
Kapidex and liver problems

Common Questions and Answers about Kapidex and liver problems


Avatar n tn I saw an ENT for some major throat problems, and he said my reflux is the cause of it, and im not getting enough with the Kapidex. He told me to take it twice a day now. Does anyone else take Kapidex twice a day?
Avatar m tn Only thing i can think of is during those 3 years i was working all the time and staying active and thats maybe why i didnt have any problems. Now that i am jobless iam not very active. Can someone give me some tips?
Avatar f tn Hi all, For the past 2 weeks I have had numerous problems starting with my stomach. First I was feeling nauseas, gassy and tender stomach. Went to my Dr and she said it was Gastritis and put me on Kapidex 2x a day for 3 days and then once a day thereafter. The next day my lower back has starting hurting. I went in on Tuesday for pain in the back and she prescribed naxoprene and a muscle relaxer. The pain went away once from the pain medicine and now does nothing.
Avatar n tn i have been diagnosed with gerd and a hiata hernia i am a black female 5ft2 and 233 pounds i have been on five different prescriptions currently i am on 60 mg of kapidex i have been losing weight and losing my appetite sometimes the kapidex gives me relief sometimes it doesn't what can i do for relief when it doesn't work? and how far can acid reflux travel.
Avatar f tn ve never tried Domperidone, but the only meds that helped me were Nexium or Kapidex taken twice daily. I tried prevacid and it was very brief because it just didn't work for me :( Also, I use to take one Kapidex/Nexium PLUS some Amitriplyn, but I knocked the amitriplyn out of my regimen. Either way, it offered more good days then bad.
Avatar n tn I was recently diagnosed with acid reflux, after an endoscopy that showed some gastritis and inflammation in my esophagus and a clean ultrasound. I've tried different medicines and the only one I've found so far that lets me live relatively pain-free is Kapidex. I took a free trial of it for 10 days, during which time I helped, but then went back off of it for a week (trying a different, cheaper medicine) before going back on it.
Avatar m tn Protonix and Nexium did NOTHING for me, nor did Aciphex. Prevacid works OK, and my doc suggested Kapidex and I took it for a month. I did about as well on it as the Prevacid if not a tad better. I think Prevacid and/or Kapidex blow away Nexium; although what may be right for me will not be guaranteed for you. My doc gave me a 3 week free-sample of Kapidex, and you take it once a day. I'm always open to trying something new.
Avatar f tn (male 19) although, i've never experienced this after drinking alcohol, this happens to me after drinking soda. during my most recent episode, i also experienced shortness of breath and a heavier-than-normal pulse. kinda worried, but, at the same time, it's probably nothing.
1285120 tn?1273751607 I take Carafate, Bentyl, Compazine and Kapidex for my stomach. In addition I have all the necessary stomach potions, such as Pepto Bismul, Cola Syrup, Alkaline Drops, Gas Ex ect. I take those in additon to my regular prescriptions when im suffering badly from nausea and gas. I am now throwing up constant stomach acid, and now even water and Pepto Bismul makes me puke. In addition I am on many medications for other reasons, many which can cause nausea.
666921 tn?1254990618 I do know that the LLMD prescribed me Kapidex and it may one of the reasons I am not having heartburn. Usually these medicines give me bad gastric problems, but so far it's been not great, but not painful either. You may want to ask if you can get Kapidex.
Avatar f tn I have posted on the gastrointestinal forum before due to previous problems with chronic burping (on full and empty stomach) and overall fatigued feeling, but after I stopped taking the steroids I had been prescribed the fatigue faded away, so I figured that was related to the prednisone. But now my symptoms have changed. I have been having foamy, white saliva along with thick, clear, stringy mucus that only comes up when I clear my throat, which I have to do all day, constantly.
1243333 tn?1296446902 I am 50 and have cardiac problem along with GERD, I have been having a cycle every 16 to 18 days would not worry about it except I am on plavix and been experience extreme anemia to the point the hemoglobin was 7 and the ferrtin non-existence had to have a blood transfusion and IV iron, I am not sure if the plavix or one of the other meds I am on is causing the period to be so frequent I take norvacs, tekturnia, troprol XL, imdur, spironolactone, crestor, kapidex, carafate, and asprin (my cyc
Avatar n tn I have never had heartburn and prior to my stomach illness in June I had no other symptoms of an acid problems. Currently on Aciphex, and have tried Nexium, Kapidex, Prevacid (minimal if any results). I have also been sleeping propped up on pillows. Thank you for the tips, but I have unfortunately already adopted these practices with minimal results. I have read about the cyclical vomiting syndrome, and I am interested. In my case, however, I never actually vomit.
Avatar f tn Ive been on it for two weeks and notice just a notice a slight difference. To continue with that and 1/ 60 mg Kapidex and follow wp with him in December when my follow up is scheduled.
