
Lamictal withdrawal schedule

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal withdrawal schedule


Avatar n tn nt leave house very sensitive to noise I couldnt drive either In beginning of 10/08 i started to drive thought i was getting better than started to actually feel depressed starting to improve a little my question is what the hell happened When i googled lamictal withdrawal i find im not the only one however with me i went back on so WHAT HAPPENED
Avatar n tn t believe the problem was lamictal, he told me to stop taking it the next day. The withdrawal is living hell. I have been off it for 3 weeks and the stiffness and pain is better, but I feel like I have the flu and the diarrhea is bad. I would like to know how long the withdrawal will last? I believe I was misdiagnosed. I've come a long way since my accident and now I feel like I'm starting over. Thanks.
Avatar f tn Hi all After a couple of weeks of reducing my 700mg daily dose, took my final Lithium tablet just over a week ago. I followed doctors orders as to the withdrawal timescale, and they said it should not cause any problems. They advised that it's just a type of salt, and is not even technically a drug, so it's not the same as withdrawing from other meds.
1011826 tn?1274492712 Anyone had any withdrawal side effects relating to Trileptal? Any suggestions in dealing with it? Anyone who has dealt with the same thing? My symptoms are that I am having horrible anxiety, insomnia and irritability since reducing my dosage of Trileptal this week. Backstory: I am switching from Trileptal to Lamictal over a long period of time.
1134609 tn?1269272200 I am Type 2 Bipolar and currently take 200mgs of Lamictal, 900mgs of Neurontin, and 1.5mgs of Klonopin. My doctor and I will be weaning off of the Klonopin within the near future as we don't feel that it is medically necessary. I don't mind the Neurontin as I have been on and off of it for years. We are looking at just using the Neurontin and the Lamictal. However, a recent family even has gotten me wondering; would the Lamictal be a good enough mood stabilizer for me alone?
574118 tn?1305135284 Only a psychiatrist can give specific medical advice but what I can tell you is that when I tried chewable Lamictal it didn't work and the standard pills did. Perhaps you could ask your psychiatrist about that. And be patient. You won't see an effect from Lamictal until it reaches 150 mg. and as you know there is a specific titration schedule (I'm sure your psychiatrist has told you this) for raising the dose.
Avatar n tn My daughter was on Topamax for a mood disorder. Found out it's nicknamed "dopamax" because it can cause cognitive slowness plus drowsiness. Hopefully you'll just build a tolerance for it and not see these things.
5700140 tn?1372651764 Hello, Lamictal causes serious withdrawal reactions. These withdrawal effects are more severe compared to side effects. The common symptoms seen with withdrawal are moodiness, lethargy, headaches, tingling, suicidal tendencies etc.Lamictral should not be stopped abruptly it should be done slowly. It is suggested to report these symptoms to your doctor. If the symptoms are severe or persistent you may need emergency medical help. Keep me posted. Take care and regards!
Avatar f tn re taking it for mood symptoms. However, some people who stopped suddenly DID get withdrawal symptoms, namely withdrawal seizures, just like you get if you're epileptic and you stop it suddenly. But it's not like an anti-depressant, which has pretty serious withdrawal. I'd go down one tablet and then wait a few days to see if something happens, and then just keep going ad lib.
Avatar f tn HI,I was put on Lamictal yesterday...Dr feels it might help with my deprssion as i cant seem to take antidepressants.I was in abilify but i started about 3 weeks into gettting extremely dizzy so she had me stop it last week,i saw her on Monday and she put me on 25 mg of Lam ictal as to build up to more....
Avatar f tn Hi there, I've been on Wellbutrin (150) for a number of years, however, my Dr has recently added Lamictal as well. I'm so worried that the Lamictal will cause me to gain weight. (I previously gained weight with Abilify) Feedback will be greatly appreciated.
10608291 tn?1411415602 I don't know if I can distinguish what is real emotion or withdrawal from Effexor, Lamictal, Remeron. How long does this last. I have been taking St. John's Wort, B12, Valerian, and L Tyrosene to build up my own natural supply of serotonin, dopamine. This crying thing is the pits. I'm so sick of medications. I want to have a baby without spina bifida or missing limbs and cardiac anamolies, I've been on and off meds for years.
