
Minocycline ear infection

Common Questions and Answers about Minocycline ear infection


Avatar n tn I have has vertigo for 5 months now, I have seen 2 ENT specialist the 1st said that I had stress and that was the cause, I am not under stress, the second said I had brain trama, I know I don't. Then I saw a GP and she told me I had a ear infection. I was put on antbiotic's and I was feeling great and then I had a allergic reaction to them and I was taken off them by another doctor who said that the ear infection had cleared up. I am dizzy all over again. I am losing my mind!
Avatar m tn Hi, im peter i have bacterial infection in my mouth, i used MINOCYCLINE 100mg for past 2 day but yet not cured. i got it from online shop International Drug Mart This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/STDs/minocycline/show/246802">minocycline</a>.
Avatar f tn m sorry you are continuing to worry about the possibility of infection. The minocycline you are taking for acne would have reduced your risk for infection if you were taking it at the time of exposure. As far as treatment is concerned, minocycline can cure chlamydia but the dose you are taking is a bit lower than what might be recommended for chlamydial infection. Nonetheless, if you were infected and tool the drug for a month as you have, I would expect it to cure chlamydia.
Avatar m tn The high lipid [fat] solubility of minocycline may cause vestibular [meaning inner ear balance] side effects, limiting the administration of minocycline to 100 mg twice daily rather than 200 mg twice daily. ===>>> Because of this, doxycycline (400 mg daily) remains the preferred antibiotic for treatment of Lyme neuroborreliosis. <<<=== For patients for whom treatment fails, minocycline may be a therapeutic option9.
Avatar f tn I know that you have already answered questions about antibiotics affecting HIV tests, but I wanted to ask this specific question. I am on 50mg of Minocycline twice a day, every day, on a long term basis for acne. When I searched the internet, I found a handful of results about Minocycline affecting HIV patients.
Avatar n tn Is a tetrocycline antibiotic such as minocycline adequate for treating a staph infection or would some other antibiotic be needed. Also just to be clear are you suggesting the crease may be there now as a result of the staph infection or just the blepharitis.
Avatar f tn Hello, in 2005 my mother was diagnosed with MRSA due to drainage from a back surgery and one day she woke up not feeling good and when we got her to hospital MRSA had invaded her entire body and my mom almost died. However the MRSA caused her to loose her ability to walk, control her bowel and bladder and it destroyed the nerves and after having MRSA, she constantly got infections of other kinds.
Avatar m tn Test is conclusive
Avatar m tn So they are unrelated. Secondly minocycline is an antibiotic used for bacterial infection and not viral ones. Hence if you had improvement after minocycyline then possibility is that it is bacterial. To confirm the diagnosis, it is better to get a culture sensitivity of the bumps and to rule out any fungal infection, get a KOH examination of the skin scrapings of the bumps done. This will confirm the diagnosis and specific treatment can be planned.
Avatar n tn Doc looked at my urine, said no white blood cells in urine, but decided to put me on 2 weeks of Minocycline 50mg twice daily. Two days after I started taking it my symptoms came ROARING back, including occasional discomfort in the perineum. I doubled-down to 100mg twice daily. After another 2-3 days without the symptoms getting much better I went to another clinic for a culture. Got tested for gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasma. Three days later culture was ALL NEGATIVE.
Avatar n tn Could this be related to BPPV - would it change presentation like this or was I misdiagnosed 10 years ago? Would an inner ear problem be brought on by emotional stress? Or does that suggest it's only psychological? If it's an inner ear problem wouldn't the fullness and ringing have started earlier?
Avatar f tn Minocycline is one of the listed drugs that cause vitamin B12 malabsorption. Minocycline also has anti-thyroid effects. Long term treatment with minocycline (at least 100 mg/day) can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin, nails, bones, thyroid, teeth, palate, eye, heart valves. Thyroid cancer is frequently found with black thyroid syndrome (macroscopic black discolouration of the thyroid gland).
Avatar n tn for 7 months and went to another dermatologist who put me on minocycline. but i feel that the cysts are coming back. In the mean time i went to the dentist for pain with #30, and she said that i have an old infection there and i shouldnt feel any pain because there isnt a root. Would tooth #30 have a correlation to the health of my skin?
Avatar f tn I was prescribed minocycline for my acne on the 21st of December and started taking it that day, found out on the 27th of January that I am pregnant with my first baby and I am driving myself crazy with worry! Everything I've read is telling me that minocycline is extremely bad to take while pregnant or becoming pregnant.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Lyme based on a positive Western Blot test and a Sunnybrook test that was indicative on the 93 band (I think that was the band) I am on Minocycline and was wondering if others out there were also on it and if it worked for them. I seem to be getting better. There are ups and downs but I am able to move much better than anytime in the past 7 and a half years. Just wondering how long one has to be on the drug and if it really makes you better.
Avatar f tn I started minocycline feb 10 and conceived my baby feb 21 but i didnt stop the medicine until march 9 ( only because i didnt know i was preg) im 7 weeks now and i just wanna know has anybody else expericed this with a positive outcome ?
Avatar f tn has anyone on here had an ear infection during pregnancy? I'm 34 weeks and in constant pain, but am trying to avoid the hospital unless I absolutely need to. Is there any home remedies I can try?
Avatar f tn Any ladies have an ear infection while pg? I, of course, can't get ahold of my dr or her assistant to ask what is safe to take for an ear infection!
Avatar n tn we ear pierced my daughter in 10months.after 3 days the ear ring from left came out accidentally.then we tried hard to put it back as it caused pain to her.after that we can watch some watery fluid coming out but not too she is 2+ years, same ear starts to creat a itchy sensation,watering sometimes so she started to scratch resulting in small bruises around the pierced the skin lookes pinkish and so delicate.
Avatar f tn Gary has gone through a sinus infection, bronchitis, coxsakie, stomach bug, and now an ear infection in the past couple months. He was prescribed drops because he has been on antibiotics twice in 2 months. I don't think it is getting better after 6 days of drops. Dh & I are going to Virginia for a wedding this weekend so I am going to take him to be checked aging today or tomorrow. The problem with GW is he doesn't recognize or acknowledge pain. Some say it is a result of the ASD.