
Lialda and liver problems

Common Questions and Answers about Lialda and liver problems


Avatar m tn Sigh...I tried Lialda for a month...the headaches were insane! My doc switched me to body wouldn't absorb them. So, I'm on my third med...Apriso...$248 for a one month supply! I don't see any real difference with anything so far...
1070971 tn?1299614110 I started on Lialda in February 2009....gained 10-15 pounds within 3 weeks. I have always been thin, I didn't even gain weight when I was on steroids! I have been working out and watching what I eat, but I can't seem to shed the pounds I gained. I even had a flare-up this winter (I usually drop 10-20 pounds during a flare) and didn't lose a single pound. I can't find any information about Lialda and weight gain.
Avatar f tn I have been on Lialda for almost a year and recently noticed hair loss. Since I am also bruising very easily, it could be more related to an underlying anemia, not necessarily the Lialda itself.
Avatar f tn Last November, I had another flare that lasted 4 months (I never lost a pound even though I was eating very little). The doctor quadrupled my dose of Lialda, and again more weight gain around my stomach and nowhere else. This is very frustrating. I have always been a very thin person and do not like looking like I am pregnant when I am not! Has anyone else had this issue with Lialda. How about knee pain? Itching? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Avatar f tn I have had for several days now facial pain more on the right side and traveling pain throughtout my body. I wake up feeling great and as the day progresses I start to feel run down, fatigue, my face starts to hurt, my lips hurt sometimes, then my head will start to hurt like it feels like its burning inside, travels in my toes, fingers, arms, legs, feet, hands and this will last for hours. Then I will be fine for a while and then it will start all over again. I do have UC as well.
Avatar m tn I am currently taking lialda 2 capsules twice a day. I basically stopped taking the lialda because it made me feel worse than I already was. My question is is there a reason why the lialda makes me have pain in my gut. Are there any other new meds out there of UC? Are there any new surgeries to cure UC?
Avatar n tn I started taking Lialda in August, 2008, and took it (3-1g tabs once per day) for 5 months before I got better. However, I am not sure whether to credit the Lialda or the Flora-Q I began taking after three months into my treatment. I have lymphocytic colitis so this may not pertain directly to your diagnosis, but I hope it helps.
1269644 tn?1270486006 hi--i've been on lialda approx.6-7 months...better than the other i was on..sounds like uc..i was diagnosed in feb 2009..
Avatar m tn s for the last 5yrs and am on 5mg of Prednisone/day as well just being switched to Lialda 2.4gms/day (from Pentasa 4gms/day) one month ago. I was started on Famvir today-500mg tid. I am leaving for Hawaii on Wednesday and am scheduled to swim with the dolphins on Thursday. I have completed my first full day's dose of medicine and will continue until the prescription is completed. I am then staying on a maintenance dose of 250mg/day until I can get the vaccine in 6mos at age 60.
Avatar f tn hi there yes i have uc and bowel sounds are quite normal for me as soon as i eat? then i have to go on the loo !!
Avatar n tn ve had the same problems too! im 17 years old and its just been happening in the past year. It always happens to me in all the wrong moments expecially at school, and I have to rush to the bathroom. I hate having this whatever it is... i hope there is somthing that can fix it.
Avatar n tn I don't know what meds you're taking but often the drug companies have assistance programs and will provide you with discounts and even free medications. Years ago, I was between insurance coverage and couldn't afford Lipitor, and I just had to have my doctor fill out a paper, prove my income, and they covered all the expenses.
4152590 tn?1350772856 One other problem I have had is gas and diarrhea... And I mean BAD! I also have lots of memory problems... Good luck to you and I pray Alls well!
1383377 tn?1279384982 I am an alcolic...and about 2 weeks ago, my doctor took tests on my liver and the results came back very bad, especially for my age(23). Apparently my liver is seriously damaged. I haven't drank since I heard the news but what I want to know is...if I get a new tattoo....can my damaged liver prevent it from healing right? I know the liver filters the toxins in your body and helps you recover, but would my liver affect my new tattoo in any way? Does anybody have any idea??
