
Nuvaring side effects mood

Common Questions and Answers about Nuvaring side effects mood


Avatar f tn I took nuvaring and didn't experience side effects until about 7months in. I woke up with a streak of light in the vision of my right eye. I knew right away it was the ring. So I took it out immediately, the light went away after 3days. Then, 2wks after stopping the ring, more trouble arose. I woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible pain in the inner elbow of my left arm, and had pain and tingling and numbness in my left lower leg and hand as well.
Avatar n tn I just looked up Nuvaring and it looks like chest pain and numbness on one side of the body are side effects. I don't know if you would typically experience these symptoms so quickly though.
17435300 tn?1456682805 The main site says that common side effects are mood swings, including depression. I do have a history of being emotionally unstable. However, I have lived a very positive and encouraging lifestyle over the last 4 or 5 years. I'm really hoping that this is all caused from the ring, that way it's as easy as removing it but I don't want to use this as an excuse. Has anyone noticed relief and happier thoughts after removing the ring???
Avatar f tn I've been looking into an IUD, never had the patch personally (was afraid it'd fall off or something) but I know I wouldn't recommend the implanon/nexplanon implant or Nuvaring, the implant causes crazy side effects and Nuvaring doesn't stay in for anything!
Avatar f tn In women with inherited defects of lipid metabolism, there have been reports of significant elevations of plasma triglycerides during estrogen therapy. This has led to pancreatitis in some cases. I stopped using the Nuvaring immediately. Never during that whole time I was in the hospital or months afterwards did any doctor link the pancreatitis to the NuvaRing. I remember having bleeding in the hospital a week early even though the ring was still in.
Avatar f tn This is just one of the side effects and in no way should you construe that your anxiety is related to your contraceptive, especially since you have been using it so long. Side effects usually occur early in use. Actually, if you are suffering from what you describe as anxiety, in all probability, there is a separate cause.
909257 tn?1242668182 Pain medications have numerous side effects and those who do take pain meds on a regular basis do usually have some kind of depression due to the fact that they do have chronic pain but as far as the meds causing depression or bipolar no I do not believe so.
Avatar m tn I was due to take my nuvaring out on the 25th Nov 2011, so i did so. ((we have regular unprotected sex while on nuvaring)). My partner and I, same one, again had unprotected sex on the 27th Nov 2011 while nuvaring was NOT in place since i took it out on 25 Nov 2011. After the encounter, i peed like i normally do.
1927233 tn?1326670387 ve tried in the past, so far I have no noticeable side effects, except I inserted the nuvaring on the first day of my period, over 2 weeks ago, and my period hasn't ended yet! Its very slowly transitioning from medium to light to very-light flow, with less normal discharge than I'm used to in the last day or two of my period. I also have constant cramps. Not enough to stop me from living but a constant pelvic ache.
11297526 tn?1417034765 Mild cramps for the past 5 days Headaches Fatigue According to the app I'm 3weeks. (If I am pregnant) I would like to hear your experiences is all. I'll be testing with an hpt soon.
304970 tn?1331425994 I have a mild latex allergy so I thought I would try something else since I was using protection when Jaxson was conceived, but I cant deal with all these crazy side effects.. I am going to call my Dr. tomorrow, in the meantime, I am going to try and stick out the nuva ring for this month, it may just be my body adjusting??
Avatar f tn s just not safe and one of the worst things about it is that if you have bad side effects on it, all you can do is wait the 3 months for it to wear off cause it's already in your bloodstream. Unlike with the pill, which you can quit at anytime or Mirena or nuvaring, which you can take out anytime. In my opinion, depo is the worst birth control option and shouldn't be considered by anyone. You have no way of knowing if it will stop your period or make you bleed for those 3 months...
Avatar f tn Mood stabilizers vary in effectiveness on both mania and depression. Lamictal from what I believe is better on depression than mania. Depakoate is better on depression. Lamictal in high doses can enduce mania as it did in me so it had to be discontinued by my psychiatrist. However, that was over time. Generally I found it safe and effective. Tegretol is hardly used in the United States anymore due to drug interactions.
Avatar f tn I was on the pill for years and came off of it to get an IUD which I got taken out after 8 months and started the Nuvaring. Coming off of the pill I LOST weight and felt better than ever... almost complete opposite...
3105573 tn?1355979465 I HATED the depo abnormal bleeding and weight gain r the most common side effects. Like tomorrow264 said some ppl actually have no periods at all while on depo but for those who get that random bleeding its sooo annoying..I took one shot and never ever ever again. Then I used nuvaring and loved it. So easy.
5121963 tn?1363905257 I really want to try a new medication for my endometriosis, but It's very hard to decide. I'm on progesterone now (been on this for a year) the good thing is that it FINALLY stopped my periods and sometimes my pain. (stopping bleeding is goal) but the bad side is that I'm suffering with horrible side effects such as hot flashes (I get them like every 5-10 minutes. It's horrible!
Avatar m tn I had Mirena inserted for about 2 years. During that time I had tons of mood swings, lack of energy and problems with my skin. I was an emotional wreck and gained 20 lbs with no changes to my diet. It caused issues in my marriage with my moodiness. I finally had it removed and I've been about a year Mirena free. I have lost 15 within the past few months without even trying. It takes a while for the added hormones to leave your body. The weight I added it mostly gone.
468832 tn?1324348961 I heard pretty good things about that, my ex gf was also on nuvaring and had little to none side effects.
569422 tn?1232497890 http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn I agree with the last comment, but I would take a test just to confirm.
Avatar f tn Thank you for your response! Yeah, I don't want to get pregnant at all. But lately I've been having pains in my chest and in one of my legs. I don't know if it's related to the NuvaRing but some of the side-effects are scary. Like blood clots and heart attacks. I just don't want to be a victim to those. But it seems like all birth controls have some sort of risk involved in them. That's why I was looking at paragard since it's a hormone-free method.