Avatar m tn If it was being used as a mood stabilizer (not an antipsychotic) Lamictal and Tegretol are quite effective mood stabilizers. I personally found Lamictal to be more tolerable and more effective but each person reacts differently to each medication. Go to the welcome page and we have some websites linked up for informational purposes about mood stabilizers. Speak to your psychiatrist about all this.
Avatar n tn I have been through a rollercoaster ride since March of last year. I was on Lamictal and Wellbutrin at that time. I stopped the Lamictal abruptly (I know, big no no) and started taking Wellbutrin right after. On the fourth day of taking the Wellbutrin, I started experienced violent jerking movements as I was trying to fall asleep. I didn’t sleep at all for three nights. Finally I went to the pcp and she prescribed Restoril for the time being.
Avatar f tn was diagnosed as being bipolar. The prescription that he got was a generic form of Lamictal. I visited him today & saw the pill bottle, it says "41" but there were only 9 pills left in the container. The date was Dec. 19 - that's only been 7 days ago & it says to take "1 for the lst 7 days & then take 2 a day". I asked him why there were so few in the bottle & he said the pharmacy didn't have enough to fill the entire prescription.
355133 tn?1241569648 HELP! i have been taxing Paxil for years. i needed something to help more for depression(i have anxiety AND depression). so my doc decides Lamictal. BAD IDEA. first i was nauseous. then, i starting experiencing "hypnic jerk" (a constant jerking awake as you are trying to sleep)any time i tried to sleep. now, i've been having horrible heart palpitations. again, when i am trying to sleep, i will be just about falling asleep when..BOOM! my heart wakes me up!
1243818 tn?1270399452 I am a nurse and frequently have 6-8 patients. I forget info I got in report, I forget when meds are due. who is who, etc. I am also having memory lapses at home w/family members. I fear I have alzeimers but I"m only 40. I just began lamictal and lithium a month ago. Desperate for support and info.
Avatar m tn Basically, its not something to be highly concerned about but report any rash to your doctor. However, it is essential to follow the titration schedule for raising it for that reason. It will take a while to build up to a proper dose so in the meantime if you feel manic something else could be added. There are no required bloodtests but when I was on it a once a year bloodtest for liver function was suggested so I got it.
Avatar m tn Yes Geodon can be activating for some people. Topomax is generally used as a secondary mood stabilizer and is often of partial help and can cause mental changes. Lexapro and Wellbutrin are standard anti-depressents but anti-depressents alone wont treat bipolar and what is needed is a full mood stabilizer. Lamictal is generally helpful in this regard. However each person responds differently to each medication.
1192491 tn?1265031829 The Lamictal has been a very good medication for me; it stabilizes my mood very well. I have a big turn around since being placed on this medication last summer. I have had my rough patches, but we have found that increasing the Lamictal and tinkering with the dosing schedule has been good. It helps raise my mood, to a point, but it does tend to make me emotionally flat. This is a good thing for me; it quells my anxiety.
Avatar f tn Could you please help me with a wean schedule for hydrocodone 7.5. I am taking 2 to 3 a day for 2 years. It is not the euphoria that I am addicted to anymore it is the increased energy I get. My body is addicted to it and if I don't take it I feel horrible. I stopped cold turkey one time and felt horrible I went through withdrawl and never want to feel that way again. My body is addicted to it and I want to stop I feel llike it makes me feel angry and I don't like that either.
596143 tn?1226648054 I used to take Cymbalta, and I think it depends on your diagnosis - (I take Lamactil). My pdoc doesn't think that Cymbalta is good for BP1 - and he took me off of it. It was a HARD withdrawal period, but I do feel better now just taking Cymbalta.
Avatar f tn I also want to add that I'm very glad that lamictal helps you. I felt lamictal helped me for years when I was really bad off. I have been off of it for two months now and have had no problems. Did you know that studies have found that bipolar disorder can actually lessen/disappear after the age of 25? I'm 29 now, and not even sure that I have it anymore. It certainly hasn't seemed like it for 3-4 years now.
Avatar n tn I have been on and off an Effexor/Lamictal combination for a number of years - going off of it when I've lost health insurance or just can't afford it. This time around I've been on it about 1 1/2 years and due to paperwork issues, my new prescription didn't arrive per usual, so my psychiatrist had me immediately go from 600 mg effexor to 300 mg, and now to 150 mg in less then a week. I've also gone down from 450 mg of lamictal to 150 mg.