Avatar f tn I was sent to one and I found out that I have non alocoholic fatty liver . Its normal to feel tired and Dizzy It all comes with having a non normal liver at the moment I dont know if I answered your question but If you want to chat add me as a friend if you want.
Avatar f tn Also, a right upper abdomen pain that is referred to the shoulder can be due to liver and gall bladder problems, heavy meals or acidity that cause distension of the duodenum or any cause for distension of the small intestine. The symptoms could be signs of mild cirrhosis or stricture or stone in common bile duct or liver fibrosis. It could also be fatty liver. In your case alcohol and drug related causes are ruled out.
Avatar n tn Im a 19 year old girl, and just got some test results back today, and the doc says my liver results are high.. They are suppost to be (0-45) and they are 122 U/L and the other is suppost to be (0-41) and it is 124.. He says it may very well be fatty liver, as i am slightly over weight.. is this anythings to worry about? And what are the treatments? And what else could it be? I drink about once a month, but eat take away about 2-3 times a week..
Avatar f tn The interpretation of elevated AST and ALT levels depends upon the entire clinical evaluation of an individual, and so it is best done by physicians experienced in evaluating liver disease and muscle disease. AST and ALT are elevated in people with cardiovascular, liver and muscle disease. What can you do about this? GET AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOUR DOCTOR ASAP. This doesn't happen overnight. It takes years to develop. Your doctor hasn't mentioned this before? Good luck.
462621 tn?1206722120 My dog Caylee has an enlarged liver and has had urinary problems for over a year now. We took Caylee to the vet last Friday for another urinary problem and the vet said her abdomen has fluid in it. She is continuing to get bigger and I would like to know if there is something I can do to help her. My husband is not ready to put her to sleep yet as Caylee and him spend 24/7 together.
Avatar n tn Definate sign of the alcohol and liver problems. He is slowly killing himself and you will be able to nothing but watch unless he decides to quit. How long have you dated this guy? It really is sad I know but I hope you understand that you can do nothing for him. Well actually you can enable him and subject yourself to a ton of pain. It is so very sad and I am one of those who think alcohol is no different if not worse than any other substance people abuse except is it legal.
Avatar n tn Liver problems are due to excessive drinking during his lifetime, and thanks for the help!
Avatar f tn The doctor even ran a full hep panel to ease my mind since I also was experiencing pain in my ruq area. I am still not convinced that my liver is healthy and want to have a biopsy done but my doctor doesn't want to do this. He wants to do an EGD to rule out any internal bleeding but doesn't think a biopsy is necessary. Here are my questions. Is it possible that I have alcoholic liver disease? Can someone with alcoholic liver disease become pregnant and deliver a healthy child?
Avatar m tn With abstinence from alcohol, your liver can repair itself. Short of cirrhosis, it can repair itself completely. And even with cirrhosis, it will significantly improve in terms of function. (if you quit drinking) I had similar issues, and was diagnosed with fatty liver disease. 6 months of abstaining from alcohol, and a scope showed my liver as "normal" again.
Avatar f tn Liver fibrosis is not an independent disease but rather a histological change caused by liver inflammation. Liver damage causes liver stellate cells to be over active and triggers the extra cellular matrix (ECM) synthesis to increase. More than normal amounts of collagen fiber deposits in the extra-cellular spaces of the liver cells and causes the liver cells to lose blood infusion and to be hardened." I got the above from You might want to read further there.
Avatar f tn A scan today has indicated a very enlarged liver and showing very bright on the scan, why would this be if the liver function tests are within normal limits?
Avatar f tn If your husband thinks he has liver pain he should go to the Dr. although when the liver does flare with pain the abdomen is extended with nausea and burping.. I have not noticed so much of a acid reflex.. He should still be checked out as ulcers and the like can be very painful.. also the gull bladder can cause severe pain in this region....I wish you well...