
Jaw pain from tooth decay

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain from tooth decay


Avatar m tn hello im 18 years old and i have tooth decay and cavity,i have only pain near jaw teeth and head, as i see no swelling or fever i went to dentist she said that it does not look like Tooth abscess and told me to come in a week,can i ask during Tooth abscess your face always gets swollen yes?
Avatar n tn Since then, this tooth has been hurting me, causing pain to radiate from my tooth to my jaw. It is sensitive - but not overly so - to cold and heat. I went to my dentist and he took an x-ray this week and saw no sign of decay or abscess. What could the problem be?
Avatar n tn The root canal was not easy - I felt some of treatment due to inflammation from crack and afterwards I had pain for a few days both in the tooth and jaw. My jaw pain is on left side only - same side as tooth. My crown was placed on tooth with temporary cement and left like that for months - but the off and on discomfort remained.
Avatar f tn Even though if you still having pain then you can use jaw strengthening exercises or jaw stretching exercises to get relief from jaw pain.
Avatar f tn I have chronic upper teeth pain that remains undiagnosed. This has been going on for about 8 months. Around Christmas of 2007, I had pain in the upper left area. My regular dentist found decay in the very back tooth and also crowned that tooth. Since the crown, I have been back to my regular dentist several times; they have taken several x-rays and can't find any problems. He also referred me to a gum specialist and a root canal specialist - neither of which found anything of concern.
Avatar n tn You may find that dentists do not spend any time counseling their patients relative to the things that cause tooth and root decay, or how to get free from it. Why should they when they make money from dental disease. Dental decay is the number one disease in the world. The primaryPrimary amyloidosis Primary biliary cirrhosis Primary hyperparathyroidism Primary insomnia Primary lymphoma of the brain cause is diet, and no amount of dental work can stop the decay process.
Avatar m tn Almost a year ago, I had a crown loosen. My dentist removed it, and recemented it. Since that time, I've had increasing jaw pain. The tooth is the second molar from the back, left-hand side. My bite on the crown side has not felt right since the crown was reset. Also, I feel a slight heat or burning along my tongue on that side (not sharp or intermittent--just constant). I went back to the dentist, and she drilled down the crown a bit after testing my bite.
Avatar n tn Wisdom tooth pain can radiate and cause a lot of problems, especially if they become infected or are impacted. Fillings can also be sensitive after having them done. Especially ones where a white filling material is used due to the bonding materials used during treatment. It is reasuring that you Dentist has taken xrays which shows there is no apical infection present or any decay. If you still have problems I would go back to the Dentist you saw.
494996 tn?1209551293 the dentist cleaned the tooth out from decay and filled it. every since then i had pain in the join of my jaw and pain in the lower jaw and pain right over my eye. Now i am having pain in my right eye ear. could this be a sign of an sinus infection or could my my gum got infected. I also have pain in my mouth but not in the place where he filled it.
Avatar n tn Hello....about 6 weeks ago I had work done on my bottom right 3 back teeth. The very last tooth had and old filling, the middle tooth an ugly crown and the tooth in front of it a large crack and decay under existing filling. My DDS opted for an inlay, onlay and new crown. From the time the numbing medicine wore off the cracked tooth hurt. I returned to my DDS 3 or 4 times complaining of a toothache, jaw pain and earache.
Avatar m tn Five days ago I developed some nagging pain in my upper right jaw. It would occur mostly when I drank something cold (I don't drink hot beverages so cold was the only thing bothering it). The pain was not consistent and would usually subside within a few minutes. I've been told I have acute gingivitis so I thought maybe my gums were inflamed and a root was exposed. I was able to pinpoint that it was coming from tooth #5. I went to my dentist today.
Avatar m tn The cross-side stones are not so likely, but still possible, to be from the tooth. Or you might have gotten the stones anyway because you are just more prone to inflammation than average.
Avatar f tn s called) and when I went back he told me I had a really bad infection under the tooth in front of my bottom right wisdom tooth and it would need root canal treatment as the infection is really close to the jaw bone... I had no pain in that tooth but I thought back to a few months prior when I was having painful aches in my jaw, it felt like I couldn't open my mouth and so it made sense... Ok I said do it... but then he went ahead and removed the wisdom tooth behind the infected tooth...
Avatar m tn It is possible to fracture your tooth which would cause pain like you described. Decay would show on an xray, but a fractured tooth likely would not. The jaw pain and ringing in ear is also telling. Root fractures are among the most difficult things for a dentist to diagnose and extraction of the tooth is the only true remedy. I don't mean to alarm you and I hope this is not the case, but if nothing else seems to work, this should become a part of your conversation. Best wishes.
