
Minocycline std

Common Questions and Answers about Minocycline std


Avatar n tn I was with a potential sexual partner and panicked. I discovered a bottle of Minocycline 100 MG tablets. I took two pills Saturday and Sunday, one on Monday and Tuesday. The symptoms discharge and painful urination are gone. I am now back in the city with access to health facilities. Should I go and be tested ? Should I continue the Minocycline ? I have a( 25) 100 MG left. HELP. I am really nervous.
Avatar f tn I asked a few months ago about possible rectal STD exposure. The question I posed was should I be overly concerned about getting rectally tested for STDs if I have had only one instance of rectal exposure vs many instances of genital exposure (all with the same person, obviously). The expert in this forum told me practically, since I had been tested negative at the genital site, the risk from rectal was low since it was all with the same person.
Avatar m tn Hi - Minocycline may give you a false negative on an STD test for gonorrhea and chlamydia. (Any antibiotic would.) Depending on the dose, it may cure gonorrhea, though there is some resistance to it now with certain strains of gonorrhea. It MAY prevent you from getting it, but the studies done that showed it would are quite old, and were done before resistance. All that said, oral sex is lower risk, even for men who have sex with men.
Avatar n tn Hi I am dicoverer255, my question is , can I use minocycline 100MG to treat an S.T.D?
Avatar f tn I have been super anxious and have been checking my penis for other potential signs of std multiple times a day, every day. The only potential thing I’ve notices is that while “pulling apart” my urethra to look inside there seems to be a “patch” of the inner skin that is a slightly lighter color. But I don’t know if that is from the previous infection or if it’s really anything. It may have been there before and I didn’t notice. There are no other signs on the skin.
Avatar m tn Thanks in advance for your response. I'm a 19 year old male that had a potential exposure 5 months ago with a female who is known to get around. The sex was unprotected. For the last year, I've been on 100mg of minocycline per day to treat acne. I looked up that minocycline is an investigatory drug for HIV because it can potentially reduce replication and activation in latent infected HIV cells, primary CD4+ cells.
Avatar m tn All, I recently had a standard STD screen and my RDR test showed positive and came back at 1:8 for the quant. test. I have a scalp condition I've had for years that my dermatologist treats with 200mg daily of minocycline. I'm wondering 2 things: 1) Could the same scalp condition cause the RDR test to show a false-positive? Especially a 1:8 reading? 2) If it IS truly positive, is Minocycline 200mg daily (which I've taken for 2+ yrs) sufficient to treat for syphillis?
Avatar m tn After about a week and a half It burned when urinating and I saw what looked like a slight discharge, but I couldn’t really tell. I went to the STD clinic together with my girlfriend and we got checked for Gono, Chlam, Syph and HIV. Our test came back negative. Later in the year my gilrfriend got checked out at the clinic for Gon Chla, Syph, and everything was negative then we stopped using condoms a few times . She was at the end of her period and she told me she still had a little spotting.
Avatar f tn Minocycline is one of the listed drugs that cause vitamin B12 malabsorption. Minocycline also has anti-thyroid effects. Long term treatment with minocycline (at least 100 mg/day) can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin, nails, bones, thyroid, teeth, palate, eye, heart valves. Thyroid cancer is frequently found with black thyroid syndrome (macroscopic black discolouration of the thyroid gland).
Avatar f tn background: 23 uncircumcised gay male, on minocycline for acne 200mg per day, recently tapered off of sertraline. otherwise healthy male in a relationship. have been STD tested before starting relationship and same with partner. the past couple weeks ive noticed sometimes my penis head and shaft would get red splotches and these splotches would turn brown over time leaving a spot. it was not concerning at first but it seems like there are more and more of these splotches now.
