
Lamictal klonopin

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal klonopin


Avatar f tn I have been taking Lamictal for years, but recently started taking Klonopin. I started having vivid dreams/nightmares within 3 days. I don't know if it's just the Klonopin, or if it's the mixture of the two medications. I plan to ask my physician next week at my appointment.
1134609 tn?1269272200 I am Type 2 Bipolar and currently take 200mgs of Lamictal, 900mgs of Neurontin, and 1.5mgs of Klonopin. My doctor and I will be weaning off of the Klonopin within the near future as we don't feel that it is medically necessary. I don't mind the Neurontin as I have been on and off of it for years. We are looking at just using the Neurontin and the Lamictal. However, a recent family even has gotten me wondering; would the Lamictal be a good enough mood stabilizer for me alone?
Avatar f tn Hello All! I am really hoping that someone can help me with information on this. I recently found out (about 3 weeks ago) that I am pregnant - quite by surprise and we all know what that means - wasn't taking great care of myself. I even fasted a couple of days trying to lose weight! Anyway, I drank over the course of this time - I don't think anything too crazy but I honestly wasn't keeping track. My psychotropics are what I'm really afraid of.
333664 tn?1220800790 s made depression worse. Currently take lamictal for depression and klonopin for anxiety/panic disorder. Lexepro started panic attacks and still have them one year later. I still have spotty panic attacks and depression with the use of said drugs. Upped the dose of lamictal from 25 to 50 mg. a day and now have insomnia with depression. Klonopin seems to work well for anxiety but not the panic attacks. Still waiting for a depression med that works. By the way .5mg klonopin mornings and evenings.
Avatar n tn I have an idopathic seizure disorder for 35 years without seizure for 28 years. I have never had an abnormal EEG, CAT, CT, MRI or PET of the Brain. I was on Dilantin for over 30 years and transitioned to Lamictal 4 months ago however developed rash and had to be dc'd. I have been on small dose of Klonopin and Paxil 37.
1134609 tn?1269272200 I currently on Lamictal, Neurontin, and Klonopin. However, there has been discussion of weaning off of the latter medications and adding a mood stabilizer to the mix. However, I am very sensitive to medication; Seroquel kicked me into a manic episode. Given this fact, what are some of the effective mood stabilizers for mania? What are some of your experiences with said stabilizers?
Avatar f tn Does anyone have a problem with temper when taking Klonopin or Lamictal, or either of these drugs helping with a temper. I've been on Klonopin for several years so doubt that's the problem. I've only been on Lamictal two weeks and on lithium for a few months. I've had a problem with my temper for about a month.
Avatar n tn My daughter is currently taking a combination of depakote, lamictal, and abilify for a mood disorder. However, her doctor feels the overwhelming problem with her is an anxiety disorder that is not being addressed by the current meds. The doctor wants to ween her off the lamictal completely and start her on klonopin wafers. I am concerned about the "drowsiness" side effects. Do these eventually go away?
Avatar m tn still taking the bupropion 150 and lamictal 100 but have had to start taking a lot more klonopin because to the rise in anxiety and I don't like taking this.
1540869 tn?1351214013 Yeah i took it for about 2 days then stopped taking it , it made me really dizzy and did not help half as much as klonopin so right now im on lamictal and klonopin so far so good, but i'm a littlescared of the side effects i've heard about lamictal but i have read a lot about it and seems to do more good then bad which is a good thing.i'll see how it goes, i hope good .
Avatar f tn Since Wellbutin, Lamictal and Topaxax all have the same side effects of anxiety,hyperactivity,insomnia, mood swings why use them to treat a manic episode, especially a severe one? My Psych. has me on all three, plus Klonopin, am not getting anybetter and refuse to take anti-psychotic meds.
433485 tn?1321813390 I am on 80 mg of celexa, 100 mg of wellbutrin, 50 mg of lamicatal 50 mg of seraquel ( at night ) and 2 mg. of klonopin tid ( upped from .5 tid before episode , also the lamictal and seraquel were added and wellbutrin dropped from 300 mg a day to 100). My question is this: I started feeling better and my pdoc and I decided to drop the klonopin to 1 mg in the am, 1/2 mg. in the afternoon, and 1 mg. in the evening. Essentially cutting the klonipin in half in the afternoon.
