
Levonorgestrel plan b side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Levonorgestrel plan b side effects


Avatar f tn I have taken plan B levonorgestrel 3 weeks ago. I had a heavy bleeding 3 days after I took it and it lasted only 2 days. My last period started on 18 february so in my natural cycle I would have my period today again 19 march. I don´t feel the sympthoms of getting my period soon so i guess it´s delayed due to plan B. Did my cycle started again on 1 march, when I had my bleeding for 2 days?
Avatar m tn Although we know we will be together, we are not ready to have a child, and so we decided to go with Plan B, and she took the pill about 2 hours after our incident. How likely is it for her to get pregnant? Please share you experiences with Plan B! Thank you in advance.
Avatar f tn Does plan B really ruin your chances for having children? Does it cause miscarriages?
Avatar n tn 5mg Levonorgestrel (Plan B or Unwanted 72) was taken about 12 hours later (around 10.45am on 24th September 2011). Both of us are not sure whether we had precum. I touched only the outer side of outer lip and nowhere near the opening of her vagina. She covered it two times during the occasion with her hands to stop me. She had the usual ovulation pain, which she always has, on the evening of 24th September 2011.
Avatar f tn Gg, you can still be fertile the day after ovulation, so taking emergency contraception was wise. I think you may have taken more than necessary, which may itself cause some side effects.
4658567 tn?1364142123 How effective do you think the plan b pill is? Do you think that taking 1 within the 72 hours after sex and another one 48 hours after the first pill- would ensure they work???
Avatar n tn I had unprotected sex with my GF one week before her period. she took one "plan B" pill (that contains 50 microg of ethinyl estradiol and .5 mg of Levonorgestrel) roughly 24 hours after the intercourse and another 24 hours later 12 hours third one and fourth one 24 hours after that.
Avatar n tn On July 21 my and my boyfriend had sex the condom broke we dont know if he pre-cummed, and are pretty sure he didnt ejaculate, 19 hours later I took Plan B (Levonorgestrel). I took the next pill on time. These five days I had just had some stomach pains and nausea nothing to serious but I have also have a cold at the same time so I am unsure what symptoms are from what. Anyways, the 5th day at night drops of blood were coming out and still are, I am really worried. Is everything okay?
Avatar f tn Your period should be back to normal within a month. If longer than that, you should call your gynecologist and see if you should come in for an exam and testing. But irregular bleeding is a common side effect, so it should return to normal soon.
Avatar f tn Plan B® is FDA approved — it contains the hormone levonorgestrel, the same ingredient found in many birth control pills. The difference is that Plan B® contains a larger dose of levonorgestrel than the amount found in a single birth control pill. And, unlike many birth control pills, Plan B® does not contain any estrogen. Hope this helps.
Avatar f tn t sure if he had came inside me.
Avatar f tn It could irregulate your cycle but I will say, not to scare you, that I took the plan b pill after two days of unprotected sex and I am currently 29+2 weeks pregnant.
Avatar f tn Plan b is usually highly effective within 24 hours of prophylactic falure, so taking it an hour and a half later is on your side. Now I'm assuming you meant that you had your period March 17th, not April. And if your incident happened only a week ago it would be way to early to actually have "pregnancy symptoms". Plan b also screws up your cycle and if you read the side effects all the things you are experiencing are part of those. I do not think you are pregnant.
Avatar n tn Hi, yep! That is a common side effect with Plan B. You'll also probably be irregular with your period for the next couple of months--- all expected and normal. Plan b is hormones and those added hormones cause these side effects.
Avatar f tn It could potentially make plan b ineffective and the side effects from drug interactions could be very unpleasant. Don't do it.
Avatar f tn This is also effective if you are in doubt whether you have used your regular contraceptives correctly or not. Plan-B or Levonorgestrel is a very widely used oral birth control medication and it comes under the classification of progestine. you can buy from chemist shop or online at Drugsdropship24.
Avatar f tn Ok, so i took plan b one step on the 18 ( im 16) i haven't had any side effects , but yesterday the bottom right side of my stomach started bothering me . Its like a pressure & only feels a little better when j push on it . It went away overnight but got it back this morning. It doesnt hurt alot it just bothers me . Its like theres something in there. What could it be ? I havennt gotten my period eiter , i was supposed to get it on the 22, i have cramps as if i was gonna get it though.
Avatar f tn So, yes, you are now having plan B side effects. You will have irregular bleeding spotting for 2 to 3 months after taking it as the hormones of the plan b work through your system.
Avatar f tn The active ingredients in morning-after pills are similar to those in birth control pills, except in higher doses. Some morning-after pills contain only one hormone, levonorgestrel (Plan B, Plan B One-Step), and others contain two, progestin and estrogen. Progestin prevents the sperm from reaching the egg and keeps a fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus (implantation). Estrogen stops the ovaries from releasing eggs (ovulation) that can be fertilized by sperm.
Avatar f tn Plan B is an effective and safe contraceptive medicine which is used as an emergency pill after an unprotected intercourse. The component involves artificial hormone Levonorgestrel and Progestin. Plan B is recommended for immediate usage (24 to 72 hours) for providing complete protection from an unwanted pregnancy. Appropriate use of Plan B helps in avoiding pregnancy and also causes Zero future pregnancy and birth defects.
Avatar m tn We bought Plan B One-Step and she took it within 12 hours. About a week later she experienced heavy brown bleeding with pieces of mucous and what she described as "chunks". It lasted about 6 days. She is now 2 days late and feels like her period is coming but she's not sure when. She hasn't had any spotting, so I'm guessing there was no implantation. Is it possible these are side effects of the MAP.
Avatar f tn A related discussion, <a href="/posts/Birth-Control-Contraception-/side-effects-or-something-else-/show/2770899">side effects or something else </a> was started.
Avatar f tn It's far too soon for your body to have any symptoms. The pain could just be your body reacting to the Plan B. People respond differently to the pill. Be prepared for variances in your period. Look at Plan B's site for information on side effects. You took it well within the 72 hour time period, so it should have been effective. As the above poster said, if you feel you need to take a test in about a month or so, do so, but you should be fine.
874116 tn?1240368959 I only took the first Plan B pill and I am wondering the same thing. I just took it a few days ago.......and wondering if it is still effective even if I dont get the 2nd dose?