
Lexapro dosage 5mg

Common Questions and Answers about Lexapro dosage 5mg


Avatar n tn Hello, I was taking 5MG of Lexapro for anxiety and had ups and downs so my doctor decided to increase the dosage to 10mg. The first day after increase I didn't feel the best but then I had about a week of feeling great! Now the last 5 days I haven't been feeling the best, slowly getting better each day. Been on 10MG for 2 weeks and 3 days. Does anyone know when you increase your dosage does the clock restart for the 4-6 weeks for the side effects?
Avatar m tn I have just rec'd samples of Lexapro from my doctor yesterday to treat panic attacks. I've been taking Xanax when I get an attack and they seem to be coming a bit more frequent than I'd like - so I was prescribed 5mg for the first week, then 10mg of Lexapro from my doctor. I'm trying to be optimistic here... Last night I actually slept pretty well, better than previous nights -- wasn't up and down like I normally am. I awoke, semi-rested...
Avatar f tn When I was put on Lexapro, I was started at 5mg. 10mg is the recommended dosage for anxiety treatment, so I was tapered up to see what side effects would occur and to minimize them.
Avatar m tn Hello, So i've been on Lexapro 10mg for about 4 weeks now and since a couple of days ago i've been feeling very tired and sleepy to the point that all i want to do is sleep. Will this effect go away or am i experiencing the true effects of Lexapro? Thanks.
5342561 tn?1366664882 Did your doctor start the Lexapro at 20mg? It's usually tapered up in 5mg increments, and 10mg is the recommended dosage by the manufacturer for anxiety (20mg for depression). That doesn't mean an individual will react that way, we're all different and metabolize drugs differently, so one person might require a different dosage than another, but I think the problem might be starting you at the highest normal dosage, 20mg.
Avatar f tn Develope a one month plan including a taper off chart. Slowly decrease your dosage from everyday to 5mg a day to 5mg every other day to 5mg every 3rd day until you have stopped taking this medication. This is a slow way to stop taking the medication and become independant. I recommend a similar approach to Adderal. This drug may be more difficult to stop since it provides such a rush of energy each day. Maybe stop the lexapro first then stop the adderal and last work on the ambien.
135456 tn?1301437624 I just got off of lexapro 5mg, i started at 10mg and couldnt stand the side effects and feeling dizzy so i went down to 5mg on my own, i felt better emmediately, i would still have anxiety here and there but not as bad, plus i started to see a councilor to just have someone to vent to which has taught me breathing excersizes so all that has helped.
Avatar f tn Hi I have severe avoidance and anxiety especially when it comes to unknown situations and people. I was prescribed 10mg Lexapro by my GP to take once a day. But I'm scared to take it :( It probably would help me, because currently I'm unemployed and have been for a long time, and constantly trapped in my head by obessive bad thoughts. And I lack motivation and social skills. Should I take the Lexapro? I'm so scared of side effects. I take .
Avatar f tn I have been on the 100mg a day dose for 5 days and my anxiety has increased significantly and I am having trouble sleeping. The Zoloft has always made me feel wired, but this dosage has really increased my anxiety levels. Will this anxiety increase go away after a few weeks? I also take 300mg of Wellbutrin each day and have for 2 years. Do you think I should lower my Wellbutrin dose or my Zoloft dose or both?
Avatar m tn My physician prescribed Prozac and Xanax and my anxiety shot up...similar to what many of you have shared. I only took it three days. When I told her my reactions and some of the things I learned here she told me I shouldn't feel that way so soon and switched me to Lexapro. Has anyone taken this medication for depression, stress and anxiety?
358304 tn?1409709492 I used to just take 5mg of Lexapro, and .5mg of ativan back in the day. So lastnight, I thought, maybe the Lexapro 10mg is too much for my body? Maybe it's just now getting to it's full potential therapeutic effect? And maybe it's too much on me? So I went down to 5mg. As to Mammo, I know messing around with my dosages can be a mistake. But as far as I'm concerned, my Dr. is out of the country. So I'm trying to take less of whatever til he get's back.
Avatar f tn My pharmacy accidentally filled my 5mg of Lexapro instead of my new 10mg pills of Lexapro. I just want to make sure it has the same effect until I'm able to get my 10mg pills. Its important i have the right dosage of this pill everyday. Thank you for your responses! Just need some reassurance.
Avatar f tn i take klonopin alone. i'm fine with it. i was comepletely homebound with agoraphobia and now i'm back to work, church, martial arts and some other stuff. i'm not 1000% just yet but am working towards it with excercise, CBT, spirituality, eating right etc. with klonopin it's best taken 2x's daily, 12 hours apart, the target dosage for panic disorder is 1mg a day or .5mg twice a day. some people need more some less. i'm on .5mg 3x's a day. it does help alot.
