
Lamictal info

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719785 tn?1232901518 I have made a full recovery from schizoaffective disorder (with an experimental compound in Phase II FDA study) and even I right now need a mood stabilizer in addition to an antipsychotic. Standard mood stabilizers are Lithium, Depakoate and Lamictal. I found Lamictal to be the most tolerable. And Geodon is activating so it can occasionally cause anxiety. There are other antipsychotics as well. Speak to his psychiatrist about all this.
560501 tn?1383612740 Tonya-No I haven't heard of taking lamictal for it but sounds like a really good seminar. Wish I could find data to show my ep the connection between ms and AD. We have already figured out we have to figure out how to live with it haven't we? Thanks for sharing. I am going to do some research into this info on lamictal.
439168 tn?1307931740 Hi. This really isn't a question, but I wanted to pass this on to you...You might already be aware, I'm not sure....but I just called my pharmacy to refill my lamictal. I do the mail order thing and get a 3 month's supply. Lamictal didn't always have a generic....not that I'm aware was costing me a whopping co-pay of nearly 180 bucks. Well, there IS a generic....I know most people don't like the generics, but they have always worked for me.
1246883 tn?1285547973 Hi, those of you who are taking Lamictal, like I am. Should know that the FDA has linked Lamictal with aseptic MENINGITIS. Here is the link to the warning I received. or if you can't get the web page above to work, info is on drugs.
1243818 tn?1270399452 Both of the drugs will impact your memory; I take Lamictal and it causes me some cognitive problems. I seriously doubt you have Alzheimer's disease, although the meds can make you feel that way.
Avatar n tn If you stop the Lamictal for much longer (like a day or two, tops), you'll need to start from the beginning with a titration. Lamictal is pregnancy category C, which means it might have had issues in rats/other lab animals, but there's no conclusive evidence in humans that it causes harm. Therefore, it's up to the doctors and you to determine if the risk to your health and the baby's health would be greater from the Lamictal or from the mood dysregulation of being unmedicated.
Avatar f tn Saphris and Seroquel are both in the atypical antipsychotic family, while Lamictal is in the anti-epileptic family. Lamictal is good if depression is your main issue, and it has one of the best side effect profiles of any of the mood stabilizers. It's what I'm on, and so far it seems to be working pretty well (I've gotten up to 100 mg). I haven't taken any atypicals. If he's giving you a choice, my vote is for Lamictal.
735919 tn?1236444549 thank you for the info on Lamictal, but does anyone take Geodon? I take 40mg Geodon and Lamictal. I do feel so much better,but i was wondering more about the Geodon side effects. I feel alittle more anixous im wondering if it is the Geodon.
524020 tn?1223161005 I was on lamictal and ativan at the same time - I was okay until my son was murderedin 1/05 - and then it seemed like nothing helped - suffered from PTSD so I was going from one med to the other - however doctor kept me on lamictal than I switched doctors and the new one put me on 400 mgs of lamictal and that's when my problems started I got bad rash and once you get a rash from lamictal you can't go back on it - however I was okay under regular dose of 200 mgs - also had problems when d
874521 tn?1424116797 Lamictal can occasionally cause extra pyramidal side effects and as an adverse side effect tardive dyskinesia. That is where I acquired it from. Go to the medication website (the prescription information part) under "adverse side effects" and print that out for your psychiatrist. They can determine whether its e.p.s. (in which case it can be treated with a side effect pill) or tardive which means it must be changed to another medication.
Avatar f tn I relapsed while on Lexapro and my doc started me on Effexor and Lamictal. The effexor was horrible for me, I felt awful and my blood pressure skyrocketed. The Lamictal is supposed to be a mood stabilizer. I am taking 200mg daily. My doc weaned me from Effexor and put me back on prozac 20mg (I stopped it several years back because it was making me extremely irritable). The prozac does not seem to be working like it did before.
925572 tn?1246540031 I bet it isn't the lamictal, it's your worries and depression. living on the edge of a cliff all the time and feeling insecure makes the person concentrate less, have volatile memory especially the short one. This happens to all of us. I believe you should do something regarding your depression. Whereas it says that antidepressants worsen mania causing rapid cycling and mixed states, but most BP pts take them to be able to function.
767237 tn?1332640177 ok so im on lamictal and it just got upped. My neck and face and chest have small bumps....acne like bumps. Is this a side effect of the med. or are they talking about a WAY different kind of rash?
Avatar m tn lamictal has side effects that are very scary, so the Doctors have to start you on a low dose,because it can cause a deadly rash. my son took zonisimade and it didn't do anything for his Seizures.Every person is different . it takes time to see what will work for every person. still have not found the right medicines to stop my son Seizures.
Avatar f tn I do not intend on scaring you but thought I should pass this info on to you. SJS is Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Lamictal can cause it even after months of taking it and it does cause a fever.
11041895 tn?1415038678 Welcome to the forum. I think you should see a holistic/functional medicine doctor. It sounds like you have a serious hormonal imbalance. Please tell us more about yourself. Best regards.
Avatar f tn I saw two new doctors and was told that since I have a mood disorder I should not be on anti-depressants and should be taking Lamictal. I was later diagnosed with Bipolar I and BPD. Lamictal has worked great for me. It did take a while for it to "kick in". I've been at 200 mg for 5 years now. I feel "normal". I barely have any side effects and don't feel medicated like I did with the anti-depressants. I think you should listen to your new doctor.
Avatar f tn I was put on 200mg Lamictal 2 months ago, and my doc is upping my dose to 400mg. I have been extremely depressed the last few of weeks and can't get out of it, which is the reason she upped it, since it is supposed to help w/ depression also. What is the max therapeutic dose that anyone knows of? Has anyone ever taken that high of a dose and what were the effects? I'm also on Topamax for migraines. Those are the ONLY medications I am taking. The Lamictal does seem to be working though.
Avatar m tn I have heard that the drug Lamictal is also a Blood Thinner, was wondering if there is any truth behind that. Thanks for help.
Avatar m tn is this mix ok? i used to take Wellbutrin and Lamictal,but now only Lamictal. my therapist feels i need something to boost my concentration and Wellbutrin didnt work.
Avatar f tn s experience is different but I found Lamictal far more tolerable than Depakoate and it far less of an effect as regards cognitive confusion, weight gain and nausea than Depakoate and as well it had a good effect on the depressive aspect of bipolar which Depakoate did not for me. But if you want to find out general information we have some webpages liked up and you should speak to his psychiatrist as well.
1116472 tn?1260075052 I am on Lamictal for my Bipolar, but i have also had a seizure. i know it is also a seizure med, and my bipolar issue is WAY more important. How much of the lamictal will be helping for my actual bipolar? I'm trying to understand, the doctor said it will treat both, but i need to be sure that the motivation was not for epilepsy, because that takes a backseat to bipolar, as i have only had a couple seizures, and am not diagnosed epileptic, and my MRI showed nothing of the sort.
Avatar m tn My question is Iam now taking lmatical and up to 100 mg twice a day and having a problem like stumbling around like iam drunk is this normal?
1687184 tn?1307478592 I was recently prescribed lamictal for bipolar 2. My problem is that I wake up every morning pick the bottle up, consider taking as the psychdoc ordered me to, then I put it back down, without taking any. I have alot of fears and concerns over taking this medicine. I have read everything I can find on this med and have found more positive than negative.
Avatar f tn It feels lightly painful. The pain seems to go deep into my body. I am on Lamictal. Wondering if this is possibly a Lamictal rash? Shingles? I am 46. Ellen L.