
Lamictal withdrawal symptoms dose

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal withdrawal symptoms dose


Avatar n tn nt leave house very sensitive to noise I couldnt drive either In beginning of 10/08 i started to drive thought i was getting better than started to actually feel depressed starting to improve a little my question is what the hell happened When i googled lamictal withdrawal i find im not the only one however with me i went back on so WHAT HAPPENED
Avatar f tn My doctor recently increased my lamictal dose from 100 to 150. Of course, I already have a full menu of other medications that I take. I was on that dose for a couple of months and it wasn't good. I changed from "Honey, would you please pass the butter" to "Why did you put the butter all the way over there? You know I am going to want some...sheesh!" My doctor said that this shouldn't have affected me this way and that I must be extremely sensitive to it.
Avatar f tn re taking it for mood symptoms. However, some people who stopped suddenly DID get withdrawal symptoms, namely withdrawal seizures, just like you get if you're epileptic and you stop it suddenly. But it's not like an anti-depressant, which has pretty serious withdrawal. I'd go down one tablet and then wait a few days to see if something happens, and then just keep going ad lib.
Avatar m tn I was on 1 mg and I developed these symptoms developed 2 days after dose was tapered from 1.5mg and a GP asked me to stop it a he told me this could be TD.How long will these withdrawal symptoms last?.No other drugs but Psychiatrist was planning on starting Lamictal or tegretol after stopping risperdal.I have been on risperdal since august 3rd 2009.Any answers?.
Avatar f tn DO NOT JUST GO ALONG WITH INCREASING YOUR DOSAGE SIMPLY BECAUSE YOUR DOCTOR TELLS YOU TO, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE DOING JUST FINE ON THE DOSAGE THAT YOU'RE ON. If I knew then what I know now, I truly believe I would have saved myself a decade of riding this rollercoaster of misery and a significant decrease in quality of life. Seriously, part of the education of a doctor should be to learn about withdrawal symptoms.
Avatar n tn t believe the problem was lamictal, he told me to stop taking it the next day. The withdrawal is living hell. I have been off it for 3 weeks and the stiffness and pain is better, but I feel like I have the flu and the diarrhea is bad. I would like to know how long the withdrawal will last? I believe I was misdiagnosed. I've come a long way since my accident and now I feel like I'm starting over. Thanks.
1134609 tn?1269272200 s exact instructions for tapering off the Klonopin as even if you do it properly there will be some withdrawal symptoms. If they believe you may be able to function without the Neurontin they will then slowly decrease the dose of that.
Avatar f tn The side effect profile on it is not much better then other anti-psychotics and unless you are experiencing severe depression I would question its use. Stick with Lamictal though, it will ease withdrawal symptoms for you. Ask your NP why s/he did not choose a different more convention SSRI or SNRI antidepressant. Good luck and stay well.
1011826 tn?1274492712 After two days of withdrawal, most of the symptoms have gone away. I have been withdrawing very gradually, but this particular shift was difficult. Still experiencing headaches, but shakiness and insomnia have cleared. I plan on drinking more water and taking a bath with Epsom salts to detox, and to do some yoga as well today to help the process along. Thanks again!
574118 tn?1305135284 do not increase your dose of lamictal on your own ever.
607502 tn?1288247540 Once the Seroquel was gone completely, for a couple of days I had minor flu like withdrawal symptoms and slept all day and felt run down. Then I was okay after that.
Avatar f tn s required but since it was taken as a precaution when I was prescribed it (not just for me but as a rule) it may be something to ask about. Generally Lamictal has less cognitive confusion but 100 mg. is a subclinical dose. You could ask your psychiatrist more about this and find out more on the websites we have linked such as "Depression Central".
Avatar f tn was diagnosed as being bipolar. The prescription that he got was a generic form of Lamictal. I visited him today & saw the pill bottle, it says "41" but there were only 9 pills left in the container. The date was Dec. 19 - that's only been 7 days ago & it says to take "1 for the lst 7 days & then take 2 a day". I asked him why there were so few in the bottle & he said the pharmacy didn't have enough to fill the entire prescription.
Avatar n tn ok.
Avatar n tn If you stop the Lamictal for much longer (like a day or two, tops), you'll need to start from the beginning with a titration. Lamictal is pregnancy category C, which means it might have had issues in rats/other lab animals, but there's no conclusive evidence in humans that it causes harm. Therefore, it's up to the doctors and you to determine if the risk to your health and the baby's health would be greater from the Lamictal or from the mood dysregulation of being unmedicated.
10608291 tn?1411415602 I also get that out of control feeling when I am having other withdrawal symptoms, such as pain in my legs, or or itching. It is very scary to feel out of control. My withdrawal has caused a lot of trouble with my sleep. It;s like when is this ever going to end! They say most people are in withdrawal for between 4- to 6 weeks. But it is not unheard, of for it to go 8 weeks.
5700140 tn?1372651764 The common symptoms seen with withdrawal are moodiness, lethargy, headaches, tingling, suicidal tendencies etc.Lamictral should not be stopped abruptly it should be done slowly. It is suggested to report these symptoms to your doctor. If the symptoms are severe or persistent you may need emergency medical help. Keep me posted. Take care and regards!
Avatar f tn t have any experience with Lamictal, but lots of other people on here are currently taking it.. so hopefully someone taking lamictal will answer your question. I think the question here is, how long have you been taking the meds? If you have been taking them 2 months + then it could be that this dose is not enough to control your symptoms.. if you have been taking them for 6 weeks or less it could be that they have not reached a therapeutic dose in your blood.
874521 tn?1424116797 Also if it causes temporary movement disorders then if you discontinue it you will have flare up symptoms that is called withdrawal dyskinesia. That is not tardive and will eventually go away. But in lowering or stopping any medication the symptoms it is treating will come back so best to work with them. If they won't work with you you could seek a second opionion and regardless it would be essential to see a movement disorders specialist.
Avatar m tn Hi Madison, I'm also on Lamictal but haven't experienced what you are describing. However, I did have a few months of soaking night sweats that really scared me bc they came out of the blue. It ended up being my Effexor bc I had just increased my dose. I'm just wondering if your reaction is definitely the Lamictal or another medication. Not sure if you take anything else, I'm just sharing my experience with night sweats.
Avatar f tn I have taken the effexor and felt the terrible withdrawal symptoms of taking it. I should of done a taper but I didn't and I didn't go onto another mood stabilizer right away either. So at least you have a backup plan. It seems like it took a month to get the effexor out of my system. It was rough. Perhaps, that is what is happening to you. Replacing it with something else is a good idea but it takes a couple of weeks to start working.
1744581 tn?1311302411 Over time, both create physical dependency and can be very difficult to withdraw from, especially the Klon. You may be in tolerance withdrawal because all of your symptoms are signature benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms. Do not quit these drugs cold turkey. They must be tapered.
1726783 tn?1326181788 Yes that would be enough time for the potential of withdrawal symptoms to occur and also the potential for what the Lamictal is treating to return as well especially if it was stopped abruptly even if was started again a week later. I know from being on Lamictal myself in the past.