
Omeprazole and gastritis

Common Questions and Answers about Omeprazole and gastritis


Avatar f tn H. Pylori is a simple test. You just blow into a tube and you are done. Your GP suspects Gastritis and has not sent you for this test? Very surprising as it is usually performed at the same time that you go for blood tests. Hope you feel better soon.
Avatar f tn Ive also done a colonoscopy and ct. Ive been given Omeprazole which helps me sleep since it stops the bloating. The doctor doeant know what caused the gastritis (not taking pills /alcohol). I have a few questions: Does the gastritis itself cause bloating, or high levels of acid which cause gastritis(Im trying to understand if what caused the gastritis is still there since I dont know what that is). Secondly, a few days after taking the Omeprazole I started having a feaver and acute diahrea.
Avatar f tn I have gastritis,I had an enscopdy and been put on 40mg omeprazole and I will be glad when stomach is healed so I can get off tablets
Avatar n tn Now, two years later my gastritis symptoms have come back (heartburn and nausea), and I read somewhere that I can take omeprazole AND ranitidine on the same day (but not the same time) so I've been taking the 20 mg Omeprazole in the am before breakfast and a 75mg ranitidine in the pm before dinner, which has worked quiet well.
Avatar f tn I have the same problem which I, too, thought might be caused by Omeprazole. I did find, like CalGal, a link between Omeprazole and a cough, and it was also causing itchy skin down my spine area. Changing my PPI to Lansoprazole recently has not made the slightest difference, and I continue to cough all day and all night, a dry, irritating cough. I also have gastritis, oesophagitis, a Hiatus hernia, none of which had been symptomatic other than nausea, and a lack of desire to eat.
Avatar f tn The doctor asked me a checklist of questions and said I have gastritis, but did no exams. I was hesitant to take the omeprazole because he did no tests at all. Then on 1/27/17 I was able to get appointment with my GI and she totally dismissed what I said about the gastric pain, and instead focused only on my colon (I suffer from unrelated constipation). So, then on 1/29/17 I went to the ER because the pain was unbearable, they tested for many things, and even did a scan.
Avatar m tn This all started 2 months ago when I was drinking some diet coke from a glass and a small piece of ice went in my throat and my throat spasmed up.2 days later i went to the ER and they did a throat xray and nothing there. Doctor gave me omeprazole. Don't know why. A week later i had an endoscopy and I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis. Normal esophagis. No h. pylori.
Avatar n tn My mother is free of severe GERD and severe LPR and gastritis taking betaine HCI with pepsin supplements and digestive enzyme supplements. Her stomach acid was severely LOW. If you think your stomach is high you may be surprised to find high acid is rarely the cause of acid reflux.
Avatar f tn he never tested me for gastritis though properly by doing a blood test or owt. i also get shaky legs sometimes and dizziness. sometimes i gag at the smell of foods or if ive eaten too much or a food that i don't like. i do take the cetirizine hydrochloride as well omeprazole at the same time in the mornings. im 19 years old, im not pregnant.
Avatar m tn I’ve had trouble swallowing for a year and a half and have had an esophagram and an endoscopy recently which showed esophageal rings, gastritis, and gastric polyp. I don’t have a stricture. Doctor suspects Esophagitis. I’ve been taking Omeprazole for gastritis and acid reflux for a few years now. The doctor increased it to 40mg six months ago. And starting a year ago I’ve been unable to sleep on my back without waking up choking on my saliva. This is torture.
Avatar f tn I had developed gastritis last september due to excessive intake of antibiotics as i developed stomach flu prior to gastritis. the doctor prescibed acidity tablets for a month. i was feeling ok for a few months then suddenly i developed nausea a week ago and the doctor prescibed tinidizole with acidity tablets. i took for 3 days along with my homeopathy medicine but i still feel heaviness in my head when i lie down so im not able to sleep. kindly advice me what to do.
433485 tn?1321813390 I started taking the oxy at night and it does help with the severe gastritis and gerd. I feel uncomfortable and crappy all the time. I had an endoscopy last week and they said I have alot of inflammation and Barrett's esophagus and took a biopsy for h pylori. I think it's all from stress because my father is very sick in the end stages of Alzheimer's and my poor sister is in Florida taking care of him because I'm so sick and I worry about the both of them non stop.