2102085 tn?1350866645 She put me on a plan where i decrease my Lexapro and slowly add Paxil. I am currently on only 5mg of Lexapro. My nausea has decreased but still miserable and now it is mixed with Lexapro withdrawl symptoms, which as you may know, is a nightmare. I am seriously considering not starting the Paxil and just getting off SSRIs all together. At least for a while if not for good. I just cannot handle this medication roller coaster! Any thoughts or experiences? Please advise! What should I do?
Avatar m tn Lexapro for my anxiouty and depression.Side effects include diarrhea,sleep,loss of appetite and slight headache.Man i tell you,i had everyone of them!! It was horrible as if i were poisoned.Has anyone ever taken these? Also when i tell her about this she'll probably discontinue the use,if not i am and DON'T plan on taking another.What else is there as far as medicines for this? I know there are several but in general which do they usually prescribe?Thanks.
Avatar f tn 4 years ago I had my first phase of depression and anxiety and I have been on lexapro 10mg and xanax .25mg each morning since. 2 month ago I asked my doctor to reduce the lexapro because I was totally happy and over the depression. I went down to 5mg and I also took some diet pills 2 months after reducing the dose and the combination of these pushed my over the edge and the depression is back. my doctor increased the dose to 20mg of lexapro ans .75 xanax when necessary .
Avatar f tn Good for you! If 5mg makes you feel better... then good for you. I took 10mg last year... and it ended up giving me more anxiety. So I called my Dr. and he said to go down to 5mg. I did, and I felt better.. and got better. Then, after a couple of months or more on 5mg, I tapered down to 2.5mg and stayed on that for a long while. And I was perfect! And happy for 6 months straight!!! No anxiety. So to birdie0907, some people don't need as much as a chemical as others.
Avatar f tn I have been trying to wean my wife off Lexapro. Presently she is on 5mg daily. Originally she was on 20mg daily. As I understand the withdrawal regiment as one should not reduce the dosage until the patient is stabilized on that particular dosage. Since she has been on 5mg (2 months) we have experienced several symptoms and they have dissipated, however one symptom has lingered for three weeks. This one is absolutely driving her nuts.
Avatar f tn I have been taking .5mg of Xanax in the evening for sleep. I had tried various prescription sleep aids with no results. My doctor has put me on Lexapro and told to ween off of the Xanax. I just reduced dosage to half a pill and had no side effects...thank goodness. I was unaware of all the side effects of Xanax. I hope I can ween off of it and be able to sleep. The posts have been very informative!
Avatar f tn I have been taking alprazolam 0.25 mg 3 times a day for over 10 years. My Dr wants me to wean off so she gave me Lexapro 5mg once a day to help me thru this weaning process. The Lexapro in addition to the alprazolam makes me very tired. I am taking the lexapro in the morning along with alprazolam and I'm sure that's the reason I feel like I could sleep all day. After reading the comments posted on here I think I will take lexapro at night instead. I'm glad I saw this sight!
Avatar f tn Been taking Lexapro for about 2 weeks now, definitely feel a difference. Just worried about the weight gain side effect I have read so much about!! Seems to be my only worry right now! Has anyone NOT gained weight while taking Lexapro?? Hope everyone is having a great day!
Avatar n tn He or she is wise utilizing the (every other day method) to taper you off Lexapro. This can be done with Lexapro due to it half life properties. Most doctors are not wise enough to utilize this method. Here is my advice: (1.) before you panic, there is a really nasty flu bug going around right now, so you could have a touch of that mixed in with the obvious withdrawl symptoms. (2.) Ask your doctor if he can call you in just a low dosage script of Xanax.
Avatar m tn ive stopped from 5mg of lexapro to 5 mg of paxil , and will up my dose in a week. anyone done the same thing? what sideeffects did u have?
1198633 tn?1341182388 My psychiatrist cut my Lexapro down from 10mg to 5mg a day, per some observation my therapist had made about a twitch in the left side of my face. I think it's only a nervous twitch because I do get kind of giddy when I'm with him and just being in that room. I've heard nothing of a twitch that either my family or friends have seen and I've asked them multiple times if they've ever seen me do it.
Avatar n tn Blood pressure has been stable since Feb. 3rd due to increase dosage of Enalipril. On Jan. 15th, my doctor gave me Lexapro and new problems started. I took 10mg for the first 6 days then went to 5mg/day until Feb. 3rd. The reason for the change was because of severe side effects. Dizziness, tremors, jaw pain, loud ringing in ears, nausea were the main issues. Now being off the med for 13 days, and have been off of work since Feb. 3rd, I continue to have problems.
Avatar n tn I hope so or else i have to quit taking it. Currently i am on 5mg of lexapro and I have ativan 1mg when needed.
Avatar m tn I went to a new doctor and he strongly recommended getting off of it due to its strong addictive nature. He recommended cutting my dosage in half every 1-1.5 weeks depending on how I feel. I did: 1mg x2 for a week 1mg at night for a week .5mg x2 for a week .5mg at night for a week and now I'm off. I was fine until about the last stage when I started to get a stomach ache in the mornings.