
Lamictal tremors

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal tremors


Avatar f tn I take 10 mg of Lexapro and 50 mg of Lamictal every day, for depression and type 2 bipolar disorder. I have hand tremors. Is it possible that one or both medications are causing my hands to tremble?
2133558 tn?1368828158 Stress and anxiety both can trigger tremors. Tremors are also a side effect of lamictal.The other common causes of tremors are hyperthyroidism,medications,fever,infection etc.A complete history of your illness, clinical examination and work up is important for confirming the diagnosis. Do consult your doctor and get evaluated. Keep me posted. Best luck and regards!
Avatar f tn However it should be noted that many medications can interact with lithium by raising or lowering the blood level of lithium. When the blood level of lithium is higher the potential for hand tremors increases. You could discuss all this with your psychiatrist but it will take some time for the Ciraplex to be out of your system so it should take some time for any potential improvement to occur but keep your psychiatrist updated as to how things are going.
Avatar f tn What is your actual diagnosis? Lamictal is an odd choice of med if you're treating just depression and an anxiety disorder. Lamictal is typically prescribed for people with bi-polar disorder, which is a COMPLETELY different animal. Besides the Celexa and Lamictal, what other meds have you tried? Are you in therapy? It's hard to say if the itching is just a side effect or if it's related to an adverse reaction. Most allergic reactions would present with a rash.
Avatar m tn Lamotrigine (Lamictal) seems to be missing from your list. It is weight-neutral, but of course it, too, has a list of possible side effects. In my case, I really liked it as a mood stabilizer, but over time it caused pronounced hand tremors. The big one to watch out for is the risk of a severe and potentially dangerous rash. If Lamotrigine is ramped up very slowly, that risk is greatly diminished. Good luck!
Avatar f tn This past week I have been experiencing some bad symptoms. I have been having night terrors, I twitch and have tremors in the day time, I feel extreme fatigue, anxiety, muscle weakness and stiff. I have this weird sensation throughout my body. Is this normal for antidepressants?
1448748 tn?1312956208 Im taking lamictal to try and see if it helps with neuropathic pain, I am not diagnosed with ms,actually just started to look at the possibility last week due to vision issues and normal eye exam. Well my doc said to stop taking my lamictal to see if it helped with my vision issues and if vision issues persist then test for ms.
Avatar n tn The specific reaction to Lamictal is called Stephen's Johnson syndrome and it is a rare and dangerous allergic reaction to it. When that happens if a psychiatrist or doctor diagnoses it they will stop the Lamictal. There are some other mood stabilizers and medications in general that can cause this reaction but many don't such as lithium and most others. That side effect is specific to Lamictal and that's why it has to be raised at a specific titrated rate as mandated by the FDA.
Avatar m tn Has anyone ever been on Lithium and Lamictal at the same time? If so how did it work out? Yes I know everyone reacts differently. I am currently on -1350mg Lithium Carb ER -Klonpin 1mg X up 6 per day -Adderall 20mg X 2 per day I was on Celxa 40mg for about 4 months and was not good for me. Made me mad, no patinces, irrtable, ect. I would like to try Lamictal for BiPolar Depression?
1225279 tn?1295545587 Adderall, Cymbalta, Lamictal, Verapamil, Topamax, Requip, Xanax (~4mg/week), Vicodin (~2x/week), Fiorcet, Namenda, Buspar, Robaxin Body: Pain/Sore chronic- Arms, legs, neck, shoulders, eyes all worse with movement. Falling forward/left/right. Balance bad. Tremor/shake hands obvious chronic. Spasms/tremors cheek & jaw obvious/occasional. Legs weak, paralyzed feel, "tin man", collapse. Arms weak. Brain: Memory- Repeat actions, words.
2198453 tn?1343244740 As far as the effects from ur other drugs what are we talking about? I take wellbutrin a lamictal and am also worried about how they are gonna effect my im right there with ya there with u trying to figure this shyt out! I wanna tell u I am so proud of you for your continuous efforts to get clean!!
574118 tn?1305135284 The guillotine is a French device used much during the French revolution for carrying out executions by decapitation and apparently is still used. now i am just returning from a visit to my pdoc. Today mania started because I dared to take seroxat/paxil for 20 days 20mg but what can I do, I had depression. I stopped going to work and tomorrow I shall send a paper saying I have vyrimia i.e. attacked by a virius. Last time i said my mother was severly ill. I hope they believe me this time.
Avatar m tn She is experiencing facial numbness, dizziness, blurred vision, muscle weakness, tremors...and a few other symptoms as well. she has an appointment in almost 8 months with the neurologist. I know this is not for diagnostics on here, thats why we are seeing a number of doctors. Her symptoms have been progressing rapidly over the past year or so, would MS be off the table here and if so, what else causes these kinds of symptoms?
540310 tn?1343624120 Lithium will destroy your thyroid.Please keep a check on your thyroid. I really wish doctors would quit prescibing lithium. There are so many better meds for bi polar than on ethat cn be toxic and kil body parts.
