
Lamictal cognitive

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal cognitive


Avatar f tn Hi, cognitive impairment is related with learning disabilities. Mild cognitive impairment is a syndrome defined as cognitive decline greater than expected for an individual's age and education level but that does not interfere notably with activities of daily life. It is usually associated with organic diseases rather than drugs. For what patient is taking these 2 drugs?
Avatar f tn s required but since it was taken as a precaution when I was prescribed it (not just for me but as a rule) it may be something to ask about. Generally Lamictal has less cognitive confusion but 100 mg. is a subclinical dose. You could ask your psychiatrist more about this and find out more on the websites we have linked such as "Depression Central".
Avatar n tn it is an inflammation of the protective layer over the brain and spinal cord. it can cause deafness, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, cognitive deficits and it can also be fatal. some of the symptoms are a headache, stiff neck, high fever and altered mental status. i see that you've put lamictal as your question. it has been recently found out that lamictal can have menegitis as a side effect but it is only in very rare cases.
Avatar n tn Looking back I have had two possible manic episodes, although I still have not been officially diagnosed, I am starting a mood stabilizer (200mg lamictal). After both episodes it seemed like it took my brain several months to recover, the first time the episode happened in 2009 it took me over 10 months to get back to 100% normal. This recent episode happened in July and im still not totally well, although much improved. Do manic episodes damage the brain?
Avatar f tn I had that problem with Lamictal but with that it is a statistically rare adverse side effect. If you are feeling any cognitive confusion that should go away in time. Once the Lamictal begins to work in full you can ask your psychiatrist about adjusting your other medications.
Avatar f tn I am in my mid 40's I have been on Effexor XR at 225/mg and Lamictal 300/mg a day for several years to treat bi-polar. I have been having problems with cognition, memory and concentration for many years and it seems to be getting worse. I have problems finding the right words, for example, I'll name 4 or 5 males names in my family before I say the right one, or i'll say glass instead of window.
1243818 tn?1270399452 I am a nurse and frequently have 6-8 patients. I forget info I got in report, I forget when meds are due. who is who, etc. I am also having memory lapses at home w/family members. I fear I have alzeimers but I"m only 40. I just began lamictal and lithium a month ago. Desperate for support and info.
Avatar f tn Everyone has to increase the dosage of lamictal (lamotrigine) slowly starting at 25mg. I have been on as high as 400mg but had to drop back down to 200mg because it is an antiseizure med and I am having ECT and 400mg would interfere with that. I have been on it for years and didn't see any difference in weight with it. Other drugs I am taking are not so weight friendly. I am now exercising and trying to diet but little success. How did you lose your weight?
Avatar f tn I am currently taking Geodon, Cymbalta, Lamictal and Geodon. Recently I've had times when I've seen things that weren't what they really were. I'm wondering if this is psychosis. They're not like hallucinations, just sort of like I'm in a fog, not with it. I also have trouble with my understanding when someone is saying something to me, like a delayed reaction, feeling kind of slow. I really wonder if I need both mood stablizers.
Avatar m tn At higher doses it can happen on occassion. As for the others cognitive confusion is a lot less a problem that other standard mood stabilizers. Sedation also a lot less of a problem. I think you know about the potential of a rare rash and that is 1 in a thousand and goes down to far less than that after 6 months. Basically, its not something to be highly concerned about but report any rash to your doctor. However, it is essential to follow the titration schedule for raising it for that reason.
1448748 tn?1312956208 Im taking lamictal to try and see if it helps with neuropathic pain, I am not diagnosed with ms,actually just started to look at the possibility last week due to vision issues and normal eye exam. Well my doc said to stop taking my lamictal to see if it helped with my vision issues and if vision issues persist then test for ms.
Avatar n tn However, she said I may be the treatment resistence type so prescribed me 25MG of lamictal to add to my 37.5mg of Effexor XR. I am supposed to take 12.5mg/day for one week then start on the full 25mg. I took the first 12.5mg last night and this morning I woke up feeling hungover, with tense twitching muscles and slight vision troubles. I felt groggy until about 3pm today. Is this normal when starting this medicine--will these side effects wear off usually? thanks all.
Avatar f tn s experience is different but I found Lamictal far more tolerable than Depakoate and it far less of an effect as regards cognitive confusion, weight gain and nausea than Depakoate and as well it had a good effect on the depressive aspect of bipolar which Depakoate did not for me. But if you want to find out general information we have some webpages liked up and you should speak to his psychiatrist as well.
Avatar n tn Are cognitive problems most common with this drug, i.e. memory and confusion? Do they tend to subside after awhile? Also, have you ever heard of spatial disorientation as a side effect of Lamictal? Thanks in advance!
