Lunesta weight gain

Common Questions and Answers about Lunesta weight gain


1246883 tn?1285547973 Hi, welcome to the forum, seroquel is known to be associated with weight gain. There is significant weight gain is seen, in such cases usually other anti psychotics are prescribed. The weight gaining effect of this drug will not persist after discontinuation. Any associated condition should be looked for. If there is a change in voice (Voice becomes dusky), weight gain, intolerance to cold etc. You need to get your T3, t4 and TSH level checked as it may be in initial phase.
Avatar m tn But it is the only thing that has worked for me with my sleep problems thus i have stayed on it. Also the side effects of weight gain and some other negative side effects are the reason I would love to get off of it. If anyone knows of any medications instead of seroquel that might work.....
1008841 tn?1293598960 I've been taking ambian off and on for years. It's beginning not to work. But, everytime I ask the doctors for something else to help me sleep or something for anziety. They give me antidepressants. I don't want antidepressants. I almost died from antidepressants. I took Zoloft for years. Until they came up with Cembolta(SP). It sounded perfect. I asked the Doctor switch me. She did. I almost died. I didn't go back on Zoloft, and guess what I felt better.
Avatar m tn I would get a full 7 hours. The main problem with Remeron is the extreme weight gain, and the combo of Remeron and Ambien made me sleepwalk. Since I'm now pregnant, I'm not allowed to take these drugs, but found another alternative therapy. Lately, I've been taking two Benadryl at 11pm and then when I wake up at 3am, I take another Benadryl. I'm still not sleeping that well, but this has been the best therapy for me so far for pregnancy.
Avatar f tn i thought everything was alright until i started to gain weight i was 115 before i started then i raised up 149 pounds then i notice i was waking up at 3:30 and 4:30 am thats when i said i had enough i stop the zypreza lost the weight real fast and was not sleeping i mean , no sleep. i don't feel the sleepy feeling anymore i feel like i been up forever and ever.
Avatar f tn Hey all, so I got tired of not sleeping more than 4hrs a night after being off of Tramadol 42days and my Dr gave me Lunesta. I asked if it was addicting and he said yes but you won't buid up a tolerance to it... I would like to hear this though from someone that has taken this medication and has had to come off it... How hard was it? What where the wds like???ect.ect any info on this would be appreciated...Thank You. Jeffi.
Avatar m tn The highest available dose of Lunesta is 3mg. Recently, thought is that Lunesta, Ambien, and others in this class are very similar to benzodiazepine drugs. But I haven't read much about addiction or withdrawl from these meds. Seems like insomnia would be a given, but you could try melatonin or valerian root to combat that. Good luck either way.
2021910 tn?1339896686 so when I was in the Er last night they gave me Lunesta a sleeping pill to help me sleep I'm 31 w 5 d n my mom told me its not it..I mean babys fine n stuff but the hospital wouldn't give it to me if it wasent ok right ?
Avatar f tn It's 3 weeks since I've been having a pretty serious depression, including anxiety & sleeplessness. I was put on a new antidepressant LexiPro (15 days now), xanax as needed, which I only need to "take the edge off" when Im shaky, and Lunesta to sleep. This is the 2nd time I've used Lunesta.
Avatar f tn P and i need some help as to what one does not make you gain weight so i have time to see if it works for me. Im just hopless because i finally found one that works but not really because i cant stop gaining weight! and i dont gain wi=eight easily. please anyone. I just feel so alone in all this mess. IM SORRY THIS IS SO LONG. I JUST HAVE NEVER VENTED LIKE THIS ABOUT MY MESS. I NEED A FRIEND WHO GETS WHAT IM SAYING SO I DONT JUST FEEL LIKE A DRAMA WHINEY QUEEN.
Avatar f tn I have even been put on Symbytax (sp) in order to try and help me gain weight. I gained 4lbs, but that was it. I looked that one up and it is for severe bipolar disorder. I am not even diagnosed with depression. Why are doctors so quick into anti-depressants for other symptoms? I guess I will just have to live with the insomnia. Thanks for your input....
2044839 tn?1331255841 I currently take Wellbutrin. It has not made me gain weight and it has not affected my sex life like so many of the other anti-depressants. Just a thought in case you need to go down the road of another med. Take care.
Avatar f tn t mean that might not be the only alternative for some people, but for most taking any drug because of sedation side effects will eventually probably stop working and lead to something called rebound insomnia, which means not solving the problem and relying on medication can make it worse in the long term.
Avatar f tn Look up weight gain according to BMI and it will give you a good idea on the amount of weight you should gain according to your body type.
Avatar f tn Well I'm 7 months that means I'm 27 weeks and I have only gain 1 pound my midwife said it was OK 4 me to not gain weight bcz I'm over weight so u girls tell me it seems like I won't have to do a lot of weight loss. How far are u nd how much you gain?
Avatar f tn You won't gain weight until later...
266660 tn?1189755834 Lunesta seems to work okay for me. I've only taken it three or four times (I only take it as needed and not on a nightly basis.) I was prescribed Klonopin for anxiety and sleep and she said to not take it with Lunesta (this is after I asked *her*, she didn't mention it until then.) The Klonopin seems to work as well as the Lunesta, BTW. Kevin, I've read that Lunesta and Ambien are the same "types" of sleep aids but that is all I know. I hope Ryan can clear this up for us.
Avatar f tn Of course you'll gain weight.
Avatar f tn Aww don't worry. In my experience, weight gain tends to stall at the end.
Avatar n tn You gain the most weight in the last 8 weeks. So you might barely gain now, and then pack it on fast toward the end which is normal.
Avatar f tn I know this is probably a stupid question, but I'm 36weeks pregnant and since my last doctors appointment I haven't gained any weight. I didn't gain weight in the 1st trimester due 2 sickness, but in the 3rd I've been pretty steady with my weight the very least a poun a week. And now it's been almost 2 weeks and still no weight gain. Could that mean anything? Or is it just normal? Thanks in advance!
1972798 tn?1355549267 So my dr says my weight gain is fine. He said 1 pound per week along I am.. So I am 32 weeks and I have gained 31 lbs... Does that sound like a lot?!? What has everyone else gained? Or is that a horrible question to ask everyone?
915119 tn?1341948989 I haven't gain that much weight but I'm pretty sure I was at least 7 to 10 pounds over weight before I got pregnant.... I'm 5'3 so i think i should weight a little less..... maybe 125lb Before I had my beautiful baby girl (now 25 months) I was working out a lot and I was feeling good I went down to 128lbs and that when my hubby decided that it was time for another baby ..... I don't even know how or when did It happen....  :(.
Avatar n tn I believe that prevacid can cause weight gain ..seems so many babies are now diagnosed with reflux we used to call it cholic and wait for it to pass now seems they put them on meds.Still your doctor would know the answer, I think its the meds and whilst you child ius on them he may gain weight.good luck once he is off the meds he may go down to a normal weight.