
Levoxyl and metformin

Common Questions and Answers about Levoxyl and metformin


Avatar f tn Based on my blood test result my doctor made a derision regarding my thyroid gland, and Levoxyl 0,05 mg was prescribed, My questions: 1. Which blood test parameters are telling that I have to start/stop taking Levoxyl? 2. Can I replace Levoxyl with natural products (some diet, using the iodized salt, etc.) ? Many thanks!
Avatar n tn I was taking Levoxyl for hypo-thyroidism and it was automatically changed to the generic form, L-Thyroxine. After taking the Thyroxine I noticed a terrible burning in the throat and indigestion which I never had with the Levoxyl. So I am requesting to be changed back to the Levoxyl. I think some of these medications have different ingredients. I never had this happen with the Levoxyl. I hope this helps anyone who has been put on the generic form of medication.
Avatar f tn Of course, many things can stress the adrenals and if one has an adrenal issue, that should be addressed prior to a thyroid issue, and yes, thyroid med should be introduced slowly. Of course, excess cortisol can cause weight gain, especially that spare tire around the middle that keeps us afloat in the water. In that case, it's not the thyroid med causing the weight gain; it's the excess cortisol.
Avatar n tn I am experiencing hair loss and thinning. Could T4/T3 help me? Is Levoxyl the same as Synthroid? Is there really anything that can help hair to grow back? I am an 80 year old woman, in excellent health aside from the loss of T4.
Avatar n tn I was put on Synthoid in the beginning for about a month and the doctor switched me to Levoxyl. I was taking 88mcg of Levoxyl and started having anxiety, so my doctor changed my dosage to 65 mcg. 3 weeks ago I started losing my hair so I went for my doctor's appointment and they did lab work and found my TSI levels were high (12) and they wanted them to be below (4) so they increased my dosage to 100mcg.
Avatar n tn s the backstory. TT 11/14, RAI 1/15. Started on Levoxyl 150, then Tiro, Naturethroid for a long stint and then after feeling skinny yet too hyper, decided to return to Levoxyl 125 and 5 Cytomel 1/16. I've been wanting to see if I can convert T3 alone so I dropped the Cytomel mid-February and raised my Tiro to 137 early March. End of March they raised it to 150 and I've been inquiring with friends when they noticed a drop in my energy.
Avatar n tn The FDA has determined that generic Levothyroxine and brand-name Synthroid and Levoxyl are equivalent. The FDA requires all drugs, both brand-names and their generic counterparts, to be proven safe and effective. Since generics use the same active ingredients and are shown to work the same way in the body as their brand-name counterparts, they also have the same risks and benefits. From my re/search, I have found the Levoxyl has the least inactive ingredients.
1421938 tn?1318603558 I have psco my dr put me on metformin I have been taking it for a long time.. Its helps with my psco it also helps me get preg.. When I get preg my dr takes me off the metformin..I have had 2 mc in a row one at 9wks and the second one 18wks.. I just wondering if anyone has stayed on metformin when they were preg.. I was on web sites about metformin & psco and they r saying that people with psco have a higher risk of mc...
Avatar m tn I have been on Synthyroid since may but now I was recently prescribe Metformin. I forgot to ask if it safe to take Metformin with Synthyroid at the same time. Does anyone if it would be ok?
Avatar n tn I too have bee suffering horribly since the return of Levoxyl it was my perfect T4 med while I also added Cytomel and felt great for 9 years. But the recall left me chasing another T4 med and I haven't been the same since. They have obviously added more fillets and I'm reacting to the fillets they put in it. I remember the good days when it' was slightly chalky and dissolved quickly on my tongue if I used water but today it's coated really well and really hard to break.
Avatar f tn I too have PCOS and my doc just put me on Metformin to help me Ov I was on clomid for 6 months and only Ov once the whole time now he took me off the clomid and just put me on Metformin and told me that it will help with my Ov I am not insulin resistance but he says it will help me to Ov. I am not over weight and I am over all healthy thank god. I hope it helps you and I both to Ov.
1129774 tn?1279831762 30 and eat breakfast at 7:00. I talked to the pharmacist and she said I can take the cytomel whenever. With breakfast I take all my vitamins Multi, calicum, mag,. probiotic, vit. d, and cranberry. Can I take both at 5:30 in the morning? Or should I wait until after breakfast. I decided to only start with one a day and see how I do. I am afraid of getting to much. Thanks.
342133 tn?1227108677 I have PCOS too and I am on metformin. It didn't work for me though. I ovulated only with injectibles. But my friend(very lucky) she got pregnant on metformin and her dd is 13 months old.
