
Keppra and bipolar disorder

Common Questions and Answers about Keppra and bipolar disorder


Avatar f tn Keep in mind, these are reports from patients who are not diagnosed with any mood disorder such as bipolar disorder. Your daughter will have to receive the minimum effective dose of 900mg, as per her weight (45 kg). Having said that, she may respond to 500mg. I guess she is not receiving any other medicine. She will have to take the medicine in divided doses initially. We can think of stabilizing it to a night dose eventually once the seizures are controlled effectively.
Avatar f tn It is used for seizures, pain, bipolar disorder, and others. Before you stop taking the medication talk with your doctor first. Stopping cold turkey if you will could cause some side effects.
Avatar f tn However, I have read a few comments saying it can actually HELP with mood swings and bipolar disorder (which she doesn't have). Please comment on this. My daughter has just begun this medication for seizure disorder. She has had seizures several years apart from each other. We originally thought she just 'fainted' but now realize they've been seizures. Also, what is the LOWEST dosage that can be effective of Keppra.
Avatar f tn it is a good question i started having seizures just a couple months before i turned 30 never a sign or any indication that led up to my first g mal but ive been diagnosed with bipolar borderline personality disorder and ptsd and for my seizures ive been tested and tested to see where they might be comin from ive always have joked sayin its my mind short circuiting cause i just process way to much at one time but after readin up on my mental diagnosis im really beginning to wonder because im now
Avatar f tn As for mood stabilizers you can go to the links page but assuming you tried Lithium and Depakoate (which are the most used mood stabilizers) there is Trileptal, Topomax, Keppra and Neurontin. Those are more in use. Lovaza is an anti-cholesterol medication used experimentally for bipolar and it works in the same manner as fish oil. That is FDA approved and has shown promising results.
Avatar f tn His neurologist recently added Trileptal to balance his levels because he was having seizures so often. His therapist also prescribed him Celexal and Elavil for depression medication due to bipolar disorder. Now it seems that the 2 anti-depressants have a side effect of seizures, which causes him to seize more than usual. Should the 4 meds be mixed, Keppra, Celexa, Elavil and Trileptal?
Avatar n tn After much thought my Family, Manager at work, Partner and friends all believe I am also suffering with Bipolar Disorder, ive read through the symptoms and it sounds what I have been experiencing since I was 13, I am now 27. I have tried to comit suicide on many occassons, I am very sensible and I am totally against this but when I switch into a different person its all I can think about. Can anybody help me please?
Avatar f tn My daughter is now experiencing several side effects to keppra. She is extremely drowsy, very short tempered, depressed, and is reporting to me that her memory is 'foggy'. She's on a very low dose of keppra, only 250 mg at night and 125 mg in the morning. She's been on it a total of 3 weeks now. I've been with her and she seems to be very melancholy and also short fused over the many situations. She weighs 100 pounds and is 20 years old.
452529 tn?1361847855 I feel like a lost a whole part of myself and its pretty depressing. I dont have very bad szs I have partial siezures and am currently on lamictal and keppra. Let me tell you irritable is not the word, I'm horrible on keppra like a different person. I think my doc is going to wean me off and just keep me on lamictal. Although my blood work came back with elevated liver enzymes and low white count so who knows.
564491 tn?1320360393 I also suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and depression, secondarily. While taking Keppra, my mood was very erratic, irritable, depressed (very), and a lot of other unpleasant psychological side effects. I'm wondering how often this happens with Keppra. I have since stopped taking it. Thank you.
Avatar f tn I read that Its 50/50. Depends though, I know ppl that are bipolar and have three kids, one has mood disorder. I'm bipolar, so is my husband and were having a baby in Nov. So I'm curious to see how this will work out. Either way what better people to help a child or someone deal with it then someone who actually has it themselves.
