Lunesta weight gain message boards

Common Questions and Answers about Lunesta weight gain message boards


1246883 tn?1285547973 Hi, welcome to the forum, seroquel is known to be associated with weight gain. There is significant weight gain is seen, in such cases usually other anti psychotics are prescribed. The weight gaining effect of this drug will not persist after discontinuation. Any associated condition should be looked for. If there is a change in voice (Voice becomes dusky), weight gain, intolerance to cold etc. You need to get your T3, t4 and TSH level checked as it may be in initial phase.
Avatar f tn i thought everything was alright until i started to gain weight i was 115 before i started then i raised up 149 pounds then i notice i was waking up at 3:30 and 4:30 am thats when i said i had enough i stop the zypreza lost the weight real fast and was not sleeping i mean , no sleep. i don't feel the sleepy feeling anymore i feel like i been up forever and ever.
3136619 tn?1345387321 I am wondering if anyone has tried Zydis. I haven't heard much about it on these boards. I've gained enough weight on regular Zyprexa and wonder if anyone has had fewer side effects with Zydis.
Avatar f tn Weight gain though...not so much. Most people will label that (weight gain) a problem and search for a solution. If Ramipril is the most significant change in their lifestyle, that may stand out as the culprit. I went on Ramipril 1 month ago. Personally I have never, and I mean never in my life, experienced unwanted increases in weight. For the first time in my 28 years, I have have now EXPERIENCED NOTICEABLE, UNWANTED INCREASES IN WEIGHT... AGHHH!
Avatar f tn My pain is in control but the weight gain is aggravating my knee pain and scoliosis of the spine. It is hard to have the stamina I need to work with children in my center sometimes. Is there something else I can take. I really want to know what exercises work since eating doesn't move the scale. To switch a medication when I am in control of pain is scarey but I need to get some of this weight and tiredness gone.
Avatar f tn I'm a plus size girl, not excessively so size 18/20. And I gained 70 with my first, 35 with my second and 15 with my 3rd....I am currently 11wk4days and have lost weight. My Dr says as a bigger girl if I can safely gain are right though some women are going to see the 'exsessive' weight gain on the app and freak out....not cool. It should just let u track ur give input.
1467678 tn?1370941532 I have mirena and I think it's great. Don't believe all of the negative stuff you read about it. There is a disproportionate number of negative reviews online because people don't typically go out of their way to look for a message board when they aren't having issues to praise the type of birth control they picked. Message boards are flooded with people who have problems and are looking for advice.
Avatar f tn I havent heard much from my Dr. but I know that I am almost at the weight that I needed to gain! Up until a week ago, I was eating everytime I was hungry, I wasnt snacking, I was eating. Every two hours I am starving! Like I havent eaten at all. It is important to snack, not eat.
Avatar f tn ve had a strange influx of symptoms the past five months -- weight gain of 30 lbs (despite being a marathon runner, watching diet, etc.), insomnia but fatigued, headaches lasting for days, thinning hair, brittle nails snapping off, constipation, depression, etc. I got tested by an endocrinologist and my results are below. However, the doctor determined that my results were "normal." While they might be normal, are they questionable enough that I might want to seek further advice?
6706619 tn?1391316843 is that ok weight? Will he can gain much more weight up to my due date? How accurate do you ladies think the measurments are?
Avatar f tn t know what to do. I am 25 weeks. Doctor said i should gain more then 25-35 lbs or 15-20 ify weight is not optimal, but he didnt tell me which one he cosiders me. He said if you look at me i look like i weight 140 max, but in reality i weighed 180 pregnancy. I weigh alot more than i i just feel terrible that i weigh 191 now.
17644146 tn?1458782868 I've tried everything to get a good night's sleep. Doctor also prescribed Lunesta, which gave me UTI; so i discontinued. I've tried all the over the counter remedies (including Melatonin), but none worked. Does anyone have a suggestion for a good natural remedy? Tried CalmForte; Alteril, Valarian, Somnapure, etc. Someone said it is just part of being in my 70s, but I don't believe that. Any suggestions that have worked for you?
