
Laryngitis fever cough

Common Questions and Answers about Laryngitis fever cough


1472764 tn?1287588186 I am almost 7 weeks prego (thur) I am really sick with cough, low fever & now have laryngitis. I went to 2 different Dr's & am told I can't take ANYTHING. I am drinking tea with honey & wishing/hoping that will do the trick. Make sure whatever you take is approved by your Dr.
Avatar n tn I have developed a chronic dry cough & laryngitis, currently I have been dealing with symptoms for a month. I went thru same illness 5months ago was in the hospital & then passed around to various specialists without any real answers. I have done allergy testing, tests to rule out relfux, seen ENT, pulmonlogist, & family dr multiple times with not much success. No one can tell me why I got better last time, or why I am dealing with the same situation again.
Avatar f tn I have had coughing simultaneously or after discovering the fever. Is the nocturnal cough (possibly due to laryngitis) the cause of the fever? Mucus is collecting behind my vocal cords. It causes coughing at night. In the evening I use asthma medication, but I do not have asthma. Could cortisone inhalation (Alvesco) in the evening cause nocturnal fever several hours later? In the morning and daytime my temperature is normal (I had some fever over a week ago).
Avatar f tn I have had a chest, sinus cold going on four weeks now with intermittent laryngitis. I have been on a course of Levaquin 2 weeks ago and am still sick. Prior to this cold I had another cold and was on a Z pac, can't seem to get any better... Never had a fever, just productive cough raising green phlegm.. Should I be working about my immune system at this point?
Avatar f tn My symptoms initially began as a cold with chest congestion, extreme throat pain, fatigue, and a fever for the first two days. Almost all of those symptoms went away within one week and now I'm left with the sore throat. I also have post nasal drip so I'm wondering if this is causing the pain. The pain seems to get worse in the evening or in cold temperatures. It hurts to talk also.
Avatar f tn I get choked by the tightness and cough. Sometimes even after I cough I have trouble talking because of the tightness in my throat.
Avatar m tn I am working in Kazakhstan which is extremely cold during this period. I was suffering from persistent cough from the beginning of winter, which increased later on. I did not experience any fever but had sore throat which starts within 1 week of the possible exposure. I went for another HIV rapid antibody test which was just 36 days after possible exposure. The result was negative. After 44 days of possible exposure I again went for another test, this time EIA antibody test (Not Duo).
Avatar m tn About 7 days ago I started developing a cough which progressed rather quickly overnight into a very severe dry cough with a burning throat. Lost my voice by the third day. Saw my doctor and the consensus was that it was a viral laryngitis type of sickness. Though at the time (3rd day) did not have any visible issues in throat. Then developed into a more congested mucousal cough. Headaches and fatigue throughout the majority of sickness.
Avatar m tn Next morning my voice was gone, then after maybe 2 days passed it came back then days or weeks later cant really remember i noticed a cough that lasted forever maybe 2 months, i had mucus also. I Remember getting chills like bein hot and cold this happend one day or two days and chills never came back. I had a headache one night and thats it. My cough was my main thing i noticed usually coming in the morning or night. With mucus and mostly a dry cough.
Avatar n tn With LPR there can be no symptoms at all, but it can cause sore throats, sinus infections, asthma like symptoms, laryngitis... My husband wakes up choking on fluid ocassionally and I have once. I hope that helps.
Avatar f tn Consult an otolaryngologist who will evaluate the causes and treat likewise. Cough suppressants for laryngitis, treat GERD, stop smoking, vocal rest etc will make a difference. Hope this information helps you. Take care.
Avatar n tn You need to discus this new symptoms with your dr. You could have acid reflux that is causing the cough. I know it sounds far fetched, but it happens to me. There is a type of acid reflux that is very common in asthma patients where the acid refluxes up into the back of the throat where it can cause sinus infections, laryngitis, and asthma symptoms. Have this checked by a doctor.
Avatar n tn Over the next few days I began to lose my voice and had problems swallowing but did not have fever, body aches etc. Nor did I feel sick although I sounded horrible. I wnet to a Doctor before getting on my return flight and he said he thought I had laryngitis likely caused by a viral infection. Therefore, he did not prescribe antibiotics. It has been about 9 days since the sexual encounter and I am wondering what my risk factors are.
Avatar m tn 4 weeks and 2 days after sex, I am developing a fever. My throat is somewhat sore, but I have been having a lot of chills and a lot of night sweat. I am in a foreign country and I will be here for two more weeks. I told my partner to get tested since if she tests negative for HIV, then I surely do not have it. I am very anxious right now and I do not know what to do.
Avatar m tn restasis rx for dry eye 1/11 thurs 1/30 i started alot of post nasal symptoms by sat i had laryngitis severe by sunday went to er, they said stop restasis. viral syndrom dx. is laryngitis a side effect? i am very sensitive to all rx drugs and antibiotics , i have intolerences so did these eye drops cause this , also on synthyroid for goitors need help, i stopped the drops but i have this post tickle coughing jags no fever no rash ..
Avatar m tn I glanced at your thread on the community forum and I agree with the reassurance that many persons gave you there. You had safe sex: condom for vaginal sex is highly effective protection and oral sex carries virtually no risk, regardless of condom coming on and off as you describe. And statistically, the chance your escort has HIV is extremely low anyway. You do not have "all the symptoms of ARS apart from the rash".
Avatar f tn I'm 24 weeks and I have a bad cold and cough. What medicine was ok for u to take or have u taken while pregnant that will not hurt the baby?????
Avatar f tn Hell is an understatement..I have this cough for about a week. No meds recommended. I have tried tea with lemon and honey..vaporizer. .elevating my head with relief. I'm up most of the night hacking..ugh! If you find relief pm me. Feel better.
Avatar n tn Exposure to allergens causes a runny nose with a resultant post nasal drip where secretions from the nose go backward into the throat and irritate causing cough. Cough is a protective mechanism by the body as it helps to prevent infections. Please discuss this with your doctor am sure he will provide further assistance. In the meantime for relief from your symptoms you could do warm salt gargles and take OTC antihistamines. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar m tn Many thanks for the team spirit and the consolidated statements. Please allow me to share a very deep agony that I've been suffering but mostly lately. I know the exposure was at low-to-no risk but the symptoms especially after the second episode (rash after 15 days + .....) made me panic till date. But most of all the following: on Jan 6 I licked a cover of a yogurt and straight afterwards my 1.9 yrs son re-licked it after me.