
Olanzapine and pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Olanzapine and pregnancy


Avatar f tn I'm no longer on olanzapine and I did not know about the posiable drug interaction untill I saw a new Dr recently and started asking why I might be getting leg pains so bad. I did ask her about olanzapine being connected to the pain but she said there should be no lasting so effect's from it now that I'm off the med. I asked her if olanzapine can be stored in the fat cell or anything as I gained 35 kg from olanzapine and when I lost 10kg fairly fast I wonder if there was conection.
Avatar f tn They took me to psychiatrist that put me on olanzapine 10mg and kept me in the hospital for 10 days. Traumatic experience. Than after 2-3 months the doctor put me on 7mg, and now I'm on 5 mg olanzapine. It was harder to cope with rest of the world the first few mounts. I didn''t want to do the things I wanted, It was hard to cope with my previous social life, I felt like I have nothing to talk to my friends, like my brain is empty, like I'm brain washed.
Avatar f tn I am no Dr. but if that's what your doc said to is probably fine. If you don't feel comfortable you can always ask him/her to ween you off of the olazapine slowly. But, seroquel is a strong, I think you will be fine. But, again, I am no dr.
Avatar f tn Hi, Im on zyprexa olanzapine 5mg, and when I first went on them It would make me very drowsy and pretty much knock me out a few hours after taking them! this caused problems at first as if I took them too late and then went to sleep before they kicked in, I would sleep right through my alarm, I quickly adopted what time I should take them and stuck at about 7pm to get to sleep for 11pm - 12am.
Avatar m tn I was given 4 types of drugs YEARS AGO in 2007 Olanzapine,Risperidone,Depixol,Trihexyphenidyl, i suspect it is the Olanzapine that has caused an internal burning gastric sensation below my navel area and around crotch area and wondered if you know of any drug,vitamins,herbs to reverse the damage caused and if you know what the problem could be?
6452367 tn?1430944592 Will Olanzapine help with withdrawals from Oxycodone. I am down to 10mg of Oxy and it has been a fight for me.. I did wean myself off Hydrocodone which made me happy but then I got on oxy 30 mg and have reduced my dosage. Will this medicine help me.
Avatar m tn Last night I took my first olanzapine pill(5mg), for panic attacks and apparently I did some weird things in my sleep. My girlfriend said my legs were twitching, and sounded like I was choking when I was snoring. It only happened last night, and not this morning when I was sleeping. I feel normal today, just a little dizzy(I slept 15 hours). Is this normal?? Thanks Also, I can't stop sleeping!
Avatar n tn Both Olanzapine and Resperidone are atypical antipsychotics. So, basically, you will be taking the same class of antipsychotics. Resperidone is however a very potent antipsychotic. The response to treatment has been found to be more stable with Resperidone, so that’s a plus point with this drug. Both drugs cause similar side effects, but Olanzapine shows fewer motor function side effects than Resperidone in comaparative clinical trials.
603015 tn?1329862973 Hi I have started to tapper off olanzapine because of the weight gain, I have noticed that after just a week on the reduced amount I have started to have sleep problems, I am finding it harder and harder to get to sleep, then when I do get to sleep I am waking through the night, could this be the reduction in the med and what should I do if anything, im not due to see me pdoc until 1 june when I would be fully off this med.
Avatar f tn 5mg and Buproprion XL 300mg... After a couple months and not much change my doctor adds in Olanzapine 5mg, problem is I've been doing a bit of research online and am now too nervous to take the Olanzapine(Zyprexa) with the Clonazepam(Klonopin). Every thing I've seen has basically said that these two can interact very badly causing shallow breathing, loss of consciousness, etc. It would be much appreciated if I could get some feedback from anyone who has taken the two together.
Avatar f tn In the past few days I get to feeling quite strange, dizzy and tingling in my hands and bottoms of my feet. I find that exercise, bicycling, helps. I read that too much potassium doesn’t work well while on propranolol because while on it the body does not excrete potassium as normally and you can get levels that are too high. Could this be the cause or is there an adjustment period while taking propranolol?
Avatar f tn I have been on olanzapine for 15 years and has helped me greatly with anxiety, and other mental health conditions. I am 35 years old and have over the past 7 weeks experienced extreme pain in my feet and ankles. I had also over the past 6 months experienced tingling in the feet and legs which I believe is a side effect of long term use off olanzapine. I have been very concerned over the servere pain in my feet as it is all over the foot and can be painful to walk on.
20690598 tn?1503821600 I took Risperdal for only a few months and now my teeth are weak and cracking.
Avatar m tn m now on 2.5mg. However I recently moved home and changed job and started doing cartwheels in the cathedral and playing loud music and hoovering in the middle of the night, but then feeling both on top of the world but lethargic and stuck to my chair at the same time...occaisonally I felt racing thoughts too and it was like I was an observer in my head watching the negative spiral of thoughts downwards....there were times when all I wanted to do was self harm .....because I hurt so much.
Avatar n tn But it results in constipation, so I stopped taking that and now just stick to the Divalproex and Olanzapine. What is Nexito anyway for? Is it an antidepressant?
Avatar m tn Coming off the olanzapine, I have had more anxiety and more emotion, and have not slept very well. After stopping olanzapine, my BP was checked and was now high again at 148/110. The doc has added on amlodipine also. I am still on the bupropion xl but now am titrating up on lamotrigine.
Avatar f tn ve taken a nap or not, first given olanzapine over ten years ago by a GP to help me sleep, then my once muscular fit body suddenly went to 25 stone, borderline diabetic. They took me off olanzapine and put me on mirtazapine as they say I'm depressed, yes I'm depressed, I'm pretty much suicidal now as I can't and won't exist like this, I've had to stop working earlier last month as the pain, tiredness and my mood put people in danger.
Avatar f tn t be the medication tho I was taking NOTHING else but me and my GP saw those twitches and tremors alright! ) ..swapped to 1 x 5mg olanzapine for three weeks and now okay enough to Research, tremors decreased by 90% but packing on the weight despite regular exercise.With sedation I get my situation under control and my fears scuttle off far enough away for me to live outside of four walls...
603015 tn?1329862973 I am on Epilim and Olanzapine, I have started to have a slight tremor in both my hands, on and off, then last week I had two days where my hands shaked violently when I picked up a drink, is this the meds or have they got my illness wrong and it is some other nerological disorder like MS or something. Another good reason to stop taking my meds.
Avatar f tn Hi im desperatly in need to know of a good bipolar medication that doesnt make me gain weight, I was on olanzapine and I gained loads, then they put me on abilifyand I got 13 of the uncommon side effects, then they put me on sulpiride but they are similar to olanzapine,and all the time ive been on lamotrigine, but they dont seem to work as well on their own. At the mo ive stopped taking my meds and finding it hard, can anyone help please?
Avatar m tn m on the bipolar spectrum and the medications that I stopped taking on time during my vacation were lamictal, cipralex, and olanzapine
Avatar f tn I Have borderline state a personality disorder and bad anxiety and panic and take sertraline 100mg and olanzapine 5mg which has been reduced from 10mg. Medication is the last resort but meditation is great and thinking of happy times in your life when you get anxious helps too also deep breaths in your nose and out your mouth help loads xxx hope ur OK.