Neck pain differential diagnosis

Common Questions and Answers about Neck pain differential diagnosis


Avatar n tn This type of headache may cause pain on the head and face as referred pain from the neck. This may also be a headache secondary to an underlying musculoskeletal or arthritic pain. Do you have other associated symptoms like eye redness or tearing and nasal discharge? For how long do the headaches last? How would you describe th headcahes? Are they throbbing, stabbing or sharp?
Avatar m tn Is there a differential diagnosis for genital herpes that someone can do at home? Just for those cases where it's clearly not obviously herpes, with classic oozing sores, prodromes, etc. For example, I have a patch of skin about the size of my thumb that's red and sore, on the shaft near the glans. Been there a week. I thought it was poison ivy due to the way it felt (patchy, itchy mild bumps in a line, irritated, slight oozing from the skin), but it wasn't that bad.
9562964 tn?1416928231 How do I get rid of my neck sprain? I've tried pain killer spray too. I cant turn my head to the right. It hurts badly. Can anyone suggest me a way to get rid?
727650 tn?1231287999 I also have bad pain in neck and shoulder on the right side. I have a had a MRI done on my neck they said my spine has a little curve to it that believed was causing my head and neck pain on the right side but with my tongue doing this I just wanted to know if anyone knew what may be going on? I do have a dentist appointment in a month. Any answer would be so much help!
Avatar m tn I think if you take an absorbable form of magnesium, such as magnesium citrate 600 mg, your head pain may improve. The swollen neck nodes remind me that until I found out I have Celiac disease, I had swollen nodes in my neck all the time. It took a surgeon to tell me my problem 30 years after I should have been diagnosed, so please ask to get tested for Celiac disease. It's a couple of simple blood tests.
Avatar m tn Since then I have had the slides re-evaluated by UPenn Dermatopathology and their diagnosis was Severe dysplastic nevus with differential diagnosis of evolving melanoma in-situ. My dermatologist says the 3mm margins is probably ok since that sample came back clear (just scar tissue) but it was up to me on whether to have an add'l 2mm taken around the scar. I am uncomfortable with the work 'probably ok' when there is a differential diagnosis of melanoma in-situ.
Avatar n tn S SYNDROME - SYMPTOMS Patients with vague head and neck pain symptoms can lead to an extensive differential diagnosis. One easily overlooked but important cause of chronic pain is Eagle’s syndrome (ES). Beginning in 1937, Dr. Watt Eagle published a series of articles describing a constellation of symptoms associated with an elongated styloid process. This syndrome that bears his name is associated with two classic presentations.
Avatar n tn S SYNDROME - SYMPTOMS Patients with vague head and neck pain symptoms can lead to an extensive differential diagnosis. One easily overlooked but important cause of chronic pain is Eagle’s syndrome (ES). Beginning in 1937, Dr. Watt Eagle published a series of articles describing a constellation of symptoms associated with an elongated styloid process. This syndrome that bears his name is associated with two classic presentations.
487548 tn?1215542137 Tension headaches usually present with bilateral headaches with tightening or pain of the shoulders and neck. Tension headaches may be a strong differential given that you have also noted increased levels of stress lately. Change in bowel movement is usually a manifestation of stress. I suggest that you have your condition assessed by your doctor so that baseline tests may be done. Are the headaches getting worse? Are there any associated eye redness or nasal discharge?
Avatar f tn It's impossible to make a differential diagnosis on an internet chat board. The combination of shoulder pain, arm pain and numbness suggest compression of a nerve in the cervical area. An MRI is in order. This is what is called a pain dermatome, the shoulder-upper arm connection being common to compression of a nerve between segments C4 and C5. This may be due to degenerative arthritis, or secondary to a subluxion injury, due to sudden flexure of the neck some time in the distant past.
Avatar n tn The differential diagnosis of 'molluscum contagiosum' and 'sebaceous cyst' with the diagnosis more in favour of the former.
Avatar n tn I have been having server head (back of head) and neck pain for about 4-5 weeks. I have had no relief of pain. I was hospitilzed in Feb for 3-4 days, and they say that I just have a cluster migrain. I keep telling tell that this is not my tiypical mygrain! it is different! I have sever head pain that sometime runs to my shoulder. I have to go to the hospital about every two weeks or so, just to get relief.