Avatar n tn I was taking Lamictal (anti-seizure medicine) while getting ECT treatments. SHOULD I HAVE BEEN TAKEN OFF LAMICTAL BEFORE THE INDUCED SEIZURES? I am experiences extreme memory loss and cognitve function. Unable to speak articulately since the ECT. It doesn't make sense that I would be on an anti seizure medicine. Would this require more electricity to be used to induce the seizure? Would more electricity risk brain damage? Which I feel I have.
Avatar f tn Out of the primary mood stabilizers Lamictal is least likely to cause cognitive confusion, sedation or weight gain. You could talk all this over with your psychiatrist.
644988 tn?1236364548 doc feels that a mood stabiliser is needed and talked about either Lamictal or Lithium... I was scared by the sound of Lithium so went for Lamictal but now I read how many weeks it'll take to build up to a useful dose and I'm not sure I can wait that long.... any thoughts?
524020 tn?1223161005 I was on lamictal and ativan at the same time - I was okay until my son was murderedin 1/05 - and then it seemed like nothing helped - suffered from PTSD so I was going from one med to the other - however doctor kept me on lamictal than I switched doctors and the new one put me on 400 mgs of lamictal and that's when my problems started I got bad rash and once you get a rash from lamictal you can't go back on it - however I was okay under regular dose of 200 mgs - also had problems when d
Avatar m tn s Johnson Syndrome) its an incredibly rare allergic reaction to Lamictal. It can happen with other medications. Lamictal just gets the most bad press about it. Its not something to be frightened of considering its rarity. When you start it, if you have any sign of a rash see your doctor asap and if its stopped in time the rash goes away. That's why Lamictal by FDA regulations must be titrated upwards at 25 mg.
Avatar f tn I've usually always take a mood stabilizer, ie. Lamictal & a anti psychotic, ie. Seroquel. I take them in combination or ill be extremely manic. I've tried depakote & the only issue was weight gain & slight hair loss. I haven't noticed many side effects w/ lamictal. I think combining lamictal w/ lithium is a good decision.
Avatar f tn I just got put on lamictal almost two weeks ago. I took 25 mg daily for seven days and then 50 mg daily since last teusday. Everything seemed fine until last night. I felt very weird and shaky and my motor skills were very slow nd I felt very out of it. And when I went to bad I had terrible halusinations. Worse than I have ever had and weird images in my mind. I could not tell if my eyes were open or closed. And today I feel very shaky and unstable. It is even difficult to type this.
Avatar f tn No there are many other mood stabilizers. Some are even in common use such as Lamictal. Wellbutrin being an anti-depressent can sometimes worsen mania in bipolar. Lithium is highly effective but for some people can cause cognitive blunting and sedation. With antipsychotics, the newest ones Abilify, Fanapt and Saphris have less of a potential of weight gain but as they can change heart rhythms you would have to ask your psychiatrist if they could be used safely if you have heart valve problems.
Avatar f tn I relapsed while on Lexapro and my doc started me on Effexor and Lamictal. The effexor was horrible for me, I felt awful and my blood pressure skyrocketed. The Lamictal is supposed to be a mood stabilizer. I am taking 200mg daily. My doc weaned me from Effexor and put me back on prozac 20mg (I stopped it several years back because it was making me extremely irritable). The prozac does not seem to be working like it did before.
Avatar n tn my son is taking 200 mg of lamictal in the morning and 200mg of lamictal in the everning (400mg daily) for seizure control. he has been on lamictal for approximately 3 years and has been a very successful drug. Just recently he went to the family doctor for routine blood work and they called the other day to say his lamictal level was 9.5. They say a normal level is 1 to 4. Should we be concerned about this number? What should we do? Our neurologist is in Colorado and is a 3.5 hour drive.
Avatar f tn Lamictal can have cognitive side effects at times but its generally well tolerated. Abilify can have cognitive side effects as well. But the cognitive side effects of those medications are not permanent. There are other options for mood stabilizers than Lamictal. As for Abilify its generally the most tolerable out of the antipsychotics available now.
Avatar f tn There are some good meds out there that have fewer cognitive side effects. Lamictal is one of them. Unfortunatly Lamictal also carries the risk of life threatening rash called SJS. Still though, IMO it is one of the better AEDs. The problem with not medicating is that the seizures can become more frequent and eventually they may generalize. If side effects are significant and intolerable from meds, there are other options. My daughter is off meds and doing a modified Keto diet called LGIT.
Avatar f tn I can only add the standard advice to make sure to get the blood tests each month and be careful to drink enough water and as that an antipsychotic together can cause weight gain to monitor sugar intake. For myself it was a bit difficult with cognitive blunting and I found Lamictal more tolerable but each person is different. There's a lot more advice but that would be on the websites linked up and you should ask your psychiatrist as well.