
Jaw pain from gum chewing

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain from gum chewing


Avatar m tn You said that you chewed a lot of gum and that is exactly why you have experienced jaw ache. I get the same problem if I chew a lot of gum - best thing is to limit your chewing on gum, or avoid gum altogether. Chewing gum is quite morrish so you can end up chewing for far too long. If you feel like chewing on something, have a piece of fruit.
Avatar m tn I have suffered from TMJ for many years... No gum chewing, stay away from very chewy things... gummy bears, jelly beans and anything like that. I have to wear a mouth guard to relieve the pressure on my jaw, you can go to the drug store and they sell ones that you can put in boiling water and form to your jaw. Stress will intensify TMJ pain and "popping". If you are having pain Motrin will help if you are unable to take it.
Avatar m tn hi i get jaw pain alot at night. i have a nite guard from the dentist but it doesnt always help. i get some bad headaches which is muscle pain as i get bothersome shoulders. and advil and tylenol dont help at all. the smornig i woke up and my left ear feels full. it was really itchy inside but only the outside of the ear hurts not the inside at all. i can feel that my jaw joint has like a knot in it. its the headaches i cant stand.
Avatar f tn s been getting progressively worse, notably since August I can't open my mouth properly anymore and no I haven't been diagnosed officially by a doctor, last time I went with two complaints, jaw and heart so she told me my heart one was more serious and ignored my jaw. My osteopath told me I had tmj back in December and has been providing temporary relief (an evening free of jaw pain) but I'm wondering what else can I do?
Avatar n tn It feels like I am chewing on aluminum fool. I also have pain in my jaw that feels burning. I have had an MVD that failed because my doctor said I have trigeminal neuralgia. Which now I am not so sure I have. Can you recommend anything that I should do now?
Avatar n tn i am not perfect, and i have not been to a dentist in over a year. i try and brush every day, but if i dont chewing gum or mouth wash works for me. when buying a new brush the other day, i bought some floss because it had been sometime since i had used that stuff, and i remembered it felt pretty good to use it. I used it and it was not very fun. it especially hurt where i had fillings done before. the next day while i was at work my jaw started throbbing in horrible pain.
Avatar f tn As the day goes on I'm Feeling better and better. Only thing that is annoying me is my jaw is tense. Any good remedies? Its frustrating and may be causing some of the head pain I'm having.
Avatar f tn My dentist told me that we are biologically only expected to eat a few times a day, that the jaw and teeth really are not built for constant chewing all day long, and that the pressure we put on our jaw when chewing gum is much harder than the pressure when we are eating. My jaw healed to the extent that it stopped clicking, but the arthritis is still there.
Avatar f tn Hello, Did they ever find the cause of your pain? I get the same relief (chewing gum and pain) with a pain behind my left eye that can go to the my cheek and mouth (seems like TN). MDs have said that it is not a classic trigeminal Neuralgia and MRI was fine. But, oddly chewing gum and sleep are the two things that relief the chronic pain the most (also generic Klonipin can help a little). MRI of pituitary showed a 1-2 mm pars intermedia cyst. Thanks for your share.
Avatar n tn When people refer to jaw pain and heart attack where on the jaw is this referring to. Is it lower jaw or up near the cheek on the upper jaw. Is the pain intense or throbbing.
Avatar m tn I also had fillings on the same jaw soon after as well. The gum pain worsened after 3 weeks from the initial deep cleaning and is now also in the jaw. However, initially after the deep cleaning the pain was reduced for a couple of days. The dentist believes this is cause by night teeth grinding, but don't think so. The pain starts at night while I am still awake and becomes worse when I lay down.
Avatar m tn After following rules of no gum chewing and chewy things such as steak etc. And an idiot me I had forgotten to ask him if it was due to the extraction of the wisdom teeth. And now before I came across this I did some research about it and I have found alot of things of people having the same problems with the dislocating jaw. But my absolute main question is this due to the extraction of the wisdom teeth?? Like from opening my mouth a little too wide that they done damage???