1134609 tn?1269272200 The depressive episodes are kind of new to me; when I was cycling a lot, it was always towards the agitated mania side of the disorder. She's been pushing Lithium off and on over the oast few months; everytime I have a down swing. But, with every increase in Lamictal, my mood stabilizes more and more. If the Lamictal isn't effective as higher doses, then so be it, I'll work with the Lithium.
997928 tn?1252444237 I was thinking that maybe I just need to take the Lamictal and not take the celexa since the lamictal is weight neutral.. Does anyone taking Lamictal think it will work for my mood swings?
Avatar n tn Hi. I am bipolar and currently taking Lithium, Neurontin, Seroquel & Lamictal. I have only been on the Lamictal for about 7 weeks, starting @ 25mg & every 2 weeks adding another 25mg; thus I am currently @ 100mg per day.
Avatar f tn s making me absolutely miserable and I feel like I am going insane. I have seen a doctor who has prescribed me Latuda and Lamictal. I started out taking Zoloft but it made me much more manic which is how the bi polar diagnosis was made. In addition to the racing thoughts, extreme anxiety I am also severely depressed to the point I am not functioning well. Before the Latuda I was on Zyprexa which made me suicidal. My question is could the Latuda be contributing to the racing thoughts?
Avatar m tn I have been on Lamictal for years for Bipolar Disorder. Just recently, I have been having really strange dreams, and at some point, it always turns into a nightmare. It doesn't always stay bad, but at some point during the night, I wake up sweating. And its not just an I'm hot sweating, its like I wake up with my clothes wet sweating. I'm usually not hot, but I have to kick off my blanket to try and get my body heat back down.
433485 tn?1321813390 Hi. I am on Lexapro and klonopin, lamictal and seraquel. I am diagnosed bipolar 2. I have been feeling pretty good lately but my question is, has any one experienced anxiety, even with being on meds?
1540869 tn?1351214013 So i've been taking lamictal for about 3 days now , and it seems to be working ok. So far so good, the buspar did not work out as well for me. Made me really shaky and felt like i was falling or dropping (weird feeling) i know , but i'm wondering if maybe it's not the buspar and maybe could it be because i was on zoloft and klonopin for 7 months? And just switched to 2 different meds? or could it just be the buspar? I don't know .... I have different feelings about it.
433485 tn?1321813390 Hi. I am diagnosed mood disorder co morbid anxiety. I am on several meds: lamictal, celexa and seraquel plus 1 mg klonopin tid. I also have ativan, .5 mg, that my pdoc "would prefer I don't take". However, a few times a month, ( 2 this month) I had a horrible anxiety attack and took the ativan. My question is is it okay to take the 2 drugs together: ativan and Klonopin. Thanks. I am seeing my pdoc on Nov. 11th and need to talk (again, so frustrating) about my meds.
Avatar f tn Hi. I just started taking lamictal 25 mg twice daily on Monday. I'm already on lithium, seroquel, viibryd, and klonopin. By Wednesday I started having headaches, stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhea. Does this go away or does it mean I'm going to have to go off it? Thanks.
Avatar f tn The past several months the doc had me on Lamictal in combination with another drug -- first depakote and then seroquel. Because of bad side effects, he has eliminated the other drugs and wants me to take just the Lamictal 200 mg/day. I'm so happy about that! But he said we also have to wait and see if Lamictal alone will control my bipolar symptoms, and I may have to go back on the other meds as well. Anyone else having success with just Lamictal?
599170 tn?1300973893 last Wen was changed (just 2 changes) to Wellbutrin am Klonopin 1mg am Lamactial 150 )?) mg am 1pm Kloponin....bedtime Lamactial Celexera and Kloponin I wish you all to find the right combo..
1114269 tn?1258680912 I was diagnosed as bipolar type 2 back in June 2005, and since then have been on Lamotrigine (Lamictal) on an increasing dosage. I have been at the max dosage that my doctor said is allowed (350 mg/day). So that means over 4 years that I've been taking this drug. I have found that since taking lamictal, my depression has all but vanished, but it does not control my manic behavior at all. So as an anti-depressant, I think it's very effective for me.