
Keppra and epilepsy

Common Questions and Answers about Keppra and epilepsy


Avatar n tn I know it is still consider as new medicine for epilepsy, and there might be risks for birth defects. I just want to make sure if there has been new research about this medicine and pregnancy, I will like my future children to be healthy. Is there also a big percentage for my children to have epilepsy? How can I prevent any birth defect from happening? What medicine will be better or safer to have children with and still treat my epilepsy?
Avatar m tn How much Keppra do you take, and how long did it take before you seizures completely stopped? Thank you for reading!
Avatar f tn Was on lamicatal er when shaking started on right side of body but had a allergic reaction to it..
Avatar f tn I to have been taking Keppra and told can't drive for six months, yesterday my Oncologist informed me that only a Neurologist can authorize driving and I will need to probably get off keppra to get permission to drive. Was also informed that you can not just stop this drug.
Avatar f tn please respond. She is now on keppra and is VERY tired on it, and has had to stop her schooling because of fatigue. Does the fatigue go away after a while or is it always this potent?
Avatar f tn Hi- My son also used to have nighttime seizures due to frontal lobe epilepsy. When he was on Keppra he was very irritable and his neuro-doc warned me that this was a potential side effect.
Avatar n tn and thoguh the seizures have not completely stopped, things have improved. He too had generalized epilepsy and had many tonic/ tonic clonic/ myoclonic and absence seizures...The very worst of him were the atonic. he so many many times fell and hit his little head...oh my it was aweful!!! he now wears a hlemt and it is such a blessing!!! no more boo boos!!!!....Talk to the dr about a change in meds. There are many out there....and children all differ....
Avatar m tn hi, i have epilepsy and am currently on Keppra. im wondering if taking l-lysine 500mg tablets would have any effect on me at all. im just trying to be careful. i doubt its that big of a deal.
Avatar f tn I am pregnant with my second child. I'm 37 +2 and I have epilepsy. My 1st pregnancy was 11 yrs ago. I was actually on Depakote and high risk but I have a very health normal very active 10 yr old boy! I'm taking Keppra now and they still consider me high risk but the risk is much lower with Keppra then it was with Depakote. They have done several ultrasounds and baby is great!! They have me taking 1000mg of Folic acid in top of my prenatal vitamins.
Avatar f tn My husband of almost 6 years also has epilepsy and has no problems with ejaclation. We have only tried twice to get pregnant and we have 2 kids. First time with both kids. He is on Lamictal and Levetiracetam (2 types of meds) twice a day. He had his last seizure a year ago. I have never heard of any sexual side effects, cause we havent dealt with any, but then again he is italian so that also increases his passion, lol.
Avatar m tn The vet did blood work and diagnosed him with idiopathic epilepsy. She put him on 500 mg of keppra ER twice a day. He had a seizure every two weeks for the next month. When we went back to the vet she put him on 64.8 mg twice a day phenobarbital as well as adding another 500 mg keppra to what he was taking. He has been very drowsy and started stumbling and falling into walls. He is also dragging his back feet like he's not picking up his feet. I'm very worried about my baby.
471949 tn?1236904026 My 15 yr old son had a closed head injury and developed epilepsy. We have been thru several meds; tegretol, depakote,carbitrol, and topamax, and finally keppra. He too has nocturnal seizures arising from his frontal lobe. These meds come with terrible side effects, good luck finding the right one for your son. I know that on topamax my son had issues with memory and concentration, he couldn't even spell "if" when he was 12 ! I knew that something was wrong!
Avatar m tn Three years ago, I had two tonic clonic seizures from unknown causes and was diagnosed with epilepsy. I had many neurological tests done and it was determined that my seizures were NOT a result of a head injury (my EEG tests were also normal). Without any hesitation, I was allowed to continue playing football for the rest of my high school career. Since my seizures, I have been put on Keppra and have been completely seizure free.
Avatar f tn Just recently I had a new diagnosis of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy and was put on Folic Acid and Keppra. So now I'm taking three medications. I have only had one grand mal seizure, but every day my mind does this thing where it kind of blanks out when I'm talking and I stare for a couple of seconds, that's when I took an EEG and it determined I had JME. But since I have been on Keppra my mind hasn't spaced out, but I have been in a lot of pain.
Avatar n tn After a very frightening last 2 weeks of my boyfriend on Keppra my doctor did say to ween him off which I've done. Today is the first day off it and he still seems to have the dillusional aggressive side effects that I am hopeful after reading your post.....I pray to god that the old person before this drug comes back. How was those last few weeks for your son?