Avatar n tn Yes Metformin can cause weight loss, I lost about 25 needed lbs real quick with a low carb, nothing white diet. I have tried not very successfully before metformin and did not lose the weight. My weight loss has slowed down since I got over the intial scare of being diagnosed with type 11 diabetes. and learn more of what I can eat and what I should not. My best to you mom...
Avatar f tn For example, I am on a combination of metformin and levoxyl. Metformin can be used to lose weight, help PCOS, potentially helps Hypothyroidism, as well. The primary purpose of metformin is to treat diabetes. So, we're looking at a bunch of conditions with the same treatment. Maybe there is some potential for looking into that. Sorry, I don't really have any concrete answers, but sometimes knowing you're not alone helps. Good luck.
Avatar n tn m on the brand Levoxyl instead. It was the only brand the insurance covered. My dr recommends a brand name and not a generic, so I chose to go with the Levoxyl. Turns out it's worked out well for me.
400358 tn?1320234443 I gave myself a 6 month break from the pill, and only stayed on metformin...and had 5 normal periods, but went back on the pill in Jan 2010 because my period was 10 days late. Did I ovulate during those times? I'm not really sure...I don't track it, but I can remember feeling some twinges around that time and a change in who knows. I've never missed a period for as long as I could remember (well except last month).
Avatar f tn I was put on thyroxine 25 mcgs about 3 years ago and felt horrible after just a week or so. As doctors do, they said the dose needed to be increased to 50 mcgs, I persisted with it for short while longer, felt much worse with skin allergies, mood swings and I stopped taking it altogether. I have been taking Nutrithyroid for the past 3 years and my levels have been reasonably well controlled on this. A month ago the TSH was raised at 31 and T4 was 12.
Avatar f tn Hi, Thank you for your concern, comments and suggestions. I did go back on Levoxyl a week and a half ago. I really appreciate your feedback.
616450 tn?1228433627 Folks, I know I post a lot of crazy questions, but this is for real. After the RAI I felt great for a few months. When the doctor put me on Levoxyl, after I supposedly went a LITTLE hypo, I started feeling like ****. I have more anxiety, can't sleep and my heart gets pumped up easily. I get out of breath real easy too. I think my heart is affected and I have chest pains.
Avatar f tn I stopped for 3 days to get some of it out of my system and felt great. Not as many palpitations and i was able to sleep. Today i took the pill and the heart palpitations started again. My question is, is it ok to cut the pills in half? Maybe if I took a lower doseage it would be better.
Avatar f tn If blood tests show no decrease of T4 and increase of T3 he will call in the change to levoxyl and add the cytomel. If there is an increase of free T3 and decrase of T4 he would like me to stay the course on 75 mcgs of levothyroxine until blood levels stabilize...but I think I will push for the the switch to Levoxyl with either outcome. Thanks for following up with me that means a lot. Can you tell I'm anxious for an increase in ready to feel better.
1139187 tn?1355706647 I am hearing positive things about levoxyl (brand). I am currently on a compound and i have been on it for about 8 weeks now. My numbers are getting pretty bad and the doctor says the compound is not right for me. My last full test showed that my tsh was at 65. The ft3 was 1.3 (range 2.3 to 3.9) and my ft4 was .4 (range .8 to 1.8) currently my tsh is at 115 but i do not know my frees right now. they are suggesting moving me from a compound of 150 to a levoxyl of 175.
Avatar f tn s to hypo, so I am wondering how long it might take for me to start getting relief and get back to life with the help of levoxyl? Also, does it help at all with weight loss? I know I'll have to exercise, but I can't believe all the extra pounds I am carrying are because of my diet. Thank you for any advice!! Take care...
Avatar n tn I was over-medicated on Levoxyl and had totally different symptoms, that were hyperthyroid symptoms like breathing trouble, heart palpitations, fast heart rate, insomnia, anxiety. These are very different from what you have described. In any case, if you are concerned about how you feel, I would call the doctors office to discuss your symptoms and see what they say.
Dinosaur There are no naturally occuring substances that mimic levoxyl. Armour thyroid is the closest to this-- this is ground up and powdered thyroid gland from either a pig or cow. It is very hard to keep a stable thyroid function with armour thyroid as the amount of thyroid hormone per dose can vary slightly. Hope this helps!
Avatar m tn No, the rate decrease if your taking metformin. I also have PCOS and I had a miscarriage in October..every since then I haven't had a period or ovulate on my own so my doctor put me on provera, metformin, and letrozole(femara) to get pregnant but the metformin alone will help you NOT to have a miscarriage...good luck to you sweetie. I think you should ask your doctor about taking metformin, it corrects PCOS also...