
Low protein edema

Common Questions and Answers about Low protein edema


1416835 tn?1295811283 •The most common signs and symptoms of low protein can include shrinkage in the muscle tissues and edema, or fluid retention, in the feet and ankles. Weight loss and anemia are other common signs and symptoms.
Avatar n tn Thank you for your thorough reply and the time you put into this site. My mother's protein levels are very low as confirmed by blood albumin tests prior to her discharge from hospital. Her renal function was normal as was her liver function. Lasix has had little effect. Her nutritional status was poor going into surgery and after 8 days without food her albumin was very low. She is slowly 'restarting' her bowel function and eating some food daily. We see her Oncologist Mon.
Avatar n tn Usually conditions of heart, kidney, liver or low protein or severe anemia, which cause ankle and feet swelling, cause both ankles and feet to swell. Hence you will need to get heart function assessed by ECHO and EKG, get kidney and liver function tests done and get a complete blood picture for anemia. Low sodium in blood, hypothyroidism and malabsorption syndromes causing low protein in blood have to be looked into. Hypothyroidism generally causes non-pitting edema.
Avatar m tn It can be due to severe anemia, a failing heart, serious kidney disease, liver failure or disorder, electrolyte imbalance, polycystic ovary (in females), low protein in the blood, and disorders of adrenal gland. This is something for which you must consult a doctor ASAP, preferably an internal medicine specialist. Hope this helps. Take care!
Avatar n tn Have you had a 24 hour urine for protein checked to make sure you are not loosing protein in your urine. Edema can occur in normal people and it can be related to sllt intake--the more sodium the more edema.
10948614 tn?1414173719 If a patients has long term generalized edema (pitting in the legs), what are the other possible diagnostic alternatives, after heart, kidney, liver and protein abnormalities have been ruled out? I've been struggling with this edema nonsense for several years, unremitting, and yet my docs are stumped when it come to diagnosis. I also have some GI motility and hormone stuff happening but they claim there's no connection between the two.
Avatar m tn Elevated TSH indicates your wife is suffering from hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism can cause edema due to fluid retention. The presence of edema indicates a significant thyroid dysfunction. Please remember thyroid hormone is important for normal functioning of our body. Since your wife is hypothyroid it very important that she takes supplemental thyroid hormone as early as possible. Please initiate the treatment as early as possible. Take care!
873823 tn?1240072948 I have it --- not had it. Sorry!!!
10948614 tn?1414173719 ve been screened for heart, liver and kidney disease, as well as protein deficiency and thyroid conditions, which are the usual causes of edema like mine, but so far everything seems normal My docs are clueless and are really beginning to **** me off. They've been sending me back and forth to specialists for awhile now and still have no answers as to the underlying cause of my edema.
10948614 tn?1414173719 ve been screened for heart, liver and kidney disease, as well as protein deficiency and thyroid conditions, which are the usual causes of edema like mine, but so far everything seems normal My docs are clueless and are really beginning to **** me off. They've been sending me back and forth to specialists for awhile now and still have no answers as to the underlying cause of my edema.
Avatar n tn So which is it, you were 31 on the Heart Disease Expert forum yesterday and on the same day you were 31 on this forum asking the same question. HOW MANY TIMES ARE YOU GOING TO ASK THIS QUESTION 20,25,30 times? These are good doctors, trust them, take their advice and follow up with your personal doctors. Asking this same question over and over and over is simply not fair to the others that want to get a question posted plus you are letting the anxiety rule you life.
3211536 tn?1359385569 In the meantime, please do try to drink Ensure or Carnation Instant Breakfast (blah), look for the high protein foods that are low in sodium (send that son of yours out fishing!), and eat the small frequent meals that I already know you are doing. Personally, if it were me in your situation Cree, I would avoid spinach and kale, and only eat other greens (e.g.
114870 tn?1210298346 Fluid in the legs can be because of a low protein level. This is dues to malnutrition from being severely ill. The medical term for this is anasarca. Here is a good patient education summary from UpToDate Patient information: Edema (swelling) Author Burton D Rose, MD Section Editor Robert H Fletcher, MD, MSc Deputy Editors Leah K Moynihan, RNC, MSN David M Rind, MD Last literature review version 17.
Avatar f tn I completely agree with both Caregiver and Surgimenopause. Usually conditions of heart, kidney, liver or low protein or severe anemia, which cause ankle and leg swelling cause both ankles to swell. Hence if both ankles and leg are swelling then you will need to get heart function assessed by ECHO and EKG, TMT, get kidney and liver function tests done and get a complete blood picture for anemia.
10948614 tn?1414173719 The other health issues that began at the same time as the edema are hormone problems (extremely low free and total testosterone level), chronically elevated white blood cells (usually within 13-15,000 range- never lower) and lots of gastrointestinal issues. My gastro doc found possible evidence of gastroparesis/leftover food in my gut, during an endoscope, as well as severe inflammation in my stomach/erosive gastritis, despite testing negative for H Pylori.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with CFS in 1994 then a few years later with fibromyalgia. Now I am having a lot of problems with edema and a different type of pain. Having the diagnosis of CFS & Fibro, any symptoms gets written off to them. The pain is always worse in the morning as is the edema. My ankles and feet feel like concrete in the morning. The edema effects my hands, feet and I also have periorbital edema. The mornings are alway the worst.
Avatar n tn I saw a Nephrologist approximately a month ago for protein in the urine. The Creatinine ratio is 888.9 and I understand it should be less than 30. About a week after seeing him, I started swelling significantly in the feet, ankles, and legs. I had an appointment to see him next week. However, his office called and changed my appointment to July 30th - more than another month. I've already been swelling for about three weeks.
Avatar f tn ve been on the couch too sick to function, the pain is just in right kidney, slight temp, edema over entire body,, too scared to go to hospital after prior experience of being treated like a drug addict and given nsaids without the doctor even seeing me. My doctor is useless.. Help! Why does one kidney hurt so much? Why am i puffy mist of the time. Gets hard to breathe and get chest pain at times when very puffy.
Avatar n tn Put her on an excellent quality high protein, low fat, grain-free diet. The cracker and bread diet she is on is currently on is very nutritionally deficient.
408795 tn?1324935675 Damage to the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys (glomeruli) that filter waste and excess water from your blood can result in nephrotic syndrome. One result of nephrotic syndrome is low levels of protein (albumin) in your blood, which can lead to fluid accumulation and edema. Inadequate lymphatic system. Your body's lymphatic system helps clear excess fluid from tissues.
Avatar f tn Hi, swelling in feet could be due to low protein level, heart disease, kidney disorder etc. How old is your father, swelling is in either feet or one and is he diabetic? In old age, due to protein deficiency or incompetent venous return, it is quite common to see pedal swelling or edema. Try leg elevation by putting cushion under legs during sleep, if no response is seen do couple of days, do consult doctor.
10948614 tn?1414173719 The two slight abnormalities that did turn up were very mild hyperthyroidism that seems to fluctuate between normal and slightly out or range and a low testosterone level which seems to worsen (as far as I can tell from libido), when the edema is raging When the edema is at it's worst, I almost feel dehydrated. My mucus membranes seem to dry up and my saliva and underarm sweat production feel as though they slow down quite a bit.
Avatar f tn It can be due to severe anemia, a failing heart, serious kidney disease, liver failure, electrolyte imbalance, polycystic ovary, low protein in the blood, and disorders of adrenal gland. This is something for which you must consult a doctor ASAP, preferably an internal medicine specialist. The swelling could be causing pressure on the nerves and hence numbness and tingling. The pressure can be at carpal tunnel or at the elbow. Maybe treating the edema will take care of this.