407812 tn?1211307057 This usually presents as a nonpulsating headache associated with neck or shoulder muscle tightness. However, this is only a differential .This may not sound urgent but an initial consult with a neurologist will be able to guide you.A complete medical history and physical examination are important in obtaining a diagnosis. Keep a healthy lifestyle, drink lots of fluid, do some stretching and relaxation exercises and keep yourself from unnecessary worrying ( does this apply?).
1695073 tn?1306638035 I have been diagnosed with cronic hep c. I've been having back/neck pain that's been going on before i started treatment. I had x-rays done on my back and they came out normal. It feels like it is muscular, or fluid by my spinal cord working all the way through my neck. I'll get really bad headachs. It also gets numb, mainly in my back area. I've been having this pain for more than two years. Is there a diffeerent diagnosis for these symtoms?
Avatar f tn Also the FLAIR technique adds little to the differential diagnosis. The calculation of magnetisation transfer ratio (MT ratio) may be useful to better characterise some entities, such as vasculitis, from multiple sclerosis. Differential diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: contribution of magnetic resonance techniques.
Avatar f tn You need an in-person neurological examination as of yesterday. You need a differential diagnosis and an MRI. Clearly there is intermittant nerve compression. It is not possible to determine if this is the result of degenerative changes in your spine, spinal stenosisd, or even a growth that can be removed. The important thing is for a physician to decide whether this is a problem that will progress or something that can be treated and cured.
1453990 tn?1329231426 B-12, Lyme Titers, STS, CMV, Cryoglobulin, HIV were all Neg/Normal. A 1.5 Tesla MRI of brian and neck showed one T2 PSE lesion of the brain w/o contrast. No GAD enhancing lesions. VEP showed decreased amplitude and CV for my right eye. LP was negative for OCBs, and slightly elevated protein. . About a month ago I was struck with right sided maxillary facial pain that the Neurologist diagnosed as Trigeminal Neuralgia. I was stated on Tegretol.100 mg BID.
Avatar m tn S SYNDROME - SYMPTOMS Patients with vague head and neck pain symptoms can lead to an extensive differential diagnosis. One easily overlooked but important cause of chronic pain is Eagle’s syndrome (ES). Beginning in 1937, Dr. Watt Eagle published a series of articles describing a constellation of symptoms associated with an elongated styloid process. This syndrome that bears his name is associated with two classic presentations.
Avatar f tn (essentially partially blocked blood vessels) and only after an in-person evaluation by a physician can there be a true differential diagnosis.
Avatar f tn I’m wondering if I might have that instead of MS. I scheduled an appt with my neuro for early April to discuss a differential diagnosis with him. It’s on the list for MS mimics. Several reasons why I’m kind of wondering if it is: About 2005 I started going to my doctor for shortness of breath. She thought it might be asthma & gave me albuterol. Since a little after that (about 2006?
Avatar n tn I have a skin rash on my upper chest and neck usually only comes out around when I get a tan it looks patchy and as if I were upper neck stays white and I have patches around my neck...what can I do it happens every year around this time...
Avatar f tn Other malignancies in the differential diagnosis of the nasopharyngeal mass include lymphoma and rhabdomyosarcoma. Biopsies help differentiate these tumors. A biopsy facilitates a histologic study of cells, which gives you a definite diagnosis. So once you have the diagnosis you will know what measures or precautions you need to follow. Good Luck with the procedure. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn Neck-tongue syndrome may also be included in the differential diagnosis. Neurontin (gabapentin) or pregablin may also be effective for neuralgia. Further consultation with your neurologist is advised.
Avatar f tn However, it is very important for physicians and dentists to include Eagle’s syndrome in their differential diagnosis when treating patients experiencing pain in the cervicofacial and cervicopharyngeal regions. A 3D-CT scan is considered the gold standard in the radiological diagnosis of Eagle's Syndrome. It provides an accurate measurement of the length and angulation of the styloid process and is considered to be the best supplement to the plain x-ray.