
Levalbuterol inhalation solution

Common Questions and Answers about Levalbuterol inhalation solution


Avatar n tn Xopenex® Inhalation Solution (levalbuterol) is a short acting inhaled medicine, a rescue medicine, with fewer side effects than similar medicines used for the relief of acute asthma symptoms. It is not a medicine well-suited for long term, sustained asthma control. There are other classes of asthma medicines, called controller medicines and these do not have the same excitatory side effects.
Avatar n tn is it okay to use albuterol sulfate inhalation solution .083 % even if its out of code? I have real bad asthma and I got a serve cold and cant afford to go to doctor.
Avatar n tn I have tried oral antihistamines, steam inhalation, and recently a Neti Pot with the provided salt solution, and nothing has even made a dent. Any feedback would be great. If I should get myself to a doctor, it would be at the VA because that is the only medical insurance I have. Thank you.
Avatar n tn i want to cut back on eating but having to take this med every day will not help me, please suggest s solution.
Avatar m tn My question is, is there any general method to synthesis an inhalation solution, mine would be strictly vitamin and herbal based and targeted to help treat asthmatic sypmtoms, the solution would be used in a nebulizer, and would it be safe to use a vit/herb liquid solution to breath in?
3926262 tn?1350439336 If you put them in your nose and they drain down the back of the nose and mouth (they eventually do this) and then take a deep inhalation, you could get them in your lungs and develop lipid pneumonia. Saline solution or spray is safe or water based products are safe. The saline spray burned my nostrils so I did not use it. I sort of just had a very crispy inner nose. Eventually it subsided and my noe was not so dry.
212161 tn?1599427282 thank you so much i have the rescue one xopenex hfa says its levalbuterol. than i have one for night its a powder its asmanex . i have been like this now for 2 months it seems to get better than last night it was not bad but woke me up at 1 could not sleep for coughing and wheezing and scared i was going have a bad attack and die from it , so i need the inhaler just to scared to take it. so are these ok or will the xop cause the heart speed. thank you so much.
Avatar m tn 280 Current Medications : amiodarone, coumadin, Allegra, levalbuterol, guaifenesen, metoprolol, paw-paw Medical Conditions : emphasema, exercise induced asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis And I've been in and out of afib at least 2 years and I suspect much longer. Recently having high blood pressure issues.
Avatar f tn In the states we have several versions of albuterol - Proair, Proventil, Ventolin, Maxair (technically pributerol) and a purified version Xopenex (technically levalbuterol). All of them Xopenex is the only one that does not go by albuterol. No generics because of the cfc ban. We do have generic albuterol neb solution. The Xopenex doesn't cause the shakiness that the other versions do and can be more effective. I wonder if that is what part of my problem has been? hmmmmm...
Avatar f tn I found many People with same problem but didnt find a solution. I tried changing my diet to healty and didnt work. I was regularly taking zinc, potassium, calcium, sets of vitamins and minerals. Nothing really happend. I dont Think its normal, if you know what is this please help me.
Avatar n tn You and he/she will have to resort to other preparations, to include a different inhaled steroid, such as Flovent® HFA Inhalation Aerosol (fluticasone propionate), either alone or in combination with a long-acting bronchodilator, like Serevent® Inhalation Aerosol (salmeterol xinafoate) or Foradil® Aerolizer™ (formoterol fumarate inhalation powder), such a combination being either Advair® HFA (fluticasone propionate and salmeterol) Inhalation Aerosol or Symbicort® (budesonide/formoterol fumarat
677938 tn?1226344160 I Use An Albuterol Inhalation.And Everytime I Have An Asthma Attack I Use It And It Feels Like I Cant Catch My Breath..Whats Going On? Its Had Me In The Hospital Many Of Time ??
Avatar n tn I would just focus on catching my breath and within about 10 minutes I would be fine. I went running the day after the initial inhalation and noticed that my airways were extremely restricted but not enough to stop me. After I was done my workout I was very hoarse and had more trouble than normal in regaining my breath. So I rested for about 4 or 5 days and was breathing normally and fine. I decided to go running again last night (about a week after initial inhalation.
Avatar n tn Did it really stop the fibreglass problem.
Avatar n tn And you need your physician to prescribe TWO solutions. Ipratropium Bromide inhalation solution .02 (0.5 mg/vial) and Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation solution (O.83%). There are severalissues.You will eventually acustum yourself to these solutions and they will stop working.You should have at least two weeks.Probably months, but at least two weeks before this happens. The Albuterol will make you "antsy" and nervous. If it gets too bad try the Ipratroprium alone.
Avatar f tn Probably, a viral infection has caused the same. I do not feel you need to do much except take some steam inhalation. The dizziness that you felt is likely due to the blockage of the tube that connects the oral cavity to the ear. I am sure steam inhalation will help you. If you also get fever, I’ll suggest to consult a physician and maybe you’ll need a course of antibiotics. I hope that helps. Please do keep me posted. Kind Regards.
Avatar n tn I was a bit drunk at a party and went to light a cigarette, but it was windy and I accidentally inhaled some of the fumes when the flame went out due to inattention. Should I be concerned? I've felt a tad out of it, but I don't know if that's from worrying about this or from the inhalation. I just don't know how toxic a gasp of butane is, and the internet is mostly filled with horror stories about huffing.
Avatar f tn For starters, I'd see your doctor and let them know you are having exercise induced asthma problems. May I ask what controller asthma meds are? (Inhaler & pills, aside from albuterol or levalbuterol.) Prednisone should be a last resort anymore. Leukotriene inhibitors such as montelukast (Singulair), and Advair (diskus or HFA inhaler) are better choices for controller medications. There's other options, too, I'm just mentioning the two I use.
Avatar m tn Do this anulom vilom (pranayam) morning and evening, and you will not need anything at night.Come back with your feedback so others can benefit. Build up your timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after one minute.
1398693 tn?1343684738 COMBIVENT RESPIMAT 20-100 MCG/ACT IN AERS, LEVALBUTEROL HCL 1.25 MG/3ML IN NEBU 2X a day before advair, SINGULAIR 10 MG PO TABS, ADVAIR DISKUS 500-50 MCG/DOSE IN AEPB 2X a day, QVAR 80 MCG/ACT IN AERS 2 puffs 2X a day When I see me doctor primary or allergist they all ways tell me that my lungs are clear but I still can’t breathe I’m even having a problem breathing when he’s listening to my lungs. Could my lungs be chronically inflamed?
Avatar f tn Hi kindd, Thanks for the quick reply. U've mentioned lots of things. And the surroundings of the illness which i didn't know. I'm gonna start them today onwards. I also think the steam inhalation is a better solution. I'll start it and try to reduce cetrizine usage and let u guys knw how it goes. I've already controlling my meals by not taking cool drinks etc. apart from that, if u do hsve any other information, do let me knw, Thank you very much again!
Avatar n tn Yes, there are. Spiriva® HandiHaler® (tiotropium bromide inhalation powder) is one and Serevent® Inhalation Aerosol (salmeterol xinafoate) another. Each is a bronchodilator and capable of giving good relief of shortness of breath.
Avatar n tn For the first three weeks I just eliminated the six foods said to be the worst for my type, and I knew I had a solution to my problem (my brain was working). Other allergies I had are lessened. My energy level is superb for my age. I no longer have muscle stiffness, and I am much healthier than I was 20 years ago. This is a FREE strategy.
Avatar m tn Try steam inhalation, saline nasal drops, breathing exercises, and oral antihistamine medications and see if they help. Let us know about what your doctor tells you and keep us posted on how you are doing. Hope this helps. Good luck.