Avatar f tn My son is 25 and has seizure disorder. This past Thanksgiving, he had a total of 5 seizures over 24 hours necessitating a hospital visit and stay. They put him on a third seizure medication (Lamotrigine). I spoke with a neurologist at USF who didn't like that a 3rd medication was added before his previous two were maxed out--he was already on Keppra (max dosage) and Depakote (sprinkles--very low dose), so she titrated him up on the Depakote so we could get rid of the Lamotrigine.
Avatar n tn Doctors try to avoid vyvanse and adderall ect with bipolar because it causes mania. Adderal is not used for bipolar. For bipolar i take abilify (aripiprizole) 10mg and 1000mg of divalproex sodium.
Avatar m tn Without any hesitation, I was allowed to continue playing football for the rest of my high school career. Since my seizures, I have been put on Keppra and have been completely seizure free. My question is whether or not it would be alright for me to compete in amateur boxing; more specifically, is there any evidence that blows to the head/concussions could aggravate my disorder or make it worse?
Avatar m tn I feel like I'm having a mind seizure sometimes. We still have very little knowledge of the mind and brain, though we are learning more and more. We don't really know why bipolar meds work, there are theories, but no hard science. I find addiction and bipolar to be more similar than seizures and bipolar.
Avatar f tn I read something on rxlist about moodswings and irritibility related to Keppra. It's believed that Keppra makes your brain "dump" Vitamin B6 at times which lowers dopamine or seratonin levels and makes you feel horrible. Does your daughter take vitamins? I'd try some Vitamin B6 if her multivitamin doesn't contain it. I started taking Trader Joe's High Potency vitamins and feel much, much better since starting. Good luck.
Avatar f tn Thank you so much for the very detailed and helpful reply. I really appreciate it a lot!. I had been seeing a Neuro for about a year to find out what was causing the tics I've had since childhood. After tons of tests, questions and 5 visits, I was told that I had the whole spectrum of comorbid disorders that often go with tourettes syndrome including GAD, OCD, Panic Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. I was put on Depakote, Respiradone and Keppra. It's been quite a ride.
Avatar f tn Hypomania (in the case of co-occurring borderline personality disorder and bipolar II disorder) may precede the emergence of borderline personality disorder in some patients, may surface a number of years later than when borderline personality disorder is first recognized, and in still others may become manifest at about the same time one is first diagnosed with borderline personality disorder." ("American Journal of Physchiatry")...
Avatar f tn Neurontin, Topomax, Keppra, Trileptal, Lovaza (anti-cholesterol medication used experimentally for bipolar it works like fish oil but is an FDA approved medication) and Clonidine (which I take having exhausted all other options). Those are only the ones I've tried and am familiar with. I wouldn't reccomend one over the other but speak to your psychiatrist about any of these options (or others listed on that site which is clinically accurate).
Avatar f tn Hypomania (in the case of co-occurring borderline personality disorder and bipolar II disorder) may precede the emergence of borderline personality disorder in some patients, may surface a number of years later than when borderline personality disorder is first recognized, and in still others may become manifest at about the same time one is first diagnosed with borderline personality disorder." ("American Journal of Physchiatry")...
Avatar f tn i take 3000 mg of keppra and 600 mg of tegratol a day,)not a typo) still not fully seizure free and am having alot of dizzy spells.which i was told by my neuro that it was vertigo due to the pollen in the air. can all this med make me gain weight. not a little person , but have gain about 20 pounds in the last month or so. wating or exercise habbits have not changed. could it be the meds.
Avatar n tn gov/pubmed/24135842 Otherwise, there is nothing in the scientific literature to indicate a connection between bipolar mood disorder and restless leg. Are there any other questions I can help you with? Best wishes, H.
Avatar f tn Bump
Avatar n tn ve been told that (besides now having a personality disorder) I have atypical psychosis and thus my diagnosis has been changed to borderline personality disorder and psychotic disorder NOS. I've done some research and I read that some of my hallucinations, like colours changing or objects moving, are not typical visual hallucinations and are more indicative of a neurological condition, same with the voices that I hear and can't make out what they're saying.