
Nitroglycerin fissure

Common Questions and Answers about Nitroglycerin fissure


Avatar f tn However it is common during labor. The other possibility would be an anal fissure. An anal fissure is a split in the anal skin and it feels like being cut with glass when you have your bowels open and afterwards. First of all, sit in sitz bath 2 or 3 times a day, increase fiber in the diet and take stool softeners or laxatives to avoid constipation. You may apply Preparation H cream or 1% hydrocortisone cream.
Avatar n tn I have also been using nitroglycerin ointment for an anal fissure and am wondering if it could be connected to that. We have also started using central heating in the house again so I'm wondering if it's that. It's incredibly distracting and not even the drops are working.
Avatar n tn Luckily I avoided surgery,I used nitroglycerin for 2 months and I finally got it to heal.Heres an anal fissure support website,good ppl there and you get a lot of info- free to post again if you have questions,i'll help you out.
Avatar n tn Hello.. I have a question regarding anal fissure. neraly 1,5 months ago I had anal fissure and immediately went to a doctor. He told me to have pomads and warm bath therapy, and after 2 weeks it started to heal itself BUT I think it healed over or a piece appeared which I don't have it till now in my life. İt's more like a new piece appeared after the fissured healed itself.
Avatar f tn I have been dealing with a chronic fissure for quite some time. I don't have sex very often because I don't want to be fooled with but I did give in and have vaginal sex the other night and the next morning I had blood and it really hurts again. The fissure is located anterior. Could the sex have irritated the fissure?
Avatar m tn These treatments reduce the blood supply to the hemorrhoids so that they shrink or go away. For anal fissure a 0.2% nitroglycerin cream can reduce the pressure in the internal anal muscle and allow the fissure to heal. Use of calcium channel blockers may help healing by reducing the pressure in the internal anal sphincter. Consult a surgeon and do keep us posted on how you are doing. Take care and kind regards!
Avatar f tn I have internal and external hemmoroids plus skin tags in addition to the fissure. I have blood with the first motion each morning because for some reason the first motion is hard. The second motion is always softer and the blood is not there or there is very little. The first motion always sets the pace for the day. My diet is good I feel but I really wish I could get the first motion softer so I could possibly allieviate this issue. Maybe you have a suggestion.
572651 tn?1530999357 I have nitroquik - sublingual nitroglycerin - to take if I have angina pains - this morning about 5 am I was miserable and couldn't tell if it was heart or ms symptoms and I took one. As always it stopped my discomfort, depressed my already low blood pressure and I went to sleep for about 3 hours. I've used nitroquik for the past 3 months or so and it always stops the pain and gives me relief within minutes.
Avatar f tn I had the exact symptoms. I went to a colo/rectal doctor and found I had an anal fissure. I treated it with nitroglycerin 2% and Lidocaine. It worked in one week. That was 3 months ago. Now it has returned. Or, something else is going on. I plan on seeing my doctor next week. I am 52. It can happen to anyone and may or may not be cause for alarm. Your general doctor should have recognized the signs. Go see a colorectal doctor!
1403795 tn?1282567667 However, if the fissures do not heal with these remedies or persists after 6 weeks, further evaluation by your doctor and additional treatment are indicated. Nitroglycerin cream can reduce the pressure in the internal anal muscle and allow the fissure to heal. Use it as prescribed by your doctor since this can cause side effects such as headaches, lightheadedness, or fainting from low blood pressure. Try to wear gloves when applying the nitroglycerin cream or wash your hands right after.
Avatar f tn If you miss a dose of Nitroglycerin Patch, use it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not use 2 doses at once. When used for long periods of time without a break, some people develop a physical need to continue taking Nitroglycerin Patch. This is known as physical DEPENDENCE. Do not suddenly stop taking Nitroglycerin Patch without your doctor's approval.
Avatar n tn I still had stable angina every time I did some for of cardio activity or is I ate something with sodium. I started using Nitroglycerin patches and even have the pills just in case my angina episode occurs. I had a date and I read online that you can't take viagra and any nitrates cause it can drop your blood pressure really low. So I stopped using my nitroglycerin for about 48 hours so I can take the Viagra.
