
Laryngitis contagious to babies

Common Questions and Answers about Laryngitis contagious to babies


Avatar f tn s from an infection then you need to try to flush that infection out. I will get laryngitis also from constantly trying to clear my throat as well. Not sure of your situation but I hope it clears soon cuz I know it can be brutal!!
Avatar f tn Okay, since 1992 I have had lots of throat infections in 1995 I had my tonsils and adanoids removed to help however it never did. And still had aleast 7 throat infections and laryngitis a year but since January this year I have had 20suvere throat infections all with laryngitis.
Avatar f tn This sounds like possible acid reflux issues. I lost my voice last year and it was reflux. Talk to your doctors about trying reflux medicine to see if it helps. Asthma can cause a very temporary loss of voice with an attack but not a prolonged case of laryngitis. Take care a feel better.
Avatar n tn is it safe to use spiriva and advair together my sister has had laryngitis for 4 weeks
Avatar n tn I have a two year old nephew and a close friend with a new born I do not want to give the babies this illness. I have had EBV for 6 months now and many other "internal" issues such as high liver enzymes, kidney infection, thyroid issues and higher than usual uric acid levels and I tend to get sick easier than normal. Please explain this to me.
11572335 tn?1419480706 I was hoping for my little guy to come sooner but I have the flu and doctor says it can be dangerous for baby to become contagious once he has been delivered. Being sick *****! I just want to be better and meet my little man.
Avatar f tn At first when I breathed, my pharynx felt irritating, but I had no trouble swallowing food. I got really worried so I was referred to an ENT doctor, he said it was just reflux laryngitis since he examined it with an endoscopy. So he prescribed me amoxicillin for 7 days which helped a little but the bumps never went away. Sometimes, I would experience bad chills with no fever at all especially when I sleep. They would come back one day & another day, I would feel normal.
Avatar n tn I need your help to understand my laryngitis problem and to get it cured. I have been suffering from laryngitis for over 3 months and taking medication for the last 2 months. When I consulted a doctor a couple of weeks ago, he did a stroboscopy and said that it could be due to acid reflux; he prescribed "Pantadoc". I took that for a couple of weeks and did not obsserve any difference.
Avatar f tn However I have been sick a few times since then and every time the virus turns straight into terrible laryngitis. Before the surgery I very rarely ever got laryngitis but now it comes on so easily and lasts for a while. Is there any reason that this would be connected to my thyroid surgery? Wondering if this is still part of the healing process or not? Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you!
Avatar m tn I got a massage on the last week of August-2008 and I only intended the masseuse to do normal things. She said she had taken a bath etc, the sheets were clean and dry as well. Half way through the massage the masseuse suddenly put her finger in my rectum, just about a quarter inch and for a few seconds only (about 3 seconds), I asked her to take it out. I also know that her fingers were dry and she had not been touching herself.
Avatar n tn Your only real risk would be gonorrhea (which can cause a sore throat). The risk for any other STD from giving unprotected oral to a women are too small to worry about or only theoretical. The only way to be tested for gonorrhea of the throat is is to get a throat swab and culture.
Avatar n tn then passed around to various specialists without any real answers. I have done allergy testing, tests to rule out relfux, seen ENT, pulmonlogist, & family dr multiple times with not much success. No one can tell me why I got better last time, or why I am dealing with the same situation again. Has anyone else experienced similar issue? Im frustrated and don't know what to do anymore?
Avatar n tn My son developed laryngitis about 2 months ago. It is severe so that he can not talk at all. His ENT diagnosed it as Muscular dysphonia. He is seeing a speech therapist, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. He plays Sax in the band at school and can't get enough air out to play. Any suggestions?
Avatar f tn Are babies at 7 months old more accessible to contracting HSV1 by kisses on the cheek from someone who gets cold sores?
Avatar m tn Hello, There are many conditions which can cause difficulty in speaking at higher pitches. Voice misuse and overuse are common causes. Acute laryngitis caused by allergies, viral infection, chronic laryngitis and laryngoesophageal reflux all can cause hoarseness and voice difficulties. Rare but serious causes producing these symptoms are vocal cord paralysis and vocal cord tumours.Please see your Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor) for an evaluation.
Avatar m tn I had tonsillitis (swollen tonsils) before I had sex with her. Later I took the girl to the blood test for which she was tested positve for HSV1 and she was having cold sores on her face. she was tested negative for HSV2. I didn't kiss her and she didnt touch any part of my body orally. I didn't do that because I am worried if kissing might impact my tonsillitis..
Avatar f tn Ah okay thank you so much for your answer
702084 tn?1230056862 I lost it, I am aware of how dangerous and contagious cold sores are to babies especially before the 3 month mark. The cold sore did not have a blister it just felt bumpy and tender. I frantically scrubbed his face with water and soap. It is now 1824 at night and I have full blown outbreak on three different parts of my lips. My question is this : How contagious ARE you in those very early moments of a cold sore? There was no break in my skin and no break in his skin.
Avatar f tn t want to even speculate. He really needs to go to a medical facility to have this properly looked at.
Avatar m tn restasis rx for dry eye 1/11 thurs 1/30 i started alot of post nasal symptoms by sat i had laryngitis severe by sunday went to er, they said stop restasis. viral syndrom dx. is laryngitis a side effect? i am very sensitive to all rx drugs and antibiotics , i have intolerences so did these eye drops cause this , also on synthyroid for goitors need help, i stopped the drops but i have this post tickle coughing jags no fever no rash ..
1370830 tn?1280176503 Shingles can be spread from an affected person to babies, children, or adults who have not had chickenpox. But instead of developing shingles, these people develop chickenpox. Once they have had chickenpox, people cannot catch shingles (or contract the virus) from someone else. Once infected, however, people have the potential to develop shingles later in life.
Avatar m tn Having your masseuse insert her finger into your rectum is absolutely no risk for HIV, even in the VERY unlikely situation that she had HIV. This is masturbation and masturbation is safe sex. There is no reason whatsoever to be tested for this exposure. As for your symptoms yes, they are consistent with the ARS but they are also consistent with a much, much more likely sort of infection – a community acquired viral syndrome as your doctor has suggested.
Avatar f tn More plausible causes of hoarseness of voice need to be checked like acute laryngitis, vocal cord nodules, allergies, gastro esophageal reflux, smoking, thyroid problems, trauma to larynx, parkinson’s disease and trauma to larynx. Consult an otolaryngologist who will evaluate the causes and treat likewise. Cough suppressants for laryngitis, treat GERD, stop smoking, vocal rest etc will make a difference. Hope this information helps you. Take care.
Avatar f tn Shingles is contagious and can be spread from an affected person to babies, children, or adults who have not had chickenpox. But instead of developing shingles, these people develop chickenpox. Once they have had chickenpox, people cannot catch shingles (or contract the virus) from someone else. Once infected, however, people have the potential to develop shingles later in life.
Avatar f tn I second that, always better to be play it safe. Just be sure to warn the clinic ahead of time that he has/ had the chicken pox recently and may still be contagious. You don't want to sit in a waiting room infecting everyone. Chicken pox can be dangerous for some and you never know how immunocompromised some people are in those rooms.
Avatar f tn I’m just paranoid as crap to give it to my babies. My daughter was just sitting in my lap between my legs and now I’m scared I’ll pass it to her. I’ve been paranoid about sharing my drink and chapstick with her and my heart is broken because I feel like I can’t even kiss my baby anymore.