
Lamictal side effects mouth sores

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal side effects mouth sores


Avatar f tn s their decision as regards side effects. One week is not enough time to see if it worked though and some side effects get better after time. You'd have to discuss that with your psychiatrist though. As regards Abilify if it worked for you then that's fine. Antipsychotics can cause prolactin elevation which drops sex drive but Abilify is the least likely to cause this. Its generally more of a nuisance than anything but each person is different in their reactions.
Avatar f tn By God, they are sure to warn against effects of Viagra and other drugs on TV!!!!!! I would have never thought of telling him about mouth sores and a sore throat. I made no connection at all. I don't know how long it's going to take to get out of my system, but we stopped it on Friday and I hope I don't have any untoward effects from that. Will I have any problems from stopping the Lamictal immediately? Is there anything I can do to expedite the elimination of the Lamictal?
Avatar m tn t have skin issues, but what I have read, mouth sores can indicate a problem, possibly with the lamictal.
Avatar f tn I do know that all antipsychotics can cause anti-cholinergic side effects which are typically blurred vision, dry mouth and sometimes trouble urinating so you could speak to your psychiatrist about that as one potential cause.
Avatar f tn Hi Nikki, I don't think you need to be as scared as you may be right now. I've been on Lamictal for over a year, with no side effects and excellent results. I was scared at first. This was the 1st medication that I took for bi-polar (vs other depression meds) but I was really happy with the results. Obviously there are some side effects that you should watch out for, but the odds are strongly in your favor that you wont have any of them.
Avatar n tn I am also experiencing sores and problems in my mouth. The doctor says that this is also a side effect to the medicine. I will do what I have to do to make it through the end, but I just would like to know if there are others in my area that may go to HepC meetings, if they even exist. My family, friends, and boyfriend are 100% with me but unfortunately it is so hard for me to explain to them what I am going through, physically and emotionally.
5700140 tn?1372651764 Hello, Lamictal causes serious withdrawal reactions. These withdrawal effects are more severe compared to side effects. The common symptoms seen with withdrawal are moodiness, lethargy, headaches, tingling, suicidal tendencies etc.Lamictral should not be stopped abruptly it should be done slowly. It is suggested to report these symptoms to your doctor. If the symptoms are severe or persistent you may need emergency medical help. Keep me posted. Take care and regards!
Avatar f tn This treatment has a high risk of psychiatric side effects, you need to find a doctor who is up to date on the treatment and side effects. Search the archives on this forum, its got lots of good discussions and information. Good luck.
Avatar f tn I've been on Depakote and Seroquel for bipolar and not improving much, so today the doc took the depakote away and is starting me on Lamictal. Can anyone share your experiences with it? He told me it should not give me the weight gain or fatigue, and the only thing I need to watch for is if a rash develops on my body to let him know immediately, as it could be serious enough to land me in the hospital. Other than that, does the lamictal really have relatively few side effects?
Avatar f tn burning tongue, sores in mouth, corners of mouth, looks like elbows are blistery and itchy, cracked heels, one has deep looking slit that is pretty painful at times, bad brain fog, crazy itching, muscle aches, feeling blah, very emotional, headaches especially as soon as i hit the sun, diareah, nausea, never know from one moment to the next what's gonna happen, but other than that doing GREAT lol...............
Avatar f tn I have only been on it for 3weeks. I really am struggling with the side effects. Rining in ears, dry mouth, depression, and many other not good side effects. Did you notice and change in time (that you took keppra) with the side effects. Did it get better or worse? They want to add lamitcal to the keppra and I am thinking I should just ride the keppra out and see if I can get use to the sides I am experiencing now. Anybody with any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
574118 tn?1305135284 I've just come off of trying to switch to Seroquel monotherpy. I maxed out on 800mg of Seroquel before I was able to totally get off of lithium and hadn't even started to lower my Lamictal dose. I don't tolerate lithium well and side effects have gotten much worse over time. Lamictal has been okay for me as long as we watch the dose - it's very reactive to hormones and that has been a huge problem. Was soooo looking forward to only one mood stabilizer...
Avatar n tn ve been on Wellbutrin for 4 weeks now and my sexual side effects have not subsided. I specifically chose to take Wellbutrin because of its reputation for rarely causing sexual side effects, because even while depressed I had a pretty healthy sex life. However, I recently read that studies have shown that, although less common than with SSRI antidepressants, Wellbutrin can cause sexual side effects, such as decreased libido and impotence.
Avatar n tn My daughter is currently taking a combination of depakote, lamictal, and abilify for a mood disorder. However, her doctor feels the overwhelming problem with her is an anxiety disorder that is not being addressed by the current meds. The doctor wants to ween her off the lamictal completely and start her on klonopin wafers. I am concerned about the "drowsiness" side effects. Do these eventually go away?
Avatar n tn I've been taking zyprexa for almost 6 months and am still suffering side effects. I get blurred vision and fogginess which makes it hard to concentrate. I'm sleepy all of the time and could fall asleep at my desk if I could. I've had bipolar disorder for 10 years and have never been sleepy all of the time. In the past, prior to this medicine, I've always had troubles sleeping. Does anyone else have the same problems as me?
Avatar m tn The side effects you are describing can occur as an adverse reaction to Lamictal but it also could be a matter of interactions with the other medications. What might be going on could have a variety of causes. Its also important to think whether it has helped you or not. All of this could be discussed with your psychiatrist so they could come to an appropriate decision within their clinical discretion.
Avatar f tn My dog has been on primor 600mg for about 1 1/2 months to help treat her skin due to a possible food allergy. Well now she has developed mouth sores and tiny blisters in her ears. Has any one else had a problem like this before?