
Keppra epilepsy

Common Questions and Answers about Keppra epilepsy


Avatar f tn I don't hear very many good reports about keppra with regard to it's side effects. I do hear many complaints about mood swings, aggression, cognition and memory problems, etc.. However, I have read a few comments saying it can actually HELP with mood swings and bipolar disorder (which she doesn't have). Please comment on this. My daughter has just begun this medication for seizure disorder. She has had seizures several years apart from each other.
Avatar m tn hi, i have epilepsy and am currently on Keppra. im wondering if taking l-lysine 500mg tablets would have any effect on me at all. im just trying to be careful. i doubt its that big of a deal.
Avatar m tn The vet did blood work and diagnosed him with idiopathic epilepsy. She put him on 500 mg of keppra ER twice a day. He had a seizure every two weeks for the next month. When we went back to the vet she put him on 64.8 mg twice a day phenobarbital as well as adding another 500 mg keppra to what he was taking. He has been very drowsy and started stumbling and falling into walls. He is also dragging his back feet like he's not picking up his feet. I'm very worried about my baby.
Avatar m tn How much Keppra do you take, and how long did it take before you seizures completely stopped? Thank you for reading!
471949 tn?1236904026 My 15 yr old son had a closed head injury and developed epilepsy. We have been thru several meds; tegretol, depakote,carbitrol, and topamax, and finally keppra. He too has nocturnal seizures arising from his frontal lobe. These meds come with terrible side effects, good luck finding the right one for your son. I know that on topamax my son had issues with memory and concentration, he couldn't even spell "if" when he was 12 ! I knew that something was wrong!
Avatar f tn Just recently I had a new diagnosis of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy and was put on Folic Acid and Keppra. So now I'm taking three medications. I have only had one grand mal seizure, but every day my mind does this thing where it kind of blanks out when I'm talking and I stare for a couple of seconds, that's when I took an EEG and it determined I had JME. But since I have been on Keppra my mind hasn't spaced out, but I have been in a lot of pain.
6691229 tn?1392139790 I have tonic clonic epilepsy. We are trying for a baby. Some say pregnancy is a question as I am on medication. I am taking Phenobarbitol.
Avatar f tn What have you heard from patients on keppra for their epilepsy? My daughter is very tired, and has just begun keppra 7 days ago. She takes it only at night because of her extreme tiredness when she began it in the morning initially, and will be eased on to a second does in the morning next week. She's on only 250 mg once nightly now. Next week we're adding 125 mg to the morning and increasing that to a 250 mg morning dose the following week. Here are my questions: 1.
Avatar n tn They diagnosed him with Generalized Infant Benign Epilepsy. They put him on Keppra. So far I have only witnessed 2 little jerks, I guess they are Myoclonic seizures. I noticed that he has not been sleeping well at all. He also cries alot over little things, where he never cried much at all. Is there anyone else that has an Infant on Keppra? Have they experienced the same symtoms? Do they go away? Is there anyone that had an infant that outgrew these kind of seizures?
Avatar f tn That gives you cerebellar (shirnks the one side of your brain) put him on Keppra. My doctor put me on Keppra instead of Dilantin....I was already on diamox and tegratol. Now I'm taking keppra,diamox and tegertol and my seizers are under control, they will never be gone for good. I have had them since I was 12 and now I'm 54 but I'm down to about 3 every month or two and they were not under conrol that much until I started taking Keppra.
Avatar m tn 04/12 changed him to Dilatan and keppra more seizures. 05/12 put back on keppra only 3,500 mg. 06/12 seizures moved to keppra 4,000 mg a day! He has had only 1 seizures since been on 4,000, but this is a very high dosage. He is going to see an seizures specialist. Hoping he can get this dosage down.
Avatar f tn Was on lamicatal er when shaking started on right side of body but had a allergic reaction to it..
Avatar f tn m happy they did take it away because I did not feel right or safe to drive with only having 3 full blown out episodes in a year. I have been on keppra or the off brand of keppra for 2 months after stopping Dilantin, and I'm scared to start driving, is there any way to put this out of mind? I'm scared if I start driving I'll have an episode while driving and I really don't want to hurt anyone or myself.
