
Lamictal er

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal er


Avatar f tn t cry uncontrobially and am dealing with life situations but before Lamictal, I tried suicide twice 1st self inflicted gunshot just from impulse) Solution (NOT) - was told to go to ER by doc and do a lamictal blood level test. After waiting 6 misreable hours, they say they cannot run that kind of test but my liver was OK. Was sent home.
Avatar f tn I looked up the drug on WebMd and there in bold print, was the warning that if you develop a rash, blah, blah, swollen lymph glands, mouth sores, seek medical attention immediately. I called my psychiatrist immediately and he told me to stop the Lamictal and sent me to the ER. He asked if I had a rash anywhere else and I said no, just the throat glands and mouth sores that are intolerable.
Avatar m tn Has anyone ever been on Lithium and Lamictal at the same time? If so how did it work out? Yes I know everyone reacts differently. I am currently on -1350mg Lithium Carb ER -Klonpin 1mg X up 6 per day -Adderall 20mg X 2 per day I was on Celxa 40mg for about 4 months and was not good for me. Made me mad, no patinces, irrtable, ect. I would like to try Lamictal for BiPolar Depression?
Avatar n tn I was put on lamictal 6months ago. I recently had an allergic reaction to lamictal. Tiny clear blisters in my mouth, vaginal rash plus very swollen burning vagina, and red, burning, puffy skin on face. I went to the ER and was told to stop my medication, which I did(they put me on steroids for the reactions). It has been 3days now since I had last taken lamictal and the mouth blisters and rash in my vaginal area is still there. Not to mention, I am feeling the withdrawals horribly!
Avatar f tn What is your actual diagnosis? Lamictal is an odd choice of med if you're treating just depression and an anxiety disorder. Lamictal is typically prescribed for people with bi-polar disorder, which is a COMPLETELY different animal. Besides the Celexa and Lamictal, what other meds have you tried? Are you in therapy? It's hard to say if the itching is just a side effect or if it's related to an adverse reaction. Most allergic reactions would present with a rash.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had ringing in their ears due to Lamictal? i have been on Lamictal for almost 2 years. Over the last 6 months I have had four ear infections and now a constant ringing in my ears. I have seen a ENT doc and my hearing is perfect, nothing else is wrong, only the Lamictal that I am on. My doc one day said oh the ringing could be because of the lamictal which made me start obsessing over it, did not help, and now I have started weening myself off the lamictal but it is not an easy road.
Avatar m tn I was diagnosed Bipolar II with minor depression and was put on Lamictal teetering up 25 mg every 2 weeks with 150mg Wellbutrin (Zyban) the aim was to reach 200mg and see how I feel, by the start of the seventh week, I got tiny itchy patches on my cheeks that flaired up after I took the Lamictal… so stopped lamictal, (remained on the wellbutrin) and went on an antihistamine (Atarax) for a 2 weeks 25/50mg, did some surface (72 hour skin contact) allergy tests and came negative for Lamictal so I w
6827092 tn?1389384819 I have been on lamictal for five years 350mg 2x a day. If you get a rash while taking this medicine go to the emergency room! It is very dangerous and deadly. Do not wait for it to get worse. Much Love, Lexis Consult a physician first, i speak from experiences, facts and statistics.
Avatar n tn Hi. I am bipolar and currently taking Lithium, Neurontin, Seroquel & Lamictal. I have only been on the Lamictal for about 7 weeks, starting @ 25mg & every 2 weeks adding another 25mg; thus I am currently @ 100mg per day.
767237 tn?1332640177 ok so im on lamictal and it just got upped. My neck and face and chest have small bumps....acne like bumps. Is this a side effect of the med. or are they talking about a WAY different kind of rash?
733588 tn?1242932059 Hello, Everyone I'm new here. I was diagnosed with BP 5 years ago. In those five years I've been on alot for different medications. Depakote ER worked the best. I was on it for three years or more. Now I'm on Stavzor which is working just as well. My question is for several month I've been back and forth to the doctor for another problem. I've become anemic and they can't find the source of the bleeding or the reason why I'm anemic.
1154462 tn?1327434379 Actually, flu like symptoms are some of the infrequent side effects of Lamictal. Between 1 and 5% of folks have that kind of reaction to it.I kicked up my dose of Lamictal last week and had the chills for two days, but it went away. I wouldn't worry too much about it, unless you get a rash. It a rash appears, then you need to be concerned. If this does happen, get a hold of you doctor right away..
736314 tn?1276884623 i go to the pdoc today.