1098952 tn?1270309713 If a person with HCM were to take nitroglycerin, the symptoms would worsen and the nitroglycerin could even cause a catastrophic deterioration in the person's condition".
Avatar m tn I had constant pain from a fissure for about 8 months. It was so unbearable, after trying every known therapy from diet modification, rectogesic cream, scheriproct cream, acupuncture, chinese herbs, natural medication, I opted for LIS surgery. I chose a surgeon who had done 100s of these operations with no problems. After the LIS surgery I was in a lot of pain for the first week and constipation didn't help matters. Then the next couple of weeks I was feeling better.
Avatar n tn ed is correct nitro dilates vessels. I take a nitrate (isosorbide) for more than 6 years 3 times before going to gym for workout. My blood pressure does not drop between fact I was told to have intervals of nitrate free period. It is true, nitro dilates the coronary vessels and prevents angina (chest pain). The patch should only be worn for up to 12 to 14 hours a day, or as directed by your doctor, but continued use with no interruptions can cause a tolerance for drug....
Avatar m tn I only take isosorbide prior to a workout, and nitro when engaged in an activity that brings on angina. I understand your doctors are suggesting taking isosorbide daily as aschemia does not always produce angina even though the heart cells are not getting sufficient blood supply. This can lead to a silent heart attack so the medication is recommended continuously whether there is angina or not and older people in general are likely to have a silent heart attack.
Avatar m tn The pain lasts anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. I have been prescribed nitroglycerin to take as needed for chest pain and this medicine surely helps. I've had several EKGs and cardiac enzymes done which were all normal. I also had a threadmill/stress test done which was normal. My cardiologist thinks the the probability of me having an occluded/blocked coronary artery is very low.
Avatar n tn The doctor said the left heart was okay but found a narrowing in the right heart which caused coronary spasms during the test. IV nitroglycerin during the test stopped the spasms and dilated the vessel. He did not mention any other problems and recommended sublingual nitroglycerin to treat the spasms as they occur.
Avatar f tn I've never heard of nitroglycerin being used to treat migraine, but glad that it worked. But if it keeps on, and sorry to tell you this, but you probably should see a doctor ASAP. It could be the sign of a coming stroke, since it is sudden and very painful. I started with a sudden very different migraine than any I had ever had before. It turned out that within 3 weeks, longer than usual as a gap in time, I had a full carotid artery dissection stroke.
Avatar m tn The same with his recent heart catherization was chest pressure. In the ER he was given 2 nitroglycerin, 5 minutes apart, the chest pressure went away after the 2nd nitroglycerin. Does any good specialist in cardiology think that my husband should have the open heart surgery for bypasses considering the risks regarding his age, his diabetes? I would appreciate very explanatory answers, easy to understand, what to do in my husband's situation. Thankyou.
Avatar n tn I assume the diagnosis of hyperreactive responses not only to the constrictor effects of acetylcholine, but also the dilator effects of nitroglycerin were detected diffusely in the epicardial coronary arteries of patients with coronary spastic angina. The goal of treatment is to control chest pain and to prevent heart attack. The pain is relieved by a medicine called nitroglycerin (dilates coronary vessels). You have been prescribed norvasc and that should relieve any chest pains.
Avatar n tn I have been suffering from an anal fissure for about 3 years. I am a 26 year old female who is healthy. I usually suffer from constipation...I go everyday but my stool is usually not soft. I have tried to manage a healthy diet by incorporating alot of water each day but nothing is helping my situation. I have used ntg 0.2% for when I get a recurrence and the fissure seems to go away but then it comes back again after a month or so.
Avatar n tn My 54 year old "healthy" husband received a stent yesterday due to a 99% LAD blockage! He is the typical type A personality and this only adds to his already stress overload. I realize we are lucky he is still here and thankful for medical technology. I am just concerned that this will forever be a constant worry for him. Any suggestions of how I can help him. Also I asked his MD about having nitroglycerin to have on hand and he said that this wasn't necessary???