
Keppra bipolar

Common Questions and Answers about Keppra bipolar


Avatar f tn What have you heard from patients on keppra for their epilepsy? My daughter is very tired, and has just begun keppra 7 days ago. She takes it only at night because of her extreme tiredness when she began it in the morning initially, and will be eased on to a second does in the morning next week. She's on only 250 mg once nightly now. Next week we're adding 125 mg to the morning and increasing that to a 250 mg morning dose the following week. Here are my questions: 1.
Avatar f tn Hello I have been taking Keppra for migraines. It doesn't seem to be helping much and I don't want to put up with the side effects. In my research I see that people take it mainly for seizures and taper off of it very slowly due to the risk of their seizures returning. My question is since I don't have seizures and was taking it for migraines is there any need to taper? Thanks for any info!
Avatar f tn I don't hear very many good reports about keppra with regard to it's side effects. I do hear many complaints about mood swings, aggression, cognition and memory problems, etc.. However, I have read a few comments saying it can actually HELP with mood swings and bipolar disorder (which she doesn't have). Please comment on this. My daughter has just begun this medication for seizure disorder. She has had seizures several years apart from each other.
Avatar f tn Neurontin, Topomax, Keppra, Trileptal, Lovaza (anti-cholesterol medication used experimentally for bipolar it works like fish oil but is an FDA approved medication) and Clonidine (which I take having exhausted all other options). Those are only the ones I've tried and am familiar with. I wouldn't reccomend one over the other but speak to your psychiatrist about any of these options (or others listed on that site which is clinically accurate).
Avatar f tn My husband suffers from Epilepsy due to a gunshot wound to the back of his head, he started having seizures almost innediately after. He was prescribed Dylantin which was switched to Keppra. His neurologist recently added Trileptal to balance his levels because he was having seizures so often. His therapist also prescribed him Celexal and Elavil for depression medication due to bipolar disorder.
Avatar f tn So I have been diagnosed by two different psychiatrists the first said bipolar II the second cyclomania. Also been diagnosed with ADHD but cannot take meds for it because of bipolar. Or maybe I am just bipolar and was misdiagnosed...anyways I have irritability, anger, mild depression, hypomania, am very figity, have sleeping problems...
1255505 tn?1272819115 The current thinking is that bipolar is on a spectrum of affective disorders or even on a spectrum that includes schizo-affective disorder and schizophrenia on it's high end. What consideration have any of you given to bipolar being on a spectrum of affective-epileptic disorders? I've seen others ask this question on the internets.
Avatar f tn my daughter is 15 yrs old and was diagnosed with bipolar about a year ago. In the last 7 months she has had 7 seizures. Is anyone else with bipolar having seizures?
Avatar n tn Ive been suffering badly with seizures since and they havent given me enough supply of my Keppra medication so I will run out shortly, my Doctor has said he will not get involved as its for the Neurogist. Im back at work now, I work 11 hour days in a very stressful environment.
Avatar n tn I have had epilepsy since I was 4 years old, and have been diagnosed with bipolar since I was 25 years old. I am 34 years old now, and have been on many different medications due to this. I have also had a hysterectomy (March 30, 2011) due to me only having seizures once a month during my period time. Is there anything I can do or take to stop these seizures?
Avatar f tn My 7 year has been on Keppra since March when he first had his seizures. He also has ADHD and is on medication for that as well. He had really come along way with his behavior before having to be put on seizure meds. Now, his behavior is terrible. He is very short tempered, nervous, anxious, whinning a lot, constantly out of his seat at school and of course getting lots of notes from the teacher. Is this possibly caused by the Keppra?
585414 tn?1288941302 Could detail but it would go on for pages. But after the common ones proved intolerable Keppra caused suicidal ideations. Trileptal caused an agitated mixed state. Now at this point in time having run out of options I could see a mood disorders specialist (which was suggsted in the past) but I've been through their lists of what they've used and have been on what's available.
Avatar f tn I read something on rxlist about moodswings and irritibility related to Keppra. It's believed that Keppra makes your brain "dump" Vitamin B6 at times which lowers dopamine or seratonin levels and makes you feel horrible. Does your daughter take vitamins? I'd try some Vitamin B6 if her multivitamin doesn't contain it. I started taking Trader Joe's High Potency vitamins and feel much, much better since starting. Good luck.