Avatar f tn t even taking it and I was confused. I hate having stomach problems, It effects your mind in a negative way & makes me have a bad attitude. My GI Doctor promised me that he would fix my stomach which gives me a lot of hope & hope is everything when u are living miserable everyday of your life bcuz u have to eat everyday of your life.
Avatar n tn I switched to taking tums multiple times a day, which worked for a couple months and then stopped. I tried Kapidex which also worked perfectly for about 3 months and then completely stopped working. Zantac worked for about a month and is now subsiding. My doctor has added carafate, but the pains are still not gone. They usually come when I haven't eaten for a while and let myself get hungry at all. I try to eat every 2-3 hours but am not always able to.
Avatar f tn Said I was still swollen quite a bit and the issues would subside when the swelling went down, which could take 6 months or more to get me back to normal. Prescribed a kapidex per day and 300 mgs zantac.....I have to watch EVERYTHING I eat.....anything scratchy iritates my esoph, plus I sometimes feel like it's swollen in there........agree? Should I get a second opinion?
1243333 tn?1296446902 5 years ago I was diagnosed with GERD, about a year ago, had a endoscopic procedure where they dilated the esophagus and I just had it dilated again, have been told that I have serve esophagitis and gastritis, I take kapidex 60mg twice a day along with Carafate and reglan, could the Gerd be what is causing the esophagus to narrow and what other complications could I end up with if this continues. At this point I always have a sore throat. and the medications only keep the reflux at bay.
Avatar n tn Just read your post and I have the EXACT same symptoms that you have listed here- exact to the point. I have noticed that it has happened over the last 2 months and seems to be getting more frequent and stronger especially in the morning. GP told me the same thing- anxitey/GERD- give it 2 more months and it should go away with meds. I take ativan and nexium but they don't seem to help. I was examined for Thyroid problems but nothing was found.
4152590 tn?1350772856 One other problem I have had is gas and diarrhea... And I mean BAD! I also have lots of memory problems... Good luck to you and I pray Alls well!
1383377 tn?1279384982 I am an alcolic...and about 2 weeks ago, my doctor took tests on my liver and the results came back very bad, especially for my age(23). Apparently my liver is seriously damaged. I haven't drank since I heard the news but what I want to know is...if I get a new tattoo....can my damaged liver prevent it from healing right? I know the liver filters the toxins in your body and helps you recover, but would my liver affect my new tattoo in any way? Does anybody have any idea??
Avatar f tn I was sent to one and I found out that I have non alocoholic fatty liver . Its normal to feel tired and Dizzy It all comes with having a non normal liver at the moment I dont know if I answered your question but If you want to chat add me as a friend if you want.
Avatar f tn Also, a right upper abdomen pain that is referred to the shoulder can be due to liver and gall bladder problems, heavy meals or acidity that cause distension of the duodenum or any cause for distension of the small intestine. The symptoms could be signs of mild cirrhosis or stricture or stone in common bile duct or liver fibrosis. It could also be fatty liver. In your case alcohol and drug related causes are ruled out.
Avatar n tn Im a 19 year old girl, and just got some test results back today, and the doc says my liver results are high.. They are suppost to be (0-45) and they are 122 U/L and the other is suppost to be (0-41) and it is 124.. He says it may very well be fatty liver, as i am slightly over weight.. is this anythings to worry about? And what are the treatments? And what else could it be? I drink about once a month, but eat take away about 2-3 times a week..
Avatar f tn The interpretation of elevated AST and ALT levels depends upon the entire clinical evaluation of an individual, and so it is best done by physicians experienced in evaluating liver disease and muscle disease. AST and ALT are elevated in people with cardiovascular, liver and muscle disease. What can you do about this? GET AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOUR DOCTOR ASAP. This doesn't happen overnight. It takes years to develop. Your doctor hasn't mentioned this before? Good luck.
462621 tn?1206722120 My dog Caylee has an enlarged liver and has had urinary problems for over a year now. We took Caylee to the vet last Friday for another urinary problem and the vet said her abdomen has fluid in it. She is continuing to get bigger and I would like to know if there is something I can do to help her. My husband is not ready to put her to sleep yet as Caylee and him spend 24/7 together.
Avatar n tn Definate sign of the alcohol and liver problems. He is slowly killing himself and you will be able to nothing but watch unless he decides to quit. How long have you dated this guy? It really is sad I know but I hope you understand that you can do nothing for him. Well actually you can enable him and subject yourself to a ton of pain. It is so very sad and I am one of those who think alcohol is no different if not worse than any other substance people abuse except is it legal.
Avatar n tn Liver problems are due to excessive drinking during his lifetime, and thanks for the help!