Avatar n tn Simply your veterinarian is right. I wish that removing the tartar by any method was 1) thorough and 2) successful to keep problems away. Unfortunately the product you mention will do neither one of those. IF it will remove tartar, which remains to be seen - it does not stop the infection that has happened at/under the gumline. Antibiotics are usually not enough, either. I do not believe PetzLife is a VOHC (Veterinary Oral Health Council) approved product.
Avatar n tn I had a toothache on a left molar in November, which was satisfied with aspirin at the time. It progressed to the point where a root canal was suggested, but a lack of endodontists in my plan's roster led us to decide to replace the filling instead. It helped for a few weeks. The pain and sensitivity came back with a vengeance last week; I checked with my PCP and got diagnosed with an ear infection, for which I am on the 4th day of Zithromax. He also gave me Vicodin for the jaw pain.
Avatar m tn s milk for a source of nourishment, however, my concern is that I have tooth decay (third molar, lower jaw) which hurt quiet a bit. In addition, my my gums would bleed when I brush my teeth a bit too hard (though it wasn't bleeding while I was sucking on the lady's breasts.) Would this increase the risk?
Avatar f tn Hello, A dental examination is necessary for correct diagnosis and management of your condition. A tooth abscess is usually a complication of tooth decay. Prompt treatment can save the tooth and a root canal may be recommended in an attempt to save the tooth. Untreated abscesses may get worse and can lead to life-threatening complications.
Avatar f tn I just had a crown placed on a fractured tooth with mild decay.. The temp. crown became very sensitive and now the new crown is hurting..When the crown was placed on it I about jumped out of chair from the pain..They said it should go away but right now it is still hurting.. My friend said that I may need a root canal.. In which I wont have have, LOL..Dentist not my best friend... Has any had this problem and does it go away?
Avatar f tn I highly recommend you looking into getting that tooth removed, you would need an approval from your OB etc. But tooth decay (broken teeth) is linked to premature birth. No reason to continue suffering, look into removal!! Try chewing (slowly) on a whole (or 2) cloves. This could possibly help with pain within 30 mins or so. You can use baby oral gel (teething). Look for benzocaine it's safe and effective in reliving pain for a short period. Continue taking Tylenol!!!
Avatar n tn I had a lower tooth (#19) extracted one week ago. The entire lower left jaw area has been very sore all week. I have been rinsing several times a day with warm salt water. I was not given antibiotics until yesterday. When I went to see the oral surgeon yesterday she said that the tooth was infected and that if it was not better in 24 hours with the antibiotics that she would numb it back up and cut a hole and let it drain. My glands in my neck are stiff and swollen and my left ear aches.
Avatar f tn An abscessed tooth is a painful infection at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth. It's most commonly caused by severe tooth decay. Other causes of tooth abscess are trauma to the tooth, such as when it is broken or chipped, and gingivitis or gum disease. These problems can cause openings in the tooth enamel, which allows bacteria to infect the center of the tooth (called the pulp). The infection may also spread from the root of the tooth to the bones supporting the tooth.
Avatar n tn I have never had a dentist willing to do root canal and crown prep the same day. they usually like to wait a week or so in between to assure there are no problems or complications. I have never heard of being able to inject numbing medication that will last for a couple of days. It would be a dream medication if it existed. The numbing just wears off in a few hours. My face is just swollen due to all the injections and it just got inflammed.
Avatar m tn t want to take further x-rays for two weeks and it could be the healing process of the gap. He also said the sharp bits I can feel around the gap from the old tooth is bone. So basically he told me to go away for two weeks. I told him for months now I have been taking pain killers every day. He said I shouldn't be taking them because it could cause liver problems but what can I do?
Avatar f tn a pain maybe felt in the upper jaw when the causative is a lower jaw tooth due to referred pain which occurs when decay is within a tooth. When pain is due to decay around tooth, it is easy to localize it. It can occur as a neuralgia or trigeminal neuralgia, which occurs on its own or as part of multiple sclerosis. A neurologist consultation along with a review bythe dentist is required for better diagnosis and relevant management. Take care.
Avatar f tn they(doctor) could not find the infection in my face it not till i almost swallowed the tooth from the root tooth left to hold the pin,,my face has been numb for 11 months..I just had my teeth cleaned 2 weeks ago and she didnt see the loose crown with medication..still been to hospitals too..they said its not if the pus is comming from the face through the tooth..and thats not the cause of my infection all you dentist are confusing face is still numb now...