Avatar f tn weight gain isn't an issue with the herpes antivirals. be sure to follow up on this with your provider to make sure there aren't other explanations for your recent symptoms.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have been gaining weight rapidly for the past year. Since discovering that I have been gaining weight, I have increased my exercise and change my eating habits significantly (more whole foods, less processed junk). I am continuing to gain weight and it's very frustrating. I have been tested for low thyroid, cushing's, etc. etc. Nada. I am not getting anywhere. I am very uncomfortable with over 200 lbs now on my 5'4" frame. I used to maintain about 122 lbs.
1251143 tn?1271178280 I mean, i can share this with my husband but I really need someone to talk to about Morning sickness, weight gain, mood swings...and so on. When i was pregnant last time, it seemed that so many other women were pregnant too. This time, i don't know a single woman (besides woman on the boards) and it actually makes me cry. Maybe this whole vent sounds dumb because there are so many great women on these boards but sometimes I don't have time to get on these boards.
Avatar n tn and once I have completed the antibiotics is there a chance of losing the weight? or at least stopping the weight gain. Aside from the vanity point of losing the weight I am sure it makes the arthritis and numbness worse to be carrying around 40 - 50 extra pounds. I simply don't know how to fix this problem, as crazy as that sounds.
Avatar f tn My husband and I just started going to the gym again after years and years of not exercising and not eating healthy. His main goal is to gain muscle(but not too much) and gain weight(because he is normally very thin). My main goal is to loose alot of weight(50-65lbs) and gain muscle. He wants to start using whey and other types of supplements, but we dont know where to start or what to buy. I figure that we might both need different things, since I want to loose weight and he wants to gain.
Avatar m tn But it is the only thing that has worked for me with my sleep problems thus i have stayed on it. Also the side effects of weight gain and some other negative side effects are the reason I would love to get off of it. If anyone knows of any medications instead of seroquel that might work.....
Avatar n tn I am trying to gain weight... ONLY my lower ab works.. all other sites never have on me *shrugs* I wish the companys would have a not for althletic, healthy, or skinny person warning... I am only five pounds from being over wieght... I stay right on the line... lose ANY WEIGHT NO DELIVERY...
1008841 tn?1293598960 I've been taking ambian off and on for years. It's beginning not to work. But, everytime I ask the doctors for something else to help me sleep or something for anziety. They give me antidepressants. I don't want antidepressants. I almost died from antidepressants. I took Zoloft for years. Until they came up with Cembolta(SP). It sounded perfect. I asked the Doctor switch me. She did. I almost died. I didn't go back on Zoloft, and guess what I felt better.
Avatar m tn I would get a full 7 hours. The main problem with Remeron is the extreme weight gain, and the combo of Remeron and Ambien made me sleepwalk. Since I'm now pregnant, I'm not allowed to take these drugs, but found another alternative therapy. Lately, I've been taking two Benadryl at 11pm and then when I wake up at 3am, I take another Benadryl. I'm still not sleeping that well, but this has been the best therapy for me so far for pregnancy.
Avatar n tn I am a male 110 pounds 5'3" I need to know how to gain some mucle wait for football This discussion is related to <a href=''>weight loss plus muscle gain</a>.
6653958 tn?1395759593 I've heard that the thirst is a common thing with lithium and that weight gain is often associated with water weight. On the drug websites weight gain is listed as a side effect. I'm taking a lower dose of lithium right now, 600mg/day and we're decreasing my other meds. My appetite is going down. I don't know that I'm losing weight but I'm definitely not gaining. Are you taking any other medications that could account for the changes?
Avatar f tn Hello there, I read you are taking celebrex. Did you know that celebrex has been taken off many drug store shelves. It is not a safe drug. Are you sure it's the Lyrica that is causing your weight gain? If it's the Lyrica that is causing the weight gain, maybe you should stop taking it, but talk to your doctor first. Don't just stop taking Lyrica. Good luck to you.