Avatar f tn While this condition cannot be cured at present, for some people it does eventually go away. For many people with epilepsy, it is difficult to drive and participate in some recreational activities. Most women with epilepsy can become pregnant and can have a normal and healthy baby. However, it is important that regular follow-up with the attending physician and intake of medications ( Keppra ) is done.
Avatar m tn From what I know of working in the medical field Keppra is a secondary Epilepsy medication. I have had Epilepsy for 11 years now and always needed 2 medications to keep them at bay. Recently because of a sodium deficiency from Trileptol they decided to put me on Vimpat. Which lead to heart issues that I already had and there was a warning on the label. (Do doctors not talk at all??
Avatar n tn Ever since taking Kepra 500mg twice a day I no longer get aroused and thus no erection at all. Tried Viagra and other such stimulants with no results.
6691229 tn?1392139790 Mine is triggered by sleep deprivation as well, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. I stayed on my meds with both of my pregnancies and was closely monitored by my neurologist. No issues with either pregnancy, due 2/26 with baby 2.
Avatar f tn I am 27yrs and I have right temporal epilepsy, fo 14yrs now, and have just had the lobe resective surgery due to my epilepsy being uncontrolled for all these years and Im 4mnths post surgery so ! How ever, I have been on and still am on keppra, 3000mg a day, I have trouble sleeping and my neurologist as well as surgeon ect...
Avatar f tn I had a seizure years ago. Half a year before it happened, my mouth had started twitching while I was reading something. This didn't occur all the times I was reading, though. So after it happened, my EEG wasn't good, so they put me on keppra 1000mg. I had some weird stuff resembling seizures, but I also had many severe panic attacks and they weren't really able to distinguish them. Keppra made me sleep all day and I also tried to kill myself by overdosing.
452529 tn?1361847855 My son has been treated fro Epilepsy for 2 years. None of the meds have worked He too, is on Lamictal and (Keppra 1500mg three times a day) and he is a different person. We have just discovered that he may not have Epilepsy, but an autonomic nervous system disorder called Neurocardiogenc syncope. I would like to hear details of your seizures activity....when do they occur, and what are you doing at the onset or shortly before.....
Avatar f tn he needs to get tests..........the only thing I say is please don't put him on diliantin. That gives you cerebellar (shirnks the one side of your brain) put him on Keppra. My doctor put me on Keppra instead of Dilantin....I was already on diamox and tegratol. Now I'm taking keppra,diamox and tegertol and my seizers are under control, they will never be gone for good.
Avatar m tn I started having seizures when I was 12 yrs. and they put me on dilantin and other meds. they never got under control so good until I went to a new doctor (because I moved) and at that time I was about 38, and the doctor did a MRI and other test. He then said to me the first thing we have to do is get you off of dilantin. He showed me that that pill was eating up half of my brain (it is called cerebellar atrophy). He slowly put me on different levels of Keppra and I haven't been better.
Avatar n tn The neurologist figured the Topamax just was not working and then put him on Keppra. (He was still taking 1 dilantin and weaned off that dilantin just before going on Keppra) I had him wean off the Topamax really slow, much slower than the neurologist wanted at first but neuro. gave us his ok to wean off slow. He also weaned on Keppra at a slow dosage. The Keppra worked ok and then he had a few other seizures, one he actually ended up w/ a compression fracture in his back.
Avatar f tn My son is two and was diagnosed with Epilepsy 2yrs ago.. He has been in a speech program for 8 months through the hospital. Until recently our insurance paid for most of this service, and now they have reversed all the payments for the speech quoteting that it does not qualify as a sickness or illness.....I guess I just wondered if there is anyone else out there who could help me. We are looking at a $12,000 bill if they make us pay. We do not have that kind of money.
Avatar f tn Greetings! A neurologist believes I have temporal lobe epilepsy. He prescribed Keppra and ordered an EEG and a MRI. I received the MRI results in the mail. Its' impression states, "subtle medial temporal asymmetry with mild prominence of the right temporal horn". Will someone please explain how those findings correlate with temporal lobe epilepsy if any? Thank you, kindly.
Avatar f tn I am on keppra and lamotrigine (sp?) Lamotrigine seems to help with the anger issues keppra was causing.
559697 tn?1243286385 My son was on Keppra, (750mg 2X day) his doctor changed him to KeppraXR same dosag because he was having more seizures. Since he has been on Keppra XR, still seizures and constant jerking movements in hands and very unsteady when standing. Not getting enough sleep @ night. Took him to ER last night, increase dosage to 2000mg per day. His hands jerk from about 11am to about 7pm or 8pm, then he has a seizure. Sleeps about a hour & half. Have anyone had these problems taking Keppra XR?