Avatar n tn GUM, or VITAMINS. (so it will think youre chewing gum, etc.) in my case vitamin e. OR a nervous habit.
Avatar n tn I have frequent jaw pain, jaw numness and jaw that crack when I chew on something at some point. I saw a dentist lately and he told me that everithing is normal with my teeth an jaw on the x-ray. I also have pain in my ears due to that! My best guess whould be that it is a Chiari symptome.
Avatar n tn it sometimes can be helped by wearing a device that helps with the nightime grinding or clenching. chewing gum and hard foods will make it worse. your dentist needs to evaluate by an exam and probably a panoramic xray to look at the joint themselves. sometimes a poor bite is the cause which braces can help. i hope this answers your question a bit more.
Avatar m tn Migraines and TMJ (arthritis in your jaw due to grinding your teeth, excess gum, ice or hard candy chewing) are two separate issues. However, if you have TMJ and it is acting up for you that can make your migraines seem worse. The website you gave did not load for me but, all you need to do is get a mouth guard from Wal-Mart or any pharmacy. Wear it when you sleep. And cut back on gum, ice and hard candy.
Avatar f tn I got this headache on the right side of my head and it was a really bad sharp pain and I was chewing gum and the whole side of my jaw are face hurt really bad and got really tense pain effected my whole half side of my head and I got a nose bleed what could cause this??
Avatar f tn I was in a lot of pain for over a week with migraines and jaw aches... then yesterday I was chewing gum and I felt something crunchy... IT WAS MY FILLING!!! I couldn't believe it! My dentist will replace it right? I just don't want to go through getting Novocaine again...Anyone else have this happen?
Avatar f tn Some times it can come from chewing a lot of touch stuff .Steaks, gum raw carrots.The numbness is just the nerves reacting Just like u said spasm it can truly be painful and frighting. I have had friends with this and they do get flare ups, So some advice stop all hard chewing 3 days will make a big difference just eat soft foods for a few days, warm hot towel around your neck and make sure u have a low flat pillow all this leads to a better relaxation of those muscles.
Avatar n tn Gum, chewing gum once the flight is about to take off helps with the ears. I also try to take a cozy travel pillow and small throw along with me along with taking slow relaxing breaths. If you have an ipod and/or headphones with music or a book to listen to it helps to drown out the noises of the planes and other passengers.
Avatar n tn My jaw started popping periodically, especially when chewing gum, about a year or so ago. There was never any pain, just annoying. I also started having headaches pretty bad. Then, I started to notice that I would get "flare ups" where it would pop alot and ache in my face and jaw. Several months ago I started having these headaches while I would sleep. I would go to bed and after sleeping about 5 hours, I would wake up with a horrific headache ALL OVER my head.
Avatar f tn After being told, chewing gum and compresses helped alot. Wished someone had told me sooner! It was a pizza and liquid diet for longer than I wanted! LOL Good luck. Chew sugarless and try some rice placed in a thin sock that you can heat in the microwave about 1 minute. It really holds the heat.
Avatar f tn i have braces and my bottom teeth right in the centre i push my nail into my gums constantly and move it left and right to the point the piece of gum is swollen and i think detaching from my teeth and really moveable?! i know its not good but i do it about once a night and cannot stop! i also tense my jaw and crack it left and right , and all these things i sometimes do within the same time frame!
Avatar f tn I have been having headaches and i think it is cause by my jaw pain and ear pain but i dont know what to do i have also taken tylenol and it gets rid of the pain for 20 min. before i have to take more what should i do now?
Avatar f tn The area where the tooth was pulled and post implanted feels okay except for some minor aching from time to time and slight numb feeling where the gum tissue was cut. I am not chewing on that side at all and had not been for several months before the surgery due to discomfort at that site. My problem is that there is pain, not throbbing or acute, on the side of the jaw when I open my mouth up wide.
Avatar n tn Hi, A couple of days ago my jaw has suddenly started to click when I open my mouth wide and move my jaw from side to side. The clicking is also accompanied by a dull ache in the same area. I am very worried that my jaw may suddenly lock or dislocate, is this possible? Should I go and see my dentist about this sudden clicking?