Avatar n tn Hi Had a mutual masturbation session with another guy. No insertion. No oral. I touched him then touched myself - he never touched me. Worried that I may have transferred something from his penis to mine. What are the chances of STD? It's been about 5 weeks. No discharge. No sores. But, my left testicle seems sore and my urethra sometimes feels like I have soap in it - seems worse when I am sitting down. Does not burn to pee or ejaculate.
Avatar m tn The doctor said I most probably had chlamydia or gonorrhea, and as I am allergic to penicillin, he prescribed me 100mg of Minocycline, twice daily, for 10 days. Symptoms seemed to reduce, but after a week I still had a prolonged uncomfortable sensation in the urethra as well as redness around the end of the penis. I also now had conjunctivitis in both eyes! I should also mention that in the meantime I had read that Minocycline is not very effective for Gonorrhea (50%).
Avatar n tn Doc looked at my urine, said no white blood cells in urine, but decided to put me on 2 weeks of Minocycline 50mg twice daily. Two days after I started taking it my symptoms came ROARING back, including occasional discomfort in the perineum. I doubled-down to 100mg twice daily. After another 2-3 days without the symptoms getting much better I went to another clinic for a culture. Got tested for gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasma. Three days later culture was ALL NEGATIVE.
Avatar m tn Hello Peter, It usually helps us if you have a question or want to share a potential risk. Please see a physician for the correct dosage and correct diagnosis.
Avatar f tn I was prescribed minocycline for my acne on the 21st of December and started taking it that day, found out on the 27th of January that I am pregnant with my first baby and I am driving myself crazy with worry! Everything I've read is telling me that minocycline is extremely bad to take while pregnant or becoming pregnant.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Lyme based on a positive Western Blot test and a Sunnybrook test that was indicative on the 93 band (I think that was the band) I am on Minocycline and was wondering if others out there were also on it and if it worked for them. I seem to be getting better. There are ups and downs but I am able to move much better than anytime in the past 7 and a half years. Just wondering how long one has to be on the drug and if it really makes you better.
Avatar f tn I started minocycline feb 10 and conceived my baby feb 21 but i didnt stop the medicine until march 9 ( only because i didnt know i was preg) im 7 weeks now and i just wanna know has anybody else expericed this with a positive outcome ?
Avatar m tn No not really symptoms of a STD, did you use condoms?
Avatar m tn i have been taking minocycline 100 mg to 200 mg a day sometimes and using retin a micro 0.1% gel every night for 2 years.I have been getting alot of acne for the last 2 or 3 months so i went to my see my dermatologist.he said since i been taking minocycline 100 mg daily for 2 years and using the retin a micro 0.1% for 2 years and im still breaking out i should try something new like it may be wearing off....he put me on oracea 40mg once a day and differin gel 0.3%....
Avatar m tn I have all of the symptoms, no money to get tested. I do have some old minocycline and tetracycline from old acne.
Avatar f tn I was off minocycline for five days before I started birth control,as starting will the minocycline still be in my system and effect the birth control?
Avatar n tn Two days later, I developed a single ulcer the size of a BB and surrounding swelling on the shaft of my penis. I take minocycline (antibiotic) for acne, but had not taken it for about one month. I started taking it a couple days after the sore and swelling appeared, and both subsided within 3-4 days, though I still have a slight scar from the ulcer. It has been almost five weeks since my encounter. I have not had any fever or noticed any enlargement of my lymph nodes.
Avatar m tn Recently, I went on a vacation and stayed at some hotels. I've used some of the travel size body washes that were in the hotel. On this same trip I had oral sex a few times that I gave and received. The person that I slept with wouldn't have knowingly gave me something intentionally. I never mentioned it because I don't want to make a big deal about something that can be as simple as a heat rash. I'm trying to go through my head what it could be.
Avatar f tn I know that you have already answered questions about antibiotics affecting HIV tests, but I wanted to ask this specific question. I am on 50mg of Minocycline twice a day, every day, on a long term basis for acne. When I searched the internet, I found a handful of results about Minocycline affecting HIV patients.