Avatar n tn I also take Keppra but have never had any problems at all. I suffered with depression for 11 years and came of the medicine fully just before I went on Keppra, and yes I have days where I do feel depressed but with any illness you do have days where you feel depressed even suicidal. So my advice is don't necessarily put it down to Keppra. Talk to the doctor who prescribed Keppra to you and see if you can be referred to a Psychiatrist to talk it through and find out if it is the tablets!
1596950 tn?1297352500 aggresion is a side effect of keppra, doctors sometime call it the "keppra rage". i didn't have the aggression, but i had the learning problems. bad memory and lack of concentration was the worst of it. it was so bad because i'm at varsity and you're basically just a number so they don't really care.
Avatar m tn I have no health insurance. I was finally got a really basic coverage, but it doesn't cover keppra. i've been taking keppra for a 2 months. I was switched to phenobarbitol for when I run out. since keppra is not on the charity's formulary. I hope to God that I cant find some source of keppra before I run out. The phenobarb is scary. So I'm excited about the links here: http://www.needymeds.
Avatar m tn As my DD is in Keppra, and has previously been on other seizure meds, the Keppra, by far has had the least amount of side-effects. You could ask if some of her mood changes, memory loss, etc. are from the stroke vs. the Keppra. Please do not wean her off the medication without a Dr's directive... that could cause withdrawal seizures. My thoughts are with you that your mother gets well soon.
Avatar f tn Did you start it after or before keppra? How long were you on Keppra? I wish my daughter could take Lamictal but her rash got the doctor worried, even though it was ringworm. Have you heard of any other anti-seizure meds that might actually work well for moods? I know Lamictal is a very good mood stabilizer. Good luck.
Avatar m tn 04/12 changed him to Dilatan and keppra more seizures. 05/12 put back on keppra only 3,500 mg. 06/12 seizures moved to keppra 4,000 mg a day! He has had only 1 seizures since been on 4,000, but this is a very high dosage. He is going to see an seizures specialist. Hoping he can get this dosage down.
327385 tn?1378360731 my neuro started me on 1000mg of keppra combined with 400mg dilantin. i am having problems with my stomache,left ear stopping up and the sleepyness. how well has keppra worked controling your seizures and what side effects do you have? has the keppra helped your mood and stress level? has the keppra helped you lose weight and how long did it take you to get use to the med? thanks for all your help .
479255 tn?1208116148 I work in the medical field and my neurologist put me on Keppra. I was still having seizures on 1000mg per day so he increased the dosage over the phone from 1000 to 2000 mg per day. I still have problems so I called him back..............he told me to see a shrink. I feel like the keppra is making me have mood swings that are totally crazy! I am usually very laid back and mellow and now get upset over the littlest things for no reason................
564491 tn?1320360393 I was prescribed Keppra for my chronic headaches. I also suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and depression, secondarily. While taking Keppra, my mood was very erratic, irritable, depressed (very), and a lot of other unpleasant psychological side effects. I'm wondering how often this happens with Keppra. I have since stopped taking it. Thank you.
Avatar n tn Continued with Keppra and Di Tan Tang 2X/day each for another 8 days. Then took her Keppra down to 1/day for 2 weeks. Then she went one day with no Keppra and the next day she had a seizure. This seizure was longer, but her disorientation was shorter. Vet then said to go back to giving her Keppra for 30 days and we will re-evaluate. So for the next 30 days she was taking Keppra 1/day and Di Tan Tang 2/day.
Avatar m tn How much Keppra do you take, and how long did it take before you seizures completely stopped? Thank you for reading!
Avatar f tn I am on the off brand of keppra and I was wondering if anyone uses adderal to help with the side effects of this medication. I find myself to be out of it most days and not have a drive to do anything.
Avatar f tn Anyone else on Keppra to prevent myoclonic jerks (JME diagnosed)? I am, and have been on Keppra for almost 5 years. Started at age 23 and I am now 28. At the beginning they made me very sluggish, but after about 2 months I felt wonderful (since it was the first time in my life I wasn't having seizures!!
Avatar m tn its been 8 months since my mothers TBI- she had a seizure yesterday-she has been off keppra for 1 1/2 months-the side effects of keppra are aweful-they ask her questions and wonder why she is out of it and doesn't know her last name-(after they gave her keppra in the hospital) what can she take that is less evasive to her health and recovery??
Avatar n tn Her neurologist recommends the medication, Trileptal, but I am very concerned about the rare, but life threatening side effects, TENS, cardiotoxicity, etc. Keppra is alternate possible drug which seems to have a better safety profile. My question is: Are the possible psychological side effects of Keppra (psychosis is worst case senario) totally reversible if the drug is stopped?? Any insight would be appreciated!