899491 tn?1243773627 I would say if the doctor says there is nothing to worry about that means that they believe the rash is not from Lamictal because if they did then they would give specific instructions to see them immediately. It may be any other dermatological concerns that are not related to the Lamictal and are harmless. The specific rash of concern is called Stephen's Johnson syndrome and is a full blown allergic reaction that can be caused by Lamictal among other medications and is very dangerous.
719785 tn?1232901518 He and I are both frustrated because the only way I can get him seen immediatley is to go through Er and that probably means another inpatient and he really doesn't want that.
Avatar f tn I used to be on depakote and found it caused weight gain. I talked to my doctor about it and he changed me to Lamictal. Depakote is a mood stabilizer, so you really should not stop it without something to replace it. Talk to your dr and tell him you want to change because you believe it is causing a weight problem and others have had the same problem that you have talked to. That way you have something to stabllize you. Actually, the Lamictal worked much better for me.
Avatar m tn i need to know other ways to treat bipolar II DISORDER WITH MINIMAL SIDE EFFECTS!! mixing just 500 ER Depakote and 75mg of lamictal,(which are very low daily doses just is NOT helping. Someone please give me some help regarding some other cocktails that would at least have the potential to work better. Thinning hair and putting on 33 lbs in only 6 months is not something im gonna just put up with anymore!
1192491 tn?1265031829 My shrink is really hesitant to send me to the hospital straight off of the bat. Being pulled off of the Lamictal in an ER equates to a trip to the psych center for me. This is a Catch-22 for me, I worry about the rash, but I also know that it's really my best (and last) line of defense. But, it's nothing to mess around with, if you try it out and have an adverse allergic reaction to it, get a hold of your pdoc ASAP and see if they'll send you down to the hospital.
1714202 tn?1352672419 Hey, so my birthday is coming up and a big group of us is going to the casino and I know I'll end up drinking. Does anyone know the interactions with alcohol, lamictal, abilify, and ativan? If they're too serious I'll just tell my boyfriend not to let me drink. Any help would be great!
603015 tn?1329862973 Yeah, that's not the kind of rash to screw around with...But, if you were also on Epilim at the same time, your increase in getting a rash jumps quite a bit higher. In fact, that's another reason why my shrink and I weren't too concerned with the rash; a lot of the Steven-Johnson Syndrome cases in clinical studies involved folks (particularly children) taking both medications. Honestly, most shrinks won't give you both valproate (Epilim) and Lamictal at the same time.
6827092 tn?1389384819 I had my third app with pdoc on Friday. I saw one doc in my previous two appoitments, got another app at the end of January. I went there to tell them that' I need to see my doc sooner - and find out that he is not there any more. The first one was kind of funny: 'do you want meds?' ' yes, I do.' ' ok so which one do you want?' ' Lamictal' 'ok' lol OMG so my next q: ' does it work like this here that patients pick their own meds?
Avatar m tn I found Lamictal the most tolerable. Lithium was highly effective of course but I had some trouble tolerating it because of cognitive confusion and weight gain but its the most effective mood stabilizer in general. As for Tegretol (the clinical name of what the other medication was) I tend to be concerned about that one because it made me psychotic and it can often lower the blood level of an antipsychotic in people, which is the reason why. However, some people find it effective.
Avatar f tn I have been treated for tension headaches and migraines since 2009. I was diagnosed with JME when I was 13. I'm currently on 150 topamax and 500 lamictal for seizures. I have tried antimigraines, analgesics, muscle relaxants, nonsteroidal-anti-inflammatory and steroids, ssnri antidepressants and obviously acetaminophen and aspirin for headaches . I have one every single day but the severity of it varies. Within the past few days I have noticed slight shaking and weakness in my hands.
Avatar f tn I am weaning off Effexor and quit after one wk at 37.5mg. I ended up in the ER with a MAJOR panic attack. I am having all of the side effects, dizziness, flu-like symptoms also. When I began weaning from 225mg Effexor I began 20mg of Prozac which I had taken several years ago. I was 3 weeks into the prozac when all of these symptoms came on. Does that mean that the Prozac isnt working bc I had such a big panic attack. I have had 3 in the last 3 days and am living in fear of the next one.
Avatar n tn No, my son started on Trileptal, but it was the wrong med for generalized seizures. He then was switched to Depakote ER and Lamictal. He developed a mild rash (not really sure it was due to the Lamictal) after 1+ yrs. and the Dr. took him off the Lamictal immediately. Thankfully, he remained seizure-free. It really is hard to tell if my son's fatigue is due to the Depakote. He still maintains excellent grades and participates in school sports.