5764859 tn?1400881756 When did you start the lamictal? Some people get really revved up in the early stages, and then start to stabilize at around 100 mg. Sometimes clinicians give an antipsychotic (they are much more fast acting) to tide you over. You might also look into ambien for sleeping at night to help you be more awake during the day. Getting plenty of morning sunlight, less light (especially blue light) at night, and exercising are also things you can do to help regulate things.
605458 tn?1539228808 I know my dr is going to suggest Lamictal when I go on the 10th. I don't like Lamictal but the drs like it for bipolar depression. I can't take antidepressants because they spur mixed and manic episodes and I'm already having those. I'm rapid cycling with serious depressions, possibly dangerous to myself depressions where my thought processes are about death and dying but my feelings are of a quiet euphoria, everything taking on a deeper meaning.
556500 tn?1222338630 i spoke to my psy and she told me not to go below 150 mgs of lamictal... the lamictal has been a problem for me.. i dont feel well on it. i have more anxiety issues with it.. since tapering down for 3 weeks now, i feel a lot better. i think i made the mistake of self diagnosing myself. I was not in my right mind then.. the internet can be a dangerous thing... Now the question?? is it not true that medications can cause bipolar type symptoms temporarily?
Avatar m tn I am under the care of a Neurologist for the tremors. My dx is Pscychotropic Tremors from Neurotin. He said they will eventually go away, doesn't know how long it will take and I am on medication for them. I would listen to your pdoc.
Avatar f tn I have always had low blood sugar or thryoid issues, problems such as heat intolerance, hand tremors, excessive sweating, tingling in lips and fingers, dizziness, fainting etc. I am currently taking a mood stabilizer Lamictal as well as Zoloft at fairly high dosages due to EXTREME anxiety issues with hypochondria. I recently went through about a week with sweating at night.
1255530 tn?1269867619 Side effects of amilify where as follows Hard time breathing,hyperventilating, feeling sick in respiratory, slight swelling of tongue, fast heartbeat, restless, dizzy, speech changes, tremors and shacking, eyes feel like there rolling in back of head,seeing spots when closing eyes for bed,insomnia, Mania returned in two days, agitation.
1054665 tn?1305508455 Hi there.Lithium is known to be associated with tremors and passing of large amounts of urine(Diabetes insipidus) so if the med is not suiting you u could ask for a change of med to Lamictal or trileptal both of which are anticonvulsants with excellent mood stabilizing qualities.
Avatar f tn my new physc put me on lamictal..once i went up to 200mg i felt very very spacey so i am back down to 150. about 5 weeks ago she took me off my prozac and on lithium. I started at 300mg then moved up to that dose i was getting very severe nausia. then last week on tues i started to cry and could not know the kind of cry where you just feel so hopeless and sad. this went on until xmas eve with feelings of paranoia and like noone liked me or wanted to be around me..
Avatar f tn Ugh, I had and have a lot of this. Now bear in mind, I'm not a doctor. I do however have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, bipolar disorder (NOS), depression, anxiety, and GERD. I recently figured out I have Fibromyalgia too, since my mood is finally "normal" with being on Lamictal, but all the pain is still there. I'm betting your kid doesn't just have one thing, but a few different things occurring together (co morbid).
1381925 tn?1280788541 I have tried everything to lessen the symptoms! I have been put on celexa, prozac, abilify,lamictal,zoloft,lexapro,lorazapam,clonazpam,seraquil,luvox,deplin,pristiq,cymbalta,welbutrin and even done 5 sessions of ECT ( electroconvulsive shock therapy) I have been to a neurologist, had an EEG,MRI, thyroid testing,and many blood tests. I am supposed to be attending UNCG in 3 weeks and I would really love go to, but I don't see that being possible in the condition I am in now.
Avatar f tn I used to be on depakote and found it caused weight gain. I talked to my doctor about it and he changed me to Lamictal. Depakote is a mood stabilizer, so you really should not stop it without something to replace it. Talk to your dr and tell him you want to change because you believe it is causing a weight problem and others have had the same problem that you have talked to. That way you have something to stabllize you. Actually, the Lamictal worked much better for me.
Avatar m tn I have found the Lamictal doesn't dull me. Depakote was another matter. Lamictal also has a mild appetite suppressant effect in me. Besides a diet change, I've lost a much needed 30 lbs. in the past 9 months. Lamictal doesn't negatively impact my creativity either...something I was worried about. Actually, since it helps to organize my thinking, I'm able to finish projects. Resiperdone (besides lithium) could also be the culprit to your tiredness, weight gain, and dullness.
Avatar n tn Well let me explain having tried all of these medications again the phrase from the site (everyone really should check it out) "Depression Central" "any medication can cause any side effect". That comes from a well known mood disorders specialist (not one I have seen).That of course depends. Antipsychotics will all cause tardive dyskinesia and put a person at risk for diabetes and Zyprexa is the prime offender for diabetes.