
Minocycline blackheads

Common Questions and Answers about Minocycline blackheads


Avatar n tn Eight years ago I had a rash around my lip that I treated with a steroid cream, which then caused Perioral Dermatitis. My dermatologist gave my minocyline for 1 month and metro cream which completely cleared it up. Three months ago the dermatitis came back, I was not using any steriod cream at the time, but I believe it flared because of a new concealer I was using to cover a little redness around my nose.
Avatar f tn Thanks for your reply. It is absolutely not acne. Topical acne treatments did nothing, and both Batrim and minocycline made it worse. In recent weeks, I have been careful to not touch it or pick at it, ever. The redness is slightly better but still pretty bad, and the lumps have not improved at all. Even in the "clear" parts of my face, if you press on it, there are small masses beneath the surface. They aren't quite like cysts; they're sharp and/or fibrous.
Avatar n tn See your doctor for a topical retinoid called Differin (adapalene 0.1%). This is very good at dealing with blackheads and acne. Do not try to remove the blackheads by squeezing as this can spread bacteria under the skin causing more breakouts. It can also delay healing and lead to secondary infection. A good face wash for oily skin is Estee Lauder's Sparkling Clean. Washing alone will not heal acne or blackheads so do ask your doctor about Differin.
Avatar f tn I guess you are talking about blackheads? I have the same problem and I had this before getting pregnant...I don't think pregnancy is a direct cause of this problem. Are you overweight? Here is the answer according to this website: ''Blackheads between thighs are mainly caused due to over weight and excess lubrication between your thighs. When you are overweight, your thighs tend to produce friction and produce oil that blocks pores.
Avatar f tn Minocycline is one of the listed drugs that cause vitamin B12 malabsorption. Minocycline also has anti-thyroid effects. Long term treatment with minocycline (at least 100 mg/day) can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin, nails, bones, thyroid, teeth, palate, eye, heart valves. Thyroid cancer is frequently found with black thyroid syndrome (macroscopic black discolouration of the thyroid gland).
Avatar f tn What is the best way to remove blackheads, please? My 16-year-old son has some very large ones on his face (nose, edge of lips, cheeks) and though he is finally in a decent cleaning regimine, and overall his skin is improving, the blackheads remain. We have tried warming his face over a bowl of hot water (hoping to open the pores) and gently squeezing (probably a big no-no) but even that has not worked. Anything we can do that will not make the problem worse?
Avatar m tn Hello Peter, It usually helps us if you have a question or want to share a potential risk. Please see a physician for the correct dosage and correct diagnosis.
Avatar f tn I was prescribed minocycline for my acne on the 21st of December and started taking it that day, found out on the 27th of January that I am pregnant with my first baby and I am driving myself crazy with worry! Everything I've read is telling me that minocycline is extremely bad to take while pregnant or becoming pregnant.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Lyme based on a positive Western Blot test and a Sunnybrook test that was indicative on the 93 band (I think that was the band) I am on Minocycline and was wondering if others out there were also on it and if it worked for them. I seem to be getting better. There are ups and downs but I am able to move much better than anytime in the past 7 and a half years. Just wondering how long one has to be on the drug and if it really makes you better.
Avatar f tn I started minocycline feb 10 and conceived my baby feb 21 but i didnt stop the medicine until march 9 ( only because i didnt know i was preg) im 7 weeks now and i just wanna know has anybody else expericed this with a positive outcome ?
1393946 tn?1280190408 hi.. recently, i went to a certain facial center to get my blackheads removed on the nose part area.. the procedure that they did is very abrasive to the point that my whole face went red for one day.. the sad part is, brown spot on my nose area started to appear.. i dont what to do with it..
Avatar m tn i have been taking minocycline 100 mg to 200 mg a day sometimes and using retin a micro 0.1% gel every night for 2 years.I have been getting alot of acne for the last 2 or 3 months so i went to my see my dermatologist.he said since i been taking minocycline 100 mg daily for 2 years and using the retin a micro 0.1% for 2 years and im still breaking out i should try something new like it may be wearing off....he put me on oracea 40mg once a day and differin gel 0.3%....
Avatar m tn I have all of the symptoms, no money to get tested. I do have some old minocycline and tetracycline from old acne.
Avatar n tn Yeah, they are definitely blackheads. My husband gets them on his inner thighs, too. If you squeeze them, they'll come out and go away.
Avatar f tn I get zits and blackheads in that area and stubborn blackheads in the corners of my mouth. So stinking annoying.
Avatar f tn I was off minocycline for five days before I started birth control,as starting will the minocycline still be in my system and effect the birth control?
Avatar m tn Thanks in advance for your response. I'm a 19 year old male that had a potential exposure 5 months ago with a female who is known to get around. The sex was unprotected. For the last year, I've been on 100mg of minocycline per day to treat acne. I looked up that minocycline is an investigatory drug for HIV because it can potentially reduce replication and activation in latent infected HIV cells, primary CD4+ cells.
Avatar f tn I know that you have already answered questions about antibiotics affecting HIV tests, but I wanted to ask this specific question. I am on 50mg of Minocycline twice a day, every day, on a long term basis for acne. When I searched the internet, I found a handful of results about Minocycline affecting HIV patients.
Avatar f tn It has left me with many marks and deeeply embedded blackheads.... Please suggest some ointment or treatment to get rid of the marks n blackheads. I am desperate for help...
Avatar m tn ve read on here that a person taking PEP should test after 3 months of being off PEP to obtain a conclusive result. I took minocycline for 4 months after possible exposure. Then got tested 3 and a half weeks later (around 5 months). Negative result. The test was a rapid antibody test. Can someone please weigh in and tell me could minocycline possibly be used as a PEP drug for HIV? And if so, should I be worried about my status? Should I test again?
Avatar f tn Noticed the other day that I have a few holes in my buttcrack that look like blackheads. I got two of them to come out. White stuff came out that was not liquid, but some clear liquid did come out with it. But in the white puss out came a hair follicle attached. It was sore for that day from me extracting the “blackheads”, but didn’t hurt the next day. I’m wondering if the holes will heal up on there own and if this will go away?