
Lamictal and exercise

Common Questions and Answers about Lamictal and exercise


Avatar n tn Ive been on lamictal for around 5 months. added to depakote and has changed my life (diagnosis bipolar). i can actually get off the couch. I have been trying to lose weigth for a while with no avail. Started lamictal: nausea and some light cramping. although hungry, sometimes I can't eat. Am down from 118# to 112# and continue to fall without effort. even eating chocolate. just wondering if I should be concerned something else is going on.
355133 tn?1241569648 HELP! i have been taxing Paxil for years. i needed something to help more for depression(i have anxiety AND depression). so my doc decides Lamictal. BAD IDEA. first i was nauseous. then, i starting experiencing "hypnic jerk" (a constant jerking awake as you are trying to sleep)any time i tried to sleep. now, i've been having horrible heart palpitations. again, when i am trying to sleep, i will be just about falling asleep when..BOOM! my heart wakes me up!
Avatar f tn I relapsed while on Lexapro and my doc started me on Effexor and Lamictal. The effexor was horrible for me, I felt awful and my blood pressure skyrocketed. The Lamictal is supposed to be a mood stabilizer. I am taking 200mg daily. My doc weaned me from Effexor and put me back on prozac 20mg (I stopped it several years back because it was making me extremely irritable). The prozac does not seem to be working like it did before.
Avatar f tn Not necessarily, no. The better way according to my research is to successfully withdraw from a drug before starting a new one. Most psychiatrists have their own way of doing it, and so you have to accept that they have had success doing it that way. But I believe in erring on the side of safety, and that means tapering off a drug at a pace that suits you, not one that suits the psychiatrist. Everyone is going to have their own experience and stopping and starting meds should reflect that.
Avatar f tn I am off those now and taking Lamictal and Lexapro. I lost 12 lbs. in the first 2 weeks and am continuing to lose 1-2 lbs. a week. I'm not so hungry all the time, and I have more energy to exercise 30 min a day most days of the week. They seem to have no side effects for me, at least. I take the Lamictal in the morning because it seems to keep me awake, and the Lexapro at night because it tends to make me sleepy.
997928 tn?1252444237 I've done okay with lamictal, but lamictal and celexa, not so good. And now lamictal with wellbutrin, not so good. At least I think it's not the lamictal. I know my PsychNP put a big no in her notes regarding me and celexa.
Avatar f tn has anyone had stomach problems with lithium and lamictal while takimg them at the same time?.....
Avatar f tn I have been on lamictal 100mg to 150mg, and I haven't noticed any facial hair growth, although I think my hair is thinning out. When I take a shower and put cream rinse in and work it thru, I have lots of hair coming out.
Avatar f tn m definitely not one to advocate against the use of natural supplements in lieu of prescribed pharmaceuticals, but just exercise some caution and mention it to your doctor, because he/she might have some advice or recommendations. Sorry I don't know too much more about the particular supplement. Good luck!
Avatar n tn t like the sexual side effects. Lamictal, though, seems to only be approved for treating bipolar disorder and epilepsy. I have never been diagnosed with bipolar disorder nor do I have epilepsy. Is my psychiatrist really going out on a limb prescribing Lamictal for anxiety/depression?
Avatar f tn I'm on Lamictal and it's working well for me so far. It is a slow taper, 25 mg every two weeks until 100 mg, then you can go up by 50 mg every two weeks. So it takes a while to work, but it's really good for the depressive phase. It's great for BP II, and it's approved I believe as an add-on med for BP I stabilization. Topomax does get used for bipolar, but it causes major cognitive side effects in a lot of people, to the point of getting nicknamed "Dopamax".
Avatar f tn I have been treated for tension headaches and migraines since 2009. I was diagnosed with JME when I was 13. I'm currently on 150 topamax and 500 lamictal for seizures. I have tried antimigraines, analgesics, muscle relaxants, nonsteroidal-anti-inflammatory and steroids, ssnri antidepressants and obviously acetaminophen and aspirin for headaches . I have one every single day but the severity of it varies. Within the past few days I have noticed slight shaking and weakness in my hands.
Avatar f tn Hi I've recently had like no sex drive for awhile now and I'm wondering if its because of my meds I'm on. I'm currently taking synthroid, and abilify, lamictal, extra calcium, potassium and magnesium because my perithyroid was damaged during the removal of my thyroid. So what could be the cause of my low libido and what can I do to fix it? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated thanks!
