
Natural antihistamine herbal

Common Questions and Answers about Natural antihistamine herbal


Avatar f tn u can buy this in chinatown, i got a rashes and feel so itchy before and my doctor give antihistamine also, but it didnt work, so i tried other medicine and it works..
1580703 tn?1651904887 Do you mean scutellaria? This is Chinese skullcap, and is a natural antihistamine. Another is freeze dried nettles. Another is quercitin combined with bromelain and vitamin C.
Avatar f tn What are natural things to take for anxiety? I am tapering off Wellbutrin XL 150mg a day that I was on for 1 month for anxiety and panic and it is starting to make me feel worse!
Avatar m tn From all I've read it seems as if there is no cure for PND. There are many suggestions but it seems as though the only treatment is to try many things and hope something works. I haven't seen anyone recomending herbal or natural remedies. I'm sure some homeopathic remedies can do what all the Prescribed nostrums claim to do. I don't think the established medical community could endorse anything not made by the pharmaceutical industry.
Avatar n tn HI most of the otc stuff has antihistamine in them these wire a lot of people out for most it makes you tired but there are many who have complained about the same thnig xanex is ruff to come off off even in low doses your just going to have to tuff it out for a few nights ....
984847 tn?1253732146 So I've ben reading about natural chinese medicine. False Unicorn Root to help balance female horomones and inferility in woman by regulating menses, help heal fibriods,endometriosis, and threatened m/c. Another one is Warming the Menses, the purpose of this is to help heal those of us (me) with whats called a "cold uterus". By promoting blood circulation,stagnation, and purifying blood to the uterus and the rest of the body to help pg.
757137 tn?1347196453 s supported by over 200 scientific researches and they all go in favor of Pycnogenol and trust be, in the scientific community they are very skeptic about natural products so this is like the holy grail of natural products.
Avatar n tn Is there any form of alternative/natural treatment for herpes other than prescription drugs?How effective is this type of treatment?I ask this because prescription drugs for herpes are so expensive and also the possible side effects from the drugs.Thanks in advance.
Avatar f tn There is no real evidence as to the efficacy of natural remedies, like st Johns wort. If it is an issue with side affects you can try another SSRI or another class of med like a TCA or an MAOI. As far as abillify I have seen no natural alternative to this medication.
Avatar f tn Hello and welcome! I'm definitely much more versed in Rx meds, but I know from being a part of this site for a long time that many people have had success using herbal remedies to help with their anxiety. I'm sure someone will come along and offer some ideas for you. A question I would ask you the Xanax working for you, and if so, why do you want to stop taking it in exchange for a non Rx med? Sometimes, the saying...
Avatar f tn OK I see online a lot of confusing questions about hot teas and I wanted to see if you could give me advise or opinion of drinking hot decaffeinated teas I love to drink the hot herbal peach tea. Do you think it's safe ? Please help I can't find anything about it and I want to drink it but not if it's bad or hurtful to my baby.
429432 tn?1343594190 I'm not sure, but I thought I read here before that there are natural supplements to help me sleep and feel more calm. Does anyone know if these exist or if they even work? Would it even be a good idea? I'm supposed to be getting used to no drugs in my brain, but it really is driving me to my wits end! I'm becoming more depressed and isolated...I'm afraid that I'm crumbling apart. Help!!
Avatar m tn Welcome to the forum, you're among people who know what you're going through, you're not alone. There are MANY different medication alternatives out there besides benzos. This is something you would need to discuss with your doc (preferrably a psychiatrist). What other methods have you tried to treat your anxiety with? Have you tried any therapy? CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is often very successful in treating anxiety disorders.
Avatar n tn How long can i use antihistamine for my daughter aged 7 months to relieve her of the eczema itching.
666921 tn?1254990618 I personally don't take antihistamine but just some advice I read that - antihistamine suppresses the immune system - never thought about it before - they work like steroids - some very good advice on another forum was - do not take antihistamine if you have lyme I am sure some of you already knew this but just thought I would mention it
377521 tn?1203473172 Has anyone had any experience with herbal or other types of treatment for Hepatitis C?
Avatar n tn herbal supplement that help with pregnancy, any success stories out there, pls help
640829 tn?1230996060 I think your best bet would be to make an appointment with a Naturopathic doc and let him/her check you out and together you can come up with some good things to try in that new juicer! There are about a million "herbal and natural" treatments for anxiety and nervousness, but even tho they are "natural," they can still be dangerous if used incorrectly or in conjunction with any meds you may be taking. If you find anything that works, let the rest of know, eh?
1112541 tn?1286311213 ve done a lot of reading since I had my own adventures with Premarin, and if I had to do it over again, I would definitely try the natural, herbal approach before I ever considered using any hormones, natural or otherwise.
Avatar f tn Freeze dried nettle root is the only form that really works as an antihistamine. Chinese skullcap, or scutellaria, is a good antihistamine. Quercitin doesn't really work well by itself, but does when combined with bromelain and Vitamin C. There are many formulas with this combination at your local health food store.
Avatar f tn Can anyone tell me if taking chelation can help me an arrhythmia for more of a herbal treatment?
Avatar f tn Read the ingredients and research them. There are many supplements that contain herbs/extracts that if taken after o will cause spontaneous abortion. There are several out there that don't make that fact clear. I think St. John's Wort is one of them that does that. I'd have to look it up again to be sure. But, there are many that cause mc and the label doesn't tell you that. Use caution with any herbal or "natural" med.
Avatar n tn i have just been reading about the herbal medicines Emphotab and Hismatax . Has anyone had any personal usage of these and if so were they effective? Are they readily available in this country?
Avatar f tn Is Hyperthyroidism dangerous? Is there a natural remedy? If I fix my hyerthyroid with surgery wont I have hypothyroid for life? I have a multinodular goiter with hyperthyroidism and i dont know how I want to fix it just yet.I was leaning toward homeopathy cure because I feel like im too young to be on pills the rest of my life,and I want to keep all my body parts for as long as I can.Does anyone regret the surgery and wished they would have gone with a natural cure instead?