
Ondansetron and domperidone

Common Questions and Answers about Ondansetron and domperidone


Avatar f tn So I have hashimotos. I had a baby in October. She turned out to be allergic to dairy. I cut out dairy. My thyroid function increased to the point that my tsh dropped to <0.01 on 1/19 and my milk production drastically decreased. I stopped taking my thyroid meds in desperation to get my milk supply back as fast as possible because even when we used the hypoallergenic formula my baby was still passing massive blood in her stool.
Avatar n tn Just wondering if anybody here has ever taken Domperidone and Escitalopram. It says in the Domperidone leaflet not to take the two medications together, and some quick research online says there is a severe interaction between the two medicines. Despite this my doctor has prescribed them both to me. 30mg of Domperidone a day + 20mg of Escitalopram a day. Should I consult with my doctor about this or will I be fine? Thanks in advance.
Avatar f tn t stop vomiting without it. I still have a day here and there but its a lot better than before. I hope it helps you and good luck with your pregnancy!
Avatar f tn Anything prescribed always comes with some sort of risk, if you are really worried about it you can try alternative methods like buy some ginger and chew on a piece or make it into tea, saltiness crackers, 7 up, there are a bunch of things just Google it and see what works for you
Avatar f tn There are some lawsuits related to it recently, but my doctor said he's never had a patient with an issue. He's still cautious not to use it though and gave me B6 instead. However, I have several family members who took it for the entire 2nd and 3rd trimester and had no problems. If you're getting dehydrated and can't get enough nutrition, your doctor may have judged that the benefits outweigh the risks for you.
Avatar f tn Domperidone is legal is most countries but it is not FDA approved in the US. This is because it can rarely cause heart problems. I took it and I had no side effects at all. It didn't work very well for me though.
Avatar f tn If Ondansetron is not helping there are other drugs like antacids and proton pump inhibitors that can give relief. You can ask your Doctor for a change of prescription. Also dietary modification like eating a bland non-spicy food, avoiding alcohol and smoking will help. The answer is based on information provided. Exact advice is not possible without a proper examination and investigations. You are requested to consult your Doctor. Take care and keep us posted.
Avatar m tn Until recently, my symptoms have been well conntrolled with medication (Pantoprazole 40mg twice daily and domperidone) and lifestyle modications. I have avoided most problematic foods (onions, garlic, citrus , caffeine, carbonated beverages, chocolate, mint and spicy items). About 3 months ago I started to experience what I consider to be IBS symptoms; bloating, cramps and lots of gas. The discomfort ocurred much lower down than my typical GERD symptoms do.
Avatar m tn At this time I had no appetite and severe reflux. After a visit to my local hospital I was treated with PPI and sent home. Pain persistent and began vomiting daily - a few times a day. Months later and numerous hospital admissions, I am now at the stage of vomiting 40-50 times daily with twinges of pain as above. I have also lost 19kg.
Avatar m tn And yes Nexium as Pepela suggested is also in the PPI class
Avatar f tn The best medicine I have tried for gastroparesis is Domperidone. The FDA doesn't approve of it. Many/most GI doctors do. Try to get a prescription from a GI doctor and you can then purchase the product in Canada. You cant get it at some compounding pharmacies in some states in the US, but the prices are 3 times the Canadian prices. Good luck!
Avatar f tn My doctor gave me ondansetron, it saved my life lol! I'm 17 weeks pregnant and I still throw up on the daily but its not as bad as a few weeks ago. The ondansetron has a grape flavor but it does make me gag, what I do is place it under my tongue and then swish with a huge gulp of ice cold water. I noticed that my nausea was worse when I was super hungry but I would be so hungry that I couldn't keep anything down- frustrating!
Avatar f tn Can I take Stemetil when taking Domperidone? Following a barium x-ray, I take Domperidone because I was told that my stomach wasn't emptying like it should. I also suffer nausea and take cyclizine. I also have stemetil that I took but was told that you can't take stemetil when on domperidone, is that right?
Avatar f tn Ondansetron has been assigned to pregnancy category B by the FDA. Animal studies failed to reveal evidence of fetal damage. There are no controlled data in human pregnancy. Case reports have described two women who have received ondansetron during pregnancy for life-threatening hyperemesis gravidarum. No abnormalities were noted in the offspring of these two women. Ondansetron is only recommended for use during pregnancy when benefit outweighs risk.
Avatar f tn I have been prescribed that. I believe that and zofran are the two they give pregnant women. Its a lifesaver.
Avatar f tn I am taking a prescription from Canada called Domperidone and it has helped a little but its effectiveness seems to be wearing off. Is there something else out there that helps. I am quite sick right now.
Avatar f tn She also suggested my problem could be part psychological, due to trauma (when I lost the twins, I got my full breast milk and had no one to feed). I am still plugging away at aggressively pumping and taking Reglan and Fennugreek, but I only get 5 ounces a day at most. Very upsetting. Anyone else care to share their details? On a brighter note, Zoe is certainly thriving! At her one month visit, she weighed 9 lbs 3 oz, was 23 inches long (95th percentile for height) and met all her milestones.
Avatar f tn i have GP too, never tried reglan but domperidone worked pretty well for me and is extremely safe. has it for very cheap. also, there are herbs like ginger and shatavari that improve speed of digestion as well if you want to go natural. my biggest help has honestly been either homeopathy (try the remedy nux vomica) or hypnosis/visualization. and my personal opinion is that acid blockers are absolutely terrible for your stomach and digestion in the long term.
1201433 tn?1328997637 Ondansetron is also available without a brand name, ie as the generic medicine.) Ondansetron is used to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting that can be caused by chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment for cancer, or by surgery. Vomiting is controlled by an area of the brain called the vomiting centre. The vomiting centre is responsible for causing feelings of sickness (nausea) and for the vomiting reflex.
Avatar f tn We have now stopped his bedtime drink, and have increased his dose of domperidone in the evening only. The doctor said not to increase it, but increasing just the evening dose seems to have improved things.
Avatar f tn Im 36the weeks and 2 days pregnant. And all I ever want to do is sleep, no matter what I do I can't seam to get enough sleep. And everytime I get up I feel like im going to throw up. Why am I feeling like this?
Avatar n tn That's a pretty open question. Chinese medicine practitioners claim that they have a fair amount of success with curing some types of gastroparesis, but a lot of it has to do with the reason for the condition. Is there an underlying condition in your case? (Diabetes is the most common, but there are others.) I have heard of a few successful cases of naturopaths working with the condition to improve it.
Avatar n tn I read your comment on Gastorparesis and the medicine called Domperidone. I spoke to my doctor and he's reluctant to give me a prescription for this medication. And on Canadian site you need to have prescription in order to get this medication. Any help in regards to getting this med w/out prescription. Sonny.
Avatar f tn I went to the er and got ondansetron (generic for zofran) but the doc prescribed it bc I literally kept nothing but one icee a day down. I got a script for 12 and thats it. All I know is they do not prescribe it to one indivodual in large quantities and that bc it can affect and stay in your blood for so long they have to monitor how much an individual gets.