
Levetiracetam weight loss

Common Questions and Answers about Levetiracetam weight loss


Avatar f tn I see these color blobs that move in my vision that shouldn’t be there, they don’t show any connection to stimuli so I don’t have synesthesia. I’m on levetiracetam aka keppra and clobazam aka onfi. When I was on oxcarbazepine (trileptal) and levetiracetam (keppra) I started having these weird headaches where I would lose my vision, hearing, smell, and coordination, but I could still speak and feel. The doctors are pretty much stumped. Has anyone ever had a situation like this?
Avatar f tn Hi there, the various side effects with keppra or levetiracetam are dizziness, irritability, tiredness, fatigue, severe allergic reactions, extreme dizziness, drowsiness, weakness or tiredness, memory loss, behavior changes like aggression, panic attacks, restlessness, new or worsening seizures etc. in the period immediately after a seizure attack, it could be the post ictal phase or confusion. Consult your neurologist for your evaluation and change of anti epileptic medication. Hope this helps.
1328714 tn?1294578263 Hi, I'm 15 and I was diagnosed with nocturnal partial frontal lobe epilepsy about three months ago. I've noticed my memory has been really bad since about 1 month ago, which has not only affected my school work but also general conversation as I find within a sentence i'l forget a word and spend ages trying to remember it, then failing and attempting to describe the word. It's been so frustrating that i'l hit my head and almost burst into tears.
Avatar m tn I am an Indian Citizen living in the US. I have been taking LEVETIRACETAM (to control partial-onset seizures) since 2011. Currently, I am in perfect health conditions. As a precautionary medicine, I get the medicine from India either myself or through a friend/family member traveling between India and the US. Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, I am running short of medicine. I have my prescription and medical certificates to support my condition.
Avatar f tn which i was told by my neuro that it was vertigo due to the pollen in the air. can all this med make me gain weight. not a little person , but have gain about 20 pounds in the last month or so. wating or exercise habbits have not changed. could it be the meds.
Avatar m tn I am taking tablets for my minor neural problem for the past 4 years, The tablets i am consuming are Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) -300mg and Levetiracetam (keppra) -250mg. Now I am looking for a tablet which should have both of this content in the same. I feel guilty that I am taking more tablets and my health condition is improved now. so I planned to reduce my tablet dosage. so I look over this- i.e.
Avatar f tn There have been reports of effective seizure control from patients following up monthly. They are using Levetiracetam (Keppra) as an adjuvant to another first line anti-epileptic medication. Most of them are suffering from partial seizures. And the first line drug is mostly Tegretol. Only a few patients have complained about mood swings so far. All had predominantly depressed mood, but not to the extent of being called depressive disorder. This must be about 10% of the patients.
Avatar f tn can levetiracetam 750mg (2 2 times a day) be taken with amlodipine 10mg (1 time a day) and albuterol 90mcg (2 pumps 4 times a day). Can these be mixed? I this too much medicine?
Avatar f tn My dog 13yo Boxer began experiencing cluster seizures. Initially given phenobarbital. Major bad reaction & seizures stopped. They came back about month later. First given Gabapentin. Seizures increased. Now he's on levetiracetam & seizures has subsided. Side effect has been increased sedation and loss of appetite. I need to given his next set of meds but concerned to give him another 750mg on an empty stomach. He barely ate for his 2nd round od meds this afternoon. Need Help!
Avatar m tn When did the sexual problems start. was it before or after starting your medication? These meds may be causing the problem. I did look them up and there was not anything in the side effects category that mentioned this problem. But, these meds can be very sedating and they do work on the central nervous system. I take it your using them to control seizures? The Phenobarbital has a very long half life, meaning it stays in the system for a long time. Your taking a pretty high dose.
571167 tn?1223214465 I do not believe the medications the medical community has place him on are worth the side-effects. They placed him on Levetiracetam, Benztropine, and Abilify, and the side-effects are NOT worth the potential benefit of what--self-control? I have worked with youth in placement for 18 years, and these medications do not make any significant difference in their judgments because they do not change their value system.
9993344 tn?1407128563 My mom is currently taking Diazepam, Levetiracetam and Alprazolam.
Avatar m tn At this point of time he is not able to speak more than two words in a row. His Hb is 8.9. He is on valporate, topiramate and levetiracetam. His MRI scan revealed "Assymetric Right Temporal Horn prominence without any difinite evidence of mesial scerosis" His walking pattern is also erratic. Most often he adopts "Toe Walking". When he walks slowly, which is rare, he walks alright. Always he tries to rush up and runs in an imbalancing manner.
Avatar m tn fast weight loss is most of the time lost water and muscles. Fat takes ages to go away. Third: Think of a diet as something permanent. Crash diets just help you gain weight faster once they are over. So, pick some simple rules of a balanced and healthy diet, and follow them. Don't sweat it if you crave for something "bad", to a balanced diet belongs the bad side, too. If you give in now to a small piece of chocolate, it is much better than to eat two whole packages later.
Avatar f tn Yes please talk to your dr, there are many things that could cause rapid or excessive weight loss and some of them can be serious. In addition to Thyroid and GI testing maybe ask about diabetes. It seems odd, but it can cause weight loss.
Avatar f tn I promise you your completely fine. I'm 19 weeks haven't gained any weight. Lost weight and the baby is perfect. It didn't matter how tall or how much you weight as long as baby measures up during ultrasound it's perfectly fine.
Avatar f tn More can be lost through water weight with diuretics and crash dieting can also increase fat loss but only for a short time. When we lose fat too fast our metabolism will slow in order to conserve fat (fuel) deposits (starvation mode) and that creates new problems such a resetting the metabolic rate and fat gains during the plateau, etc.
10299247 tn?1409208876 I am 19 weeks and have lost 23 lbs. I to was about 185 when I got pregnant and was considered over weight. My Dr isn't concerned at all about weight loss and I have been terribly sick the whole pregnancy too. Dr just tells me to eat what I can and what will stay down. Also to drink lots of water. Right now baby girl is measuring a head of schedule so as long as she's fine I'm fine. If your dr isn't concerned I wouldn't be either.