
Lamictal dreams

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal dreams


Avatar f tn I have been taking Lamictal for years, but recently started taking Klonopin. I started having vivid dreams/nightmares within 3 days. I don't know if it's just the Klonopin, or if it's the mixture of the two medications. I plan to ask my physician next week at my appointment.
142722 tn?1281533616 I'm taking Lamictal and have had some seriously vivid dreams/nightmares. I can't even describe how vivid they have been. And that's just in the last couple of days.
1310468 tn?1274863925 Lamotrigine and some other anti-convulsant medications are approved for maintenance treatment in bipolar I disorder, because they have something to do with altering the excitability threshold of certain neurons. We're not yet entirely sure how that helps to control mood instability in bipolar disorder, but they are proven to be very effective in this regard. The good thing about lamotrigine in particular is that it can also have an anti-depressant on top of the mood stabilization!
Avatar f tn I take Lamictal for seizure disorder. Started at 25mg seemed with no problem. Just upped to 50mg and now I am having severe nightmares/Vivid dreams and I must be clenching my jaw super hard because that is killing me which then causes a headache. Anyone else have these symptoms??
994257 tn?1266242692 I take 200mg of Lamictal everyday for Bipolar II disorder, but I have dreamed like this for as long as I can remember. I can wake up and immediately go back to the dream I was in. I just want to feel well rested.....any ideas why I dream all night long??
Avatar m tn I have been on Lamictal for years for Bipolar Disorder. Just recently, I have been having really strange dreams, and at some point, it always turns into a nightmare. It doesn't always stay bad, but at some point during the night, I wake up sweating. And its not just an I'm hot sweating, its like I wake up with my clothes wet sweating. I'm usually not hot, but I have to kick off my blanket to try and get my body heat back down.
1687184 tn?1307478592 I was recently prescribed lamictal for bipolar 2. My problem is that I wake up every morning pick the bottle up, consider taking as the psychdoc ordered me to, then I put it back down, without taking any. I have alot of fears and concerns over taking this medicine. I have read everything I can find on this med and have found more positive than negative.
Avatar f tn I have just been prescribed Invega 9 mg for Bipolar Disorder along with 12oo mg of Trileptal and 50 mg of Topamax.I am still having bizzare dreams and feel as if I am sleepwalking and doing odd behavior throughout the day.I feel extremely drugged.Is this pretty commom with this combo of drugs or from any one of these.I have periods to where I just "can't think".Thank you for your response.
Avatar n tn I have recently started taken Lamictal for bipolar disorder and am now up to 100 mg/day. Since taking this dosage I have been troubled with intensive, vivid dreams seemingly most of the night and thus waking up tired. Last night I took the medication 2 hrs before going to bed and it took a long time to get to sleep in bed due to racing thoughts.
Avatar f tn I am currently on a dose of 100mg of Lamictal and 10mg of Olanzapine (Zypreza). Ever since I got on Lamictal I have experienced greater lucidity, an elevated mood and loss of appetite (the good kind, where I don't put everything I see into my mouth). So this elevated mood has been getting more and more elevated. I have so much energy now that I spend most of my time walking around the city, smoking, and more alarmingly, dreaming.
15927132 tn?1444239329 I've taken 200mg lamictal for a couple years. Had horrible suicidal thoughts, crying spells, hard to concentrate, tired a lot. Then added on was klonopin 1mg, which has given me vivid dreams and total lack of emotions. Paxil was also prescribes but after 7 months discontinued after I noticed worsening depression as well as a constant who gives a sh*T mentality. Any success stories on discontinuing these specific meds?
Avatar f tn I have never been diagnosed with any bipolar disorder, but I have the same exact dreams...almost phsycotic and demented dreams...horrible, some almost demonic, some just plain evil like dreaming someone is cutting someone up and im helping thats sick...and then other dreams are demonic, like im being possessed or haunted... Sometimes I wake up off and on during sleep scared to open my eyes and look around...but when i do...nothing is ever there...
655875 tn?1295695107 One of my dreams was at the ball field watching my son play ball and I was just cheering him on like nothing was wrong and then I felt this severe pain in my face and I looked around to see if I got hit by a foul ball or someone else hit me and nothing then I am sitting there trying to figure out what the heck is causing me so much pain and then I wake up and alot of pain and know it was me feeling my pain in my sleep.
