
Metronidazole dosage for trichomoniasis

Common Questions and Answers about Metronidazole dosage for trichomoniasis


Avatar f tn I was given metronidazole for the second time (same dosage). Its been just recently when I went to visit the same doct. And. He tested me again due to my persistent symptoms. Agan negative results of culture and this time I was given tinidazole 2 g one dose. The man I had intercourse with said he was tested for chlam and gonorrhea with negative results but was never tested for trich because he says he is symptoms free.
Avatar m tn In the US, I was treated witn Metronidazole 500 mg 2 x day for 7 days (I did not have any tests done), which supposedly is the drug for trichomoniasis, and that this drug did not do anytning to improve the condition; the symptoms are still present. The only difference in symptoms I am observing is sometimes clear discharge, more ofthen though, yellow, thick discharge, which is most observable in the morning, before the urination. Also, there is no odor of any kind.
Avatar f tn Last year in October I got Trichomoniasis from my ex. I took the antibiotic metronidazole to get rid of it. All my symptoms went away, the itching, green discharge, burning, all of it. Annoyingly enough now every time I get my period, I start itching really bad. No weird discharge or bumps just really itchy vagina. It happens every time, around the same time of the month. I have never had this problem before the trichomoniasiss. Has this happened to anyone else? Could the std have came back.
Avatar m tn You are correct, PAP smears are not particualrly reliable for dianosis of trichomoniasis.
Avatar f tn I have taken three rounds of the single dose. Twice of Metronidazole and once for Tindamax. Then a couple weeks later Metronidazole twice a day for seven days. I saw no change in my symptoms. When I realized that I wasn't getting better I went back to my obgyn, thats when they told me again that its "inactive". I told her I didn't know what that meant and she said that it means its not moving and said its like little spores of trich.
Avatar f tn actually you should've had 8 pills to take - for a total of 2 grams of medication. give the clinic a call and ask them to please check the pdr and call you in the right dose if that is all you were given. remember no alcohol at all for a few days either!
Avatar n tn So this time the doctor prescribe me clydamycine to take 2 times a day for 7 days . My concern is I heard clydamycin is for bacteria vaginosis and I was wondering if it will not work again . Today is the first day I took the pills . Anyone ever take clyndamicine for trich??
Avatar n tn I met a girl a few months ago and started having unprotected sex with her several times a week. About a month later I noticed that the "lips" at the tip of my penis were very swollen, the head of my penis hurt if I squeezed it, my urine sprayed everywhere instead of coming out in a stream, and I had burning during urination. I went to the doctor and he said it sounded like either Chlamydia or Gonorrhea and took a urine sample.
Avatar f tn The characteristic symptom of trichomoniasis infection is a heavy, frothy, yellow-green, fishy-smelling discharge from the vagina. Trichomoniasis can usually be cured with prescription drugs, either metronidazole or tinidazole, given by mouth in a single dose. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.
Avatar n tn My wife tested positive for Trichomoniasis on a PAP Smear. Her dr wants to re test her in two weeks to see if it is a fale postive. We both have been faithful what are the chance this was a fales postive.
Avatar f tn What is the treatment for trichomoniasis? Trichomoniasis can be cured with a single dose of prescription antibiotic medication (either metronidazole or tinidazole), pills which can be taken by mouth. It is okay for pregnant women to take this medication. Some people who drink alcohol within 24 hours after taking this kind of antibiotic can have uncomfortable side effects.\U00A0 People who have been treated for trichomoniasis can get it again.
Avatar m tn So 10 days ago I cam back from Mexico on vacation two days later I started to have dysuria (painful urination). I went in to my PCP and he checked for all STD's and gave me Cipro. After 5 days it wasn't helping and the tests gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV and others were all negative. I came back in and was tested Trichomoniasis gonorrhea, and chlamydia while being prescribed metronidazole and azithromycin as prophylactic.
Avatar f tn i did get treated for the bv i took Metronidazole twice a day for seven days and i they also did the culture swab for trich that had came back with no traces of it, and only had traces of yeast and bv.
Avatar f tn The recommended management in such cases is a longer course of either metronidazole (e.g. 500 mg 3 times daily for 5-7 days) or a few days treatment with tinidazole (Tindamax). In addition, your current partner needs to be treated, even if asymptomatic. Since you might have a slightly resistant strain, it would be reasonable for him to also receive several days of metronidazole or tinidazole, instead of a single dose. But these treatments should take care of it.
Avatar n tn I have been taking metronidazole for six days now and still have a discharge. I still have one more day of meds, but should the discharge be gone or does it take awhile to clear up? This discussion is related to <a href=''>Resistant trichomoniasis</a>.
Avatar m tn t give me the metronidazole because I tested negative for trichomoniasis. I took the azithromycin 4 tablets in one dose on only one day. If U. urealyticum has colonized wouldn't it take longer than one day of treatment for me to be cleared of it? But with him taking both, I don't know which med is clearing his symptoms. It could be the metronidazole which would also cure Gardnerella vaginalis. I guess the biggest question I have is that if it were U. urealyticum, G.
Avatar f tn Before the wet mount I was tested for trichomoniasis 2 times with culture and everytime they were coming back negative until a wet mount. How likely it is for a culture test to be false negative? And also is it possible that this is not even a trichomoniasis but something else????my discharge is of no odor, pale yellow in color with a 4.5 ph. I have a very raw almost a burning feeling at all times that seems to be more noticable after my menstruation....
Avatar n tn It sounds like Trichomoniasis which is a sexually transmitted infection and is spread through sexual contact with an infected partner. It's most common in women between age 16 and 35. You have to make an appt with your Dr like the above posters recommended. Make sure you ask for a pelvic exam or pap smear. It can be treated with the antibiotic metronidazole so don't worry too much...
Avatar n tn Also I read that when people have this hard of time getting rid of it an option for them is to get an iv dose of metronidazole. Is that true? And should I ask the dr about that? And am I going to die from this?
Avatar n tn Thanks for your answer. I just looked at my lab results. From my last visit, directly reading from it, there were no yeast or trich. Clue cells were more than or equal to 20%, moderate wbc count, positive whiff test, and my pH was 6.0. This is why I'm confused. If the wet mount doesn't indicate trich, why is my wbc count still elevated? I've been given metronidazole for the millionth time this year for both trich and this last time for BV, but it still didn't help.
Avatar m tn Ketoconazole is therapy for fungal (yeast) infections, not for trichomoniasis. Metronidazole, which you took is the appropriate therapy. Alternately there is a drug called tinidazole which is also highly effective for treatment of trich. That your tests were negative is not suprising. As your doctor correctly told you, trich is difficult to diagnose in men. Treating you was the right thing to do.