Avatar n tn I am currently being treated for dyspepsia and gastritis and began taking omeprazole. In addition, I was constipated for a few days however had a BM yesterday. HOwever, there were black specks in my BM. BM was normal in color and texture however, black specks in stool and on toilet tissue? Is this the IBS adn result of constipation and omeprazole?
Avatar n tn I have diagnosed GERD, hiatal hernia, gastritis and reflux that aspirates into my lungs. I take either Zantac or Omeprazole, depending on how I feel. My liver doctor says that many hepatic patients take them and with my diagnosis I need to stay on medication. I worry because I do not want extra stress on my liver, but also know that I have another health issue that needs medication. Believe me, I have tried every and all non reflux medication options and they do not work for me.
Avatar m tn The endoscope that proved I am infected with gastritis was 20 days a go, and yes I am still suffering from this disease and the Librax and the Motilium are for this desease and I use it now. My disease story is as follow: twelve years ago, I suffered from stomach pain, all the doctors I met was advising me to take Lansoprazole, or Amprazole, or Rantadine. No one of these medications helped me but my situation went worse with vomiting and severe pain and loss in weight.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Gastritis Jan 2018. I have lost over 30 pounds since I cant eat large meals and I cant eat a lot of foods. At this point everything upsets my stomach. I take extra strength Gas X all day. I was taking Omeprazole until I heard it was causing liver problems. NOW I don't know what to do. I went to GI doctor, I guess ill go back and spend more money I don't have. HELP!
Avatar m tn am on kapidex PPI and zantac 300 for the gastritis......had fundoplication in May and still have pain every really getting discouraged.
Avatar m tn Hello I was anorexia for about and year and a half and I started to eat regular meals for about 7 month already but I been getting acid reflux a lot or gastritis symptoms I went to the doctor and they gave me omeprazole took it for 3 weeks it kind a did help but know I still have symptoms. Does anyone know when will it go away the symptoms or is it because I damaged my digestion system please answer back.
Avatar m tn I had a endoscopy which showed I had Gastritis, H Pylori and Tonsil cancer. They gave me special meds to get rid of it, which it did. Last year (2016) around Easter time I had the urge to masturbate but after I did I felt a pain in my bladder again. Next morning I woke up and my mouth was full of acid. I checked in the mirror and my tonsils were swollen. I didn't feel well for 3 days either. I went to the doctor and he said it wasn't anything to bad.
Avatar f tn Initially I was told the nausea and issues were IBS, then a year ago I was told I had gastritis, diagnosed through egd, and treated with omeprazole 40my/twice a day since then. This mostly resolved my symptoms but the nausea persisted. About 3 months ago I started getting churning and searing pain in my upper stomach with constant extreme hunger pains and increased nausea with loss of appetitie. At this point I was losing sleep from this and was started on carafate by my gi.
Avatar m tn Since February I have had aches near and around my adams apple. It comes and goes. Went to my gastro doc and he believes it is an ENT issue. My gastro scoped me 2 years ago and found gastritis and a little reflux-nothing horrible. I'm taking 40mg of omeprazole each day. I noticed that I had what felt to be a larger than normal lymph node on the right side of my neck too. I was put on an antibiotic and had a ultrasound of the neck area.
Avatar f tn I’m really anxious because suddenly I can feel my lymph node on right neck just below my jaw, so I went on Internal Medicine, the doctor said the sound was from hyperacidity so he lowered the dose of omeprazole and I will take it until next week and observe for the node for any changes. As if may came from my reflux. But now I don’t feel any changes on my node I can still palpate it. My worry now is my abdominal pain. Coz it was on and off and ranges from mild to severe.
Avatar f tn hi yes i started flagyl nd clarithromycin and omeprazole 9 days ago. so far no changes in fact back pain is different almost feels ike nerve pain all over somewhat affecting feelingsin my legs and arms feel like nerve pain type sensation in chest and sometimes even nipples.
Avatar m tn Last night I took 20 mg of Omeprazole and the pain under my ribcage and the constant gurgling went away. Now, a little less than a day later, the symptoms came back I took another tablet and the symptoms subsided. I have been burping just a little bit (I hardly ever burp normally). Are these symptoms indicative of an ulcer or ulcers somewhere in my stomach?
Avatar f tn Stones can chronically irritate the gall bladder and cause inflammation and pain. The other causes could be gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and GERD. Kidney disorders too produce colicky and sharp pain. Sometimes anxiety with flatulence can cause this pain. You will need to consult your primary care physician for proper evaluation of pain and therapy. Regards.