suppose to be taken three times a day with a meal but not near any other meds.
Avatar f tn But nothing was done about that. I got pantoprazole after that procedure. But no instructions were given on how to proceed after that. After the pantoprazole was finished i was fine for about 2-3 months (feb 2016 to may 2016). But then the symptoms came back. Not the sharp pain but discomfort. So I started taking zantac again. As soon as it got better I reduced the dosis to no medicine.
Avatar f tn I have suffered stomach problems for over two years,recently the pain has been getting a lot worse on these flare ups. Ive not had a week free of symptoms. I take Pantoprazole only one a day but have took two. I also take Gaviscon but I just do not get any relief. I wish it would just go. I am waiting for the results of a ph monitoring test and may be getting the Nissen fundoplication op. What Im worried about is not getting the op,what then?
10093060 tn?1465822122 I have battled acid reflux for 3 years and recently added sucralfate to the pantoprazole that I take daily. I would like some feedback as to how well this combination has worked for others.
Avatar f tn I told my doctor that i really need something that is not over the counter . ask about pantoprazole 20mg .. When i do get heartburn and take one it takes a little while to kick in but then no sign of heartburn for the rest of the day . watch what you eat and one pill may last two days.
Avatar n tn The doctor prescribed me 40mg of pantoprazole to take once a day. I started the treatment and on the third day the chest pain had miraculously gone away. On the seventh day I went to a pulmonoligs to get tested for asthma and they made me use an a nebulizer that contained albuterol, something I may be allergic to. The difficulty breathing came back from using the nebulizer and so did the chest pain. On the ninth day of being on the bland diet, I decided it would be safe to drink matcha.
Avatar f tn Now I was taking 2x1 40mg Pantoprazole for 14 days, then starting yesterday 1x1 in the morning 40mg for additional 1 month, and at same time I have to take sucralfate just before sleep.
Avatar f tn You should start to feel better within 2 to 3 days. It may take up to 4 weeks for pantoprazole to work properly so you may still have some symptoms during this time.
Avatar n tn It was keeping me from going places it was so bad. So he put me on pantoprazole which reduces the bile and acid in the stomach to help with my symptoms. I thought he was crazy but strangely enough it has seemed to help. I also suffer from SVT and am on metoprolol to control it. I started taking calcium with D and magnesium plus I have been on BC pills and Claratin for years now. For the last few weeks I have had a green stool.