
Lovenox in pe

Common Questions and Answers about Lovenox in pe


Avatar f tn Im on Lovenox due to the fact that I've had blood clots in both of my lungs in the past. Everything is great. Im currently using medicaid and I pay only $3 as a copay. I get 36 shots at a time so my supply lasts a lil over a month.
Avatar n tn Every scan that has been run reveal no DVT. I have been placed on Lovenox indefinitely and had an IVC filter put in (even though they are not sure where the emboli are coming from). Are there any other tests I can inquire about? Is it common to have a PE with no evidence of a DVT? Am I realisticly looking at Lovenox for the rest of my life? I am a 32 year old male with no prior history and according to the doctors in good health.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had a successful delivery with a PE on Lovenox? So stressed right now...I'm 21 weeks and due July 21.
Avatar n tn Plan to have c-section at 37 weeks due previous t incision of uterus and post op PE, also on Lovenox 40mg SQ daily. I am very concerned if I should stop taking atenolol.
Avatar n tn Congrats! I'm due August 4th. My original date was the 7th but the sono said I was a little further along. What are lovenex shots?
16702 tn?1234090645 My Oncologist told me that I have a large PE above the filter that was put in too keep clots from going into my lungs/heart/brain. She was surprised that I was still throwing clots despite the Lovenox. If you google blood clots and cancer they will list ovarian cancer as one of those which is prone to producing clots. In my case I do not know when the cancer would have been found had I not been so impacted by the clots. My cancer was at stage IV and spread all over.
Avatar m tn a very fast heart rate, pain, trouble breathing, you can inject it and go to an er immediately. I was told not to do any exercise except walking until the clot dissolved as anything else could dislodge it. I got a special pillow to raise my legs at night and I wore and still wear gruduated compression socks. A higher compression is needed when you actually have the dvt 20-30 is good and then lower after it dissolves.
Avatar n tn Factor V Leiden is associated with an increased risk of developing an episode of DVT (with or without a PE). Approximately 1 in every 1000 people will develop a DVT or PE each year, and this increases from about 1 in 10 000 for those in their twenties to about 5 in 1000 for those in their seventies. Heterozygous factor V Leiden increases the risk of developing a first DVT by 5- to 7-fold (or 5 to 7 in 1000 people each year).
Avatar n tn 1) Have you ever heard of lovenox injections to prevent further clots in stents and 2) what are the risks from lovenox to her relatively healthy kidneys (after 30+ yrs of diabetes)? Thank you for your good advice. You were the only Dr. who said E.R.
Avatar f tn I was treated with Lovenox and Coumadin and discharged on Xarelto. Does the clot in my heart still pose a threat to my health. I have been on Xarelto for about four days. I was also wondering if I should consider a clotting disorder since I had a blood clot 10 years ago in my leg. I am 57 years old and do not have any other problems with my heart such as A-fib. The only symptom I had was mild shortness of breath. The clots were discovered as an incidental finding on another test.
14129151 tn?1433037840 wow...I had a PE in 2000 on blood thinners for life..4 blood clots in my leg 1 was 9" long..I know this is a hold post. I know when the inr is high above 4.0 it seems loosen turn its to dissolve clots. Wow you blood proteins c s were normal. This seems odd to me..I do hope everything turned out ok..
Avatar n tn I am limited somewhat to what I can take due to being on anticoagulants. I had a PE in 2006 after a miscarriage, and was diagnosed about a month ago with three different blood clotting disorders. (Am currently on Lovenox and will be switching back to warfarin soon.) Am presently trying 50MG Tramadol (one every six hours) to try and abort this current migraine, but it doesn't seem to help much. I generally do avoid what you've mentioned.
Avatar n tn There is no guarantee that it is gone. In fact it is likely that the clot may not be gone. Having a blood clot in one’s lung is a very serious situation. Your doctors should make every effort to identify the source of the blood clot and the reason(s) for its formation. This is a very treatable medical condition and you should currently and for some weeks or even months to come, be on an anti-coagulant medicine to thin your blood.
572651 tn?1530999357 t think of a clot. Anyway, I am resting comfortably in the hospital, started on Coumadin and having to do lovenox injections until my clotting is stable. For once I would be much happier if this was due to my MS. Doctor says I isn't go home tomorrow, but could be longer. We'll see.... I will be scarce for a while.
Avatar n tn Lovenox safety in pregnancy is a question that is best answered by your obstetrician or by a high risk maternal fetal medicine subspecialist. I personally do not believe the low positive cardiolipin titers were related to infertility; the relationship is with recurrent pregnancy loss. I too respect your RE' reasoning for initiating lovenox, but would not have done so myself - a matter of opinion and my interpretation of the research and evidence available.