Avatar f tn It should work once it reaches an appropriate dose. Occassionally at higher dosages Lamictal can sometimes worsen mania but it takes time and a psychiatrist has to see how they are responding in general. Keep a mood tracker here and print out the results for your psychiatrist and ask them to follow up.
Avatar f tn I currently take 400mg of Lamictal without any problems, but I also take remeron and valium. This combination seems to work for me and except for an occasional panic atttack(I'm diagnosed with that also) my anxiety level is pretty stable. As for Seroquel, I had the same problem with weight gain(40 lbs.) so told my doctor to take me of it and I've since lost the weight through diet and exercise. One outlet that I find very useful for anxiety is meditation, even for a few minutes a day.
Avatar m tn I was diagnosed Bipolar II with minor depression and was put on Lamictal teetering up 25 mg every 2 weeks with 150mg Wellbutrin (Zyban) the aim was to reach 200mg and see how I feel, by the start of the seventh week, I got tiny itchy patches on my cheeks that flaired up after I took the Lamictal… so stopped lamictal, (remained on the wellbutrin) and went on an antihistamine (Atarax) for a 2 weeks 25/50mg, did some surface (72 hour skin contact) allergy tests and came negative for Lamictal so I w
Avatar m tn I was taking Bupropion and Lamictal, and switched to Effexor. I have been on Effxor for three weeks. I have had the worst fatigue I have ever felt. So now I am unsure if it was coming off the Lamictal or if it was the Effexor. I am going to stop the Effexor, but I don't know if I should go back on just the Lamictal, The lamictal When I first started taking it, up to 200 mg worked fairly well. I guess my question is, is , has this kind of fatigue been know to be a side effect with Effexor?
Avatar f tn I have seen a ENT doc and my hearing is perfect, nothing else is wrong, only the Lamictal that I am on. My doc one day said oh the ringing could be because of the lamictal which made me start obsessing over it, did not help, and now I have started weening myself off the lamictal but it is not an easy road. I was on 100mg then went down to 50mg for a week now I am down to 25 mg and valuim to take edge off, I hate the way I am feeling and the panic attacks or anxiety are hard.
Avatar n tn I struggled with repetative harmful thoughts although I do not use marijuana. I am on lamictal also, and my doctor added Abilify when I started having this problem. It helped me out a lot. I hope he feels better soon! I know how hard it is to deal with such negative thoughts.
603015 tn?1329862973 Yeah, that's not the kind of rash to screw around with...But, if you were also on Epilim at the same time, your increase in getting a rash jumps quite a bit higher. In fact, that's another reason why my shrink and I weren't too concerned with the rash; a lot of the Steven-Johnson Syndrome cases in clinical studies involved folks (particularly children) taking both medications. Honestly, most shrinks won't give you both valproate (Epilim) and Lamictal at the same time.
Avatar n tn I was going to take the Lamictal with the Geodon, and and only take the Geodon long enough to get me to the theraputic dose of lamictal. However, the Geodon made me really hyper and irritable (at only 20 mg), and gave me a ravenous appetite. So now I'm trying a very small dose of seroquel with the Lamictal. And yes, the dr. I'm seeing is a psychatrist who specialises in eating disorders. I love my family doc.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed about a year ago with Epilepsy and put on Lamictal. My question is, when God willing the time comes, what is the track record with these drugs and pregnancy and breast feeding?
484508 tn?1290010544 So how long were you on Lamictal, and why did you decide to taper....What were you going trhough.
Avatar f tn a lot of something! I love how people say diet and exercise is key. I am a marathon runner and exercise all the time! i also eat mostly fruits and veggies and no soda. Don't smoke or drink either. Diet and exercise aren't everything. meds are going to do what they are going to do. Hoping I can find one out there that works as well as abilify but does not cause the weight gain!
Avatar f tn I am on 200mg of lamictal and am keen to try ipl hair removal. Beautician thinks the lamictal in my system might cause bad side effects such as blistering. Has anyone had experiences with this hair removal treatment whilst taking this med?
1994124 tn?1422574099 Im on 250mg depakote extended release and 200mg lamictal now , once a day. Im on transition to lamictal as per advice by my neurologist. I also take 4mg of folic acid to safeguard my pregnancy.
473760 tn?1215219977 I am a 28 year old woman and I have been taking Lamictal (150 mg/day) for about 6 months. I just went to have my annual physical and during some of the tests I have come to find out that I have a small ovarian cyst. I have never had this problem before and I am incredibly punctual about annual physicals and what not. This is not the first time I have had this test, and nothing has ever shown up before.