
Omega 3 gummy bears

Common Questions and Answers about Omega 3 gummy bears


620048 tn?1358018235 ) Oh, wait, but I might actually be able to offer something useful! Have you tried the gummy omega-3 fishes? They have them at Costco or Trader Joe's... mmmm! They're actually yummy - no fishy taste. Your post might finally get me to start taking calcium too. Best to you!
Avatar f tn I take the citranatal prenatal gummy bears, try the flinestone gummy bears or gummy bear type pills...
Avatar f tn What's Your Biggest Craving? Mines Is Gummy Bears Or Gummy Worms And Hot Wings .
4147584 tn?1351546606 Sugar free gummy bears lol.. salads.. lots of salads ..
Avatar f tn *DROOL* Sweet tea and gummy bears.... red gummy bears thanks ladies lol. I craved peanut butter and bacon sandwiches with my first pregnancy. Was awesome then... not so much now lol.
Avatar f tn I usually have the peppermint altoids in my purse it settles the tummy a lil bit. And remember that gummy bears are a liquid :) hope that helps at least a lil. Hopefully you're feeling better soon. I know how rough it can be.
1372557 tn?1286215297 There are some chewable prenatals made by VitaFusion you can buy at Walgreens that are gummy vitamins (like gummy bears).
Avatar f tn My prenatal have everything But omega 3 when do I start taking it? I'm 18 weeks.
1288945 tn?1271972452 4-6 a day and it figures out to the daiy requirements for adults. I tolerate the sugar content in them (2 gms for 2 gummy bears) and I had my surgery 9 months ago. I've been taking them for the past 6 months at least. One day all of a sudden I just couldn't tolerate the other chewables that are more "chalky" in texture. The thought of them just made me want to gag. That's when I found the gummy type vitamins.
Avatar f tn Mine too!
Avatar f tn I waited for the dr to perscribe me my prenatel pills. other than that I took the gummy vitamins.
Avatar f tn My nauseau was being caused by my vitamins. I got these gummy ones and that seemed to help. Sour stuff too. Like sour gummy bears made me feel some better. Also try some peppermints.
Avatar f tn I chew the gummy vitamins. Plus a gummy omega-3 supplement. They're tasty! Im not anemic though so check with your doc if you need extra iron. Gummy vitamins don't contain iron but they have everything else you need. Unless you've been told you're anemic, you probably get all the iron your body needs from the food you eat.
Avatar f tn I like gummy bears or the sugar gummy worms
Avatar f tn Lol I thought I was crazy.... I've been eating can fruit frozen fruit an fresh fruit.... An gummy bears with it... I'm like oh my what's next..
Avatar f tn It is very possible to overdose on certain vitamins. That can be toxic to your body. Some vitamins are water - soluble and any excess gets flushed out in your urine but others are fat - soluble and will stay in your system. You can poison yourself that way. If you want more gummies, buy a bag of gummy bears. Don't take more than the recommended number of vitamin ones. It's dangerous.
Avatar f tn I'm having a 9 week ultrasound tomorrow what will I see
Avatar f tn Add fruit to your diet and it should get better. I also take these gummy bears called fiber advance. It's for kids, but my doctor says it's fine. It helped me alot. Then I make sure to eat more fruit and I've been more regular.
4295582 tn?1358796415 If you can keep them down, take them, no matter how many anecdotal tales you hear that someone didn't and their baby is fine. You don't want to come away with anemia or other issues, and the more omega 3 the better, for the baby's brain development. (Not to mention, folic acid, though its window of max effectiveness is before you are pregnant.
Avatar f tn Yes, I am sick 24/7. Smells of food cooking make it worse.
Avatar f tn Had my first appointment today. Everything was good. Got to hear gummy bears heart beat. I took my 4 year old with me and he was so excited when he heard the heart beat. I even was able to get my anatomy ultrasound scheduled.
Avatar f tn I afraid he does not have protein intake, so I force him to drink some whey protein using a medicine drop. I also give him 2 gummy bears for calcium. If I give him foods other than cereals, water and Goldfish, he would split them out, thrown them and cried for hours. I'm so frastratued and don't know what to do. Any helps will be appreciated!