Avatar n tn I was put on Lovenox and a baby aspirin 2 weeks prior to miscarrying. The Doctor seems to think that when we get pregnant again that I can get on Lovenox and baby aspirin when i'm 7 weeks pregnant and that the pregnancy will be a healthy succuessful one. I'm just wondering has anyone else had a successful pregnancy taking Lovenox? Just really nervous and have alot of questions now. Should I go ahead and take the baby aspirin now or wait? The Doctor says we can try again in October.
Avatar f tn I had an ablation last week and am doing well, but am very beat up (low energy, black and blue, sore throat from TEE and polka dot bruises from Lovenox). My question is how long a time period is it usual to be on Lovenox? My doctor has said a full month. From my research, other than pregnant women, for all other conditions it says 2 weeks or less. I can't take coumadin due to a severe reaction to it.
681348 tn?1226596590 I am a 45 year old male who suffered a snapped tendon in my leg. After the operation to fix it I suffered a Pulmanary Embolisim (PE) blocking my main pulmanary artery & segmental / sub segmental arteries bilaterally. The PE was caused by an extensive thrombosis (DVT) after surgery to my leg. The PE caused me to get very breathless & go blue etc. On my way to the ambulance I suffered a further attack and the ambulance ECG showed I was in VT.
Avatar n tn I see this is an old post. However, I do hope you managed to cope o.k. with the pain?- I also have Pectus excavatum (PE) and am wanting to start a family but have never had surgery for the PE (I didn't even know anything about it until mid 20's) I'm now 42, 43 yrs old in July and have never had any children before (for various reasons.) The PE is certainly deep enough to warrant surgery but I got scared and didn't get any in the end because I heard it was more risky in an adult.
Avatar n tn Anyone taking Lovenox? Im 9 weeks and between the lovenox and the prenat vit I feel groggy all the time..just wondering if lovenox makes you feel bad..
Avatar m tn I have been in atrial flutter for 2 1/2 months now. I am 74, have had 3 ht attacks, angioplasty, double by-pass surgery and now am waiting for an ablation. Did all of you have to be on coumadin and get 4 protimes 2 to 3 or above for 4 weeks before the procedure? I get a couple weeks in, and then I drop below 2 and have to start my weeks over again. It has never converted for one minute since the flutter has started.
Avatar f tn I was on lovenox mine didn't burn but the doctor told me to ice the injection site first then it wouldn't be as bad......I'm almost 39 weeks and they switched me over to heparin at 38 weeks..........I'm going to the hospital Thursday the 5th to get induced......
645220 tn?1233764146 That's interesting, because I tried googling this a few weeks ago. I've been on Lovenox since April, and once in a while, I'll get a syringe with a needle that just won't penetrate my skin properly. After searching online, I found NOTHING, so I started thinking it was just me...but looks like there's at least two of us then ;-) Let me know how your injection goes tomorrow. It only happens to me every once in a while, so hopefully it's the same for you.
645220 tn?1233764146 I took lovenox for 2 months because i got a blood clot in my left calf from taking birth control pills, and then had to be on coumadin for another 6 months of anticoagulation. In addition i am a nurse and have to give lovenox injections all the time and teach people how to do their own injections. I am not an OB nurse and I am curious why your are taking lovenox during your pregnancy, do you have a previous clotting issue with your pregnancies?
287479 tn?1272730364 I've never been on Lovenox...but am a nurse and give the injections all the time......You may have some spotting only b/c it's a blood thinner...but I'm not sure that it would be unsafe to have some long as your cervix is in good shape.....
873190 tn?1304812975 I'm on Lovenox for Factor V (one gene). Same thing...repeated early losses in the past, but research indicates that Factor V should technically only be an issue in 2nd and 3rd trimester. Yet, this is the only pregnancy that continued past the first trimester and this time I was on Lovenox from day 1. The last two times, they wanted to wait and see a heartbeat before starting the blood thinners.
Avatar f tn So I'm going on a daily dose of Lovenox, and I have to have hydroxyprogesterone weekly. I'm getting nervous not so much for me but my fiancé. He takes great care of me and idk if it's hormones but now with baby #2 being a girl it's a risk I may genetically passed or will pass my high blot clot risk to her. What if she has miscarriage problems or risks having going into labor early. I worry about my son too- I just found this information out today.
Avatar n tn Has anybody used the blood thinner lovenox? My doctor put me on it for the whole pregnancy. I just forbid out I was carrying 4 days ago. I'm very nervous because I've had 3 miscarriages before this.