574118 tn?1305135284 The guillotine is a French device used much during the French revolution for carrying out executions by decapitation and apparently is still used. now i am just returning from a visit to my pdoc. Today mania started because I dared to take seroxat/paxil for 20 days 20mg but what can I do, I had depression. I stopped going to work and tomorrow I shall send a paper saying I have vyrimia i.e. attacked by a virius. Last time i said my mother was severly ill. I hope they believe me this time.
Avatar n tn I have been taking Celexa consistantly since it came out in 1998. I am also currently taking Lamictal 20mg. I just ran out of meds again this will be the third night without either and I am not feeling well. I feel nauseous and irritable. I feel sluggish and groggy, and i know after 3 days it gets VERY BAD. I am trying to see if all these things are symptoms of withdrawal or is it all in my head because I know I should have gotten the scripts filled by now.
578610 tn?1342228871 Im pretty sure im a compulsive liar. I lie mostly out of habit, and i realise i do it after and think why the hell did i do that? I lie about everything, nothing i say really is truthful. This is just ruining my life. I'm at the point in my life where im in a type of purgatory. The lies havnt ruined any of my relationships yet but im sure it's a ticking bomb. Im waiting for people to hate me when they realise i've been lying to them about everything.
644988 tn?1236364548 Does anyone have any good advice or ideas that have helped them to deal with bad dreams and nightmares. when I was really ill last year I went for several months without any dreams (p.doc said this is normal) however now I get runs of nights where am plagued by horrible dreams- always different but common theme of shame/guilt/inadequacy. I have worked out that this is sometimes worse if I've had a glass of wine but not always. Also, obviously worse when I'm less good than when well.
1448748 tn?1312956208 I was taking lamictal for pain and fatigue problems of unknown cause for the past 4 months, I've recently been having blurred vision and headaches in the last three weeks.
524020 tn?1223161005 I was on lamictal and ativan at the same time - I was okay until my son was murderedin 1/05 - and then it seemed like nothing helped - suffered from PTSD so I was going from one med to the other - however doctor kept me on lamictal than I switched doctors and the new one put me on 400 mgs of lamictal and that's when my problems started I got bad rash and once you get a rash from lamictal you can't go back on it - however I was okay under regular dose of 200 mgs - also had problems when d
Avatar f tn I relapsed while on Lexapro and my doc started me on Effexor and Lamictal. The effexor was horrible for me, I felt awful and my blood pressure skyrocketed. The Lamictal is supposed to be a mood stabilizer. I am taking 200mg daily. My doc weaned me from Effexor and put me back on prozac 20mg (I stopped it several years back because it was making me extremely irritable). The prozac does not seem to be working like it did before.
1235186 tn?1656987798 I am on Lamictal and have no major side effects. The scary thing about it is you can get steven johnsons syndrom from it when you first start it. I have anxiety too and that scared the crap out of me and took me two days of trying to take it to build up the courage to do it. It is suppose to be a rare possible side effect though.
Avatar f tn Everyone has to increase the dosage of lamictal (lamotrigine) slowly starting at 25mg. I have been on as high as 400mg but had to drop back down to 200mg because it is an antiseizure med and I am having ECT and 400mg would interfere with that. I have been on it for years and didn't see any difference in weight with it. Other drugs I am taking are not so weight friendly. I am now exercising and trying to diet but little success. How did you lose your weight?
439168 tn?1307931740 Hi. This really isn't a question, but I wanted to pass this on to you...You might already be aware, I'm not sure....but I just called my pharmacy to refill my lamictal. I do the mail order thing and get a 3 month's supply. Lamictal didn't always have a generic....not that I'm aware was costing me a whopping co-pay of nearly 180 bucks. Well, there IS a generic....I know most people don't like the generics, but they have always worked for me.
Avatar f tn I'm 19 and have been epileptic for 6 years, I have tried a variety of medications including keppra (giving me suicidal tendencies) and a couple of others which didn't control seizures. I have always been on Lamictal, which is slowly being increased after any fits or 'episodes' until the right dose for me is reached, in conjunction with this I also take Ethisuxomide, a drug that has worked well in controlling my absences.