Avatar f tn Greetings! A neurologist believes I have temporal lobe epilepsy. He prescribed Keppra and ordered an EEG and a MRI. I received the MRI results in the mail. Its' impression states, "subtle medial temporal asymmetry with mild prominence of the right temporal horn". Will someone please explain how those findings correlate with temporal lobe epilepsy if any? Thank you, kindly.
Avatar f tn I am on keppra and lamotrigine (sp?) Lamotrigine seems to help with the anger issues keppra was causing.
559697 tn?1243286385 My son was on Keppra, (750mg 2X day) his doctor changed him to KeppraXR same dosag because he was having more seizures. Since he has been on Keppra XR, still seizures and constant jerking movements in hands and very unsteady when standing. Not getting enough sleep @ night. Took him to ER last night, increase dosage to 2000mg per day. His hands jerk from about 11am to about 7pm or 8pm, then he has a seizure. Sleeps about a hour & half. Have anyone had these problems taking Keppra XR?
Avatar n tn Good Morning. My 14 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with seizure activity in the left side of her brain after having an EEG. She fainted twice in the spring and after several tests it was determined that she had hypoglycemia. We started feeding her more frequent smaller meals.
Avatar f tn I see these color blobs that move in my vision that shouldn’t be there, they don’t show any connection to stimuli so I don’t have synesthesia. I’m on levetiracetam aka keppra and clobazam aka onfi. When I was on oxcarbazepine (trileptal) and levetiracetam (keppra) I started having these weird headaches where I would lose my vision, hearing, smell, and coordination, but I could still speak and feel. The doctors are pretty much stumped. Has anyone ever had a situation like this?
1165078 tn?1338655745 I'm looking for ppl who r on Keppra or KeppraXR, for at least 7 mo. to a yr... I have noticed shoulder joint? socket?tendon? problems, other than the normal irritability issues, what have you noticed in way of side effects of being on this drug for so long? I also noticed weight gain, even though I exercise daily..
Avatar f tn yes app, keppra works well for both, i have just started this medication as i have been on sodium valporte and tegretol for many years, im slowly coming of the tegretol and going onto keppra, and if everything gos well they will then start to reduce the soduim valporte, i hope this has helped you in some way, if you like i can keep you informed of how things are going.
Avatar f tn Hi- My son also used to have nighttime seizures due to frontal lobe epilepsy. When he was on Keppra he was very irritable and his neuro-doc warned me that this was a potential side effect.
Avatar f tn Could the heart rate issue be part of epilepsy, or a symptom of the angioma, or a side effect of the keppra? I have always had low blood pressure, and was glad because I thought it would lower the risk of an angioma bleed. (Not as low as it was getting after I started taking the keppra.) Not only that, but supposedly blood thinners like aspirin supposedly increase the risk of a bleed. The high salt diet has helped a bit.
Avatar f tn I had a seizure years ago. Half a year before it happened, my mouth had started twitching while I was reading something. This didn't occur all the times I was reading, though. So after it happened, my EEG wasn't good, so they put me on keppra 1000mg. I had some weird stuff resembling seizures, but I also had many severe panic attacks and they weren't really able to distinguish them. Keppra made me sleep all day and I also tried to kill myself by overdosing.
Avatar m tn hi i have been taking kepra for 11 years to treat my epilepsy . it has controlled my fits but after 6 months of taking it i started having muscle pains and slight pins and needles/numbnes in my hands and forearms. my gp was no help he didn't listen to me. when i told him i thought it could be a side effect of kepra. he told me to take some anti inflammatory tablets and to stop playing guitar.
479255 tn?1208116148 My son was on Keppra for frontal lobe epilepsy and it didn't help at all--it only made him have a bad temper (and yes, his neuro-doc also sent him to a psych-doc). BTW...I fired that neuro doc!! Now he takes Trileptal and is seizure-free. Good Luck!
Avatar f tn If I can help you understand any factors of epilepsy, I'd be glad to help